Jul 14, 2013

a Paula Deen Comic... Really?

He y'all! As you already know there's been a massive poopstorm with the whole Paula Deen issue. I'm not going to go on with details about it because any position taken may be considered offensive. If I denounce her then I'm with the PC Police... or love demonizing an old lady. If I denounce the way she's being demonized then I'm racist. So, like I did with the Amanda Bynes fiasco, I'm pulling a Pontius Pilate...

But that's not the thing... The thing is that there's a company that's going to make a Paula Deen Comic... Now WHO in the Heck would make a Paula Deen comic... Bluewater...
The same people who made a Honey Boo Boo comic... Seriously, these guys would make a comic out of ANYTHING...
I mean they did Honey Boo Boo, Nicki Minaj... wait let me search their site...
Aw Hell no! They made one of Gropey Mc Douchey Pants... better known to the world as The Monkey abandoning, ego-centric maniac, Speed Demon, überdouche, Justin Bieber!

Luckily Miley Cyrus avoided the Bluewater treatment... Can't say the same thing about Selena Gomez...
I still don't get who the target audience for this Paula Deen comic is...
Justin Bieber, Nicki Minaj, Selena Gomez fans are NOT the Target audience for this comic... and I'm pretty sure that the age demographic that the Bieber, Minaj and Gomez comics are intended to are NOT buying comics... Regular comic book customers are less likely to bother with these comics because, they're not the target audience for them...

These are some weird novelty items. I think there are better novelty items than A Paula Deen Comic Book:

Or if we're keeping them Paula Deen themed, how about a Bobblehead with a talking base... (without any racist comments... just the usual "Butter" quotes and maybe a "hey y'all")

Or an Action Figure 3 pack based on this:

Again, this is just pointing out other things that people could do to exploit the whole Paula Deen Situation... Seriously, it's like there's some asshat out there trying to make a quick buck out of every issue... Then again I'm surprised they haven't made a comic about a certain radical feminist who is fighting the evil of The La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo! I mean THE PATRIARCHY!!
Again nothing against women getting equal treatment. I'm just against people taking thousands of dollars just to reread Wikipedia articles, cherry-picking videos to show her point while omitting the parts that prove her wrong. Or that's just the Patriarchy who censors her and edits her videos once they reach the internets... Curse the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo!! Seriously though, a comic about said feminist who I shall not mention by name seems to be far more interesting than a Paula Deen Comic...

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