Mar 8, 2013

Jessie: Worst Disney Channel show... Seriously!

It's been a while since I've dealt with Disney Channel shows... Suite Life and Hannah  Montana ended, so aside the occasional Phineas and Ferb episode, I've avoided that network like the plague. I started rewatching due to a Herbert joke on Family Guy. Yes, I've seen some of the current shows... Dog with a Blog is bad... Shake it up is even worse now that they don't have the Dance Studio... So now the plots end up about CeCe and Rocky's lives (and Tyra Banks as the Librarian... Carlton showed up on an episode... Yeah, That Carlton...) but of all the shows they have THE WORST of them all is:

The show is basically taking The Nanny and butchering it the same way Hannah Montana butchered Jem!

So, Jessie is Pretty Much the same character as Bailey Pickett from Suite Life on Deck... both played by Debby Ryan... Who is trying her luck in New York. She happened to land at the right place at the right time... She may not have style, or flair, but SHE WAS there... That's why she became the Nanny!

So, here's the Sheffields... I mean the Ross Family:
Morgan Ross and Christina Ross are the parents... who have appeared in 4-5 out of 38 Episodes...
That's the first red flag I have with this show. Sure the excuse is that he's a suepr famous movie Director... (Mr. Sheffield was a Theatre Producer) His wife, Christina is a supermodel. They have 4 kids (3 Adopted... shades of Brangelina) Hence their need for a live-in nanny... I'm surprised that they let them adopt kids since they rarely spend any time with them. Seriously. Jessie and Bertram (the Butler) spend more time with the kids THAN THEIR PARENTS...

The children:
Emma: the Biological child. The ditzy, fashionista, bubbly tween...
Luke: The prankster/horny tween. He's always chasing skirts, especially Jessie, who obviously doesn't reciprocate the feelings due to age difference among other things.
Ravi: The Hadji. Seriously, he's there just to play all the "Oh, he's an Indian" due to the culture shock of being recently adopted. All the Indian stereotypes rolled into one kid... He even has a Monitor Lizard as a pet... Cause "He's from India!"
Zuri: The obnoxious, sassy brat (who screams all her lines) and pretty much can get away with anything because she's the youngest.

So, we have a bunch of "terrible Children" Ravi, would be the exception, but sadly he's there just to be a racial stereotype. Jessi's "military child" background comes almost as often as Fran's Jewish heritage... there seems to be a bunch of comparisons to the Nanny, isn't it? Mostly because the show's creator, Pamela Eells, worked on the Nanny and Charles in Charge... so, can you see what I see?

Basically a bad the Nanny clone. Made specifically to promote Debby Ryan. Nothing wrong with promoting Debby... It's just that this show is far worse than I thought.
The plot is a bad copy of the Nanny... The writing for the show is awful, relying on stereotypes  and in Ravi's case, mocking minorities. Doesn't help much that some elements seem far too familiar, due to the show being a Nanny rip-off. But the worst thing in the entire show is that I can't suspend my disbelief long enough to accept the notion that these Irresponsible parents are allowed to adopt, when the process can be a horrible uphill battle for normal people who want to be parents.

I mean, they barely see their kids and hired the first person that the youngest kid saw on the street.

Maybe it's cause she's a Teenage girl who landed on their doorstep that bugs me a little bit. No real background check and she's left in charge with kids that she doesn't even spend that much time with all of them... Honestly, she spends more time with Zuri than any of the other 3 and even then, she still manages to misplace Zuri...

The concept is good, it's the execution what I find lacking... Shame... Also, I wish they had the parents more often instead of being pretty much special guest stars.

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