Jan 19, 2018

F-You David S. Goyer!!! And team She-Ra is trying so hard to make me hate them.

And There's a few pics of David S. Goyer looking at MOTU Concept art... It's scary...
Masters of the Universe Teela Battle Suit...

That's so wrong, I can't even begin to describe the wrongness of that.

OK, this but more "He-Manny"...
Is it too freaking hard to make a LOTR-esque world, but with a few laser guns added?

You all know that I'm very, VERY worried about the new She-Ra. The creative team behind the show has been hell-bent on making me hate the project... This juicy tidbit, while old, it went under the radar. Saw it on Facebook and now I'm angry... And I'm talking angry enough to commit suicide by slingshooting myself into poorly constructed structures in order to kill the pigs involved in this BS.
Secret is finally out! So excited to spread the news of this amazing new She-Ra reboot of female empowerment... Blah blah blah.
Reboot of female empowerment... Those words worry me. The fact that they are Mentioning female empowerment over the show being a fantasy Adventure kinda puts off some GB2016 vibes and that's not a good thing. The great rebellion is a group of great freedom fighters who happen to be women. This message makes me think that gender politics will be played and there might be some patronizing misandry hidden in the show...

I expected third wave BS being on the show... One thing that bugs me out even more is this:
The reboot is super different from the original haha so I hope people still like it :P

That is super scary. If they went super different, then it might not be She-Ra...
Last time her brother went "super different" ended up wearing skinny jeans and sporting a ponytail. Also, what's so funny about straying from the source material? I wish I could stay positive but crap over crap begets more crap.


  1. my predictions: bisexual she-ra will lead the Great Resistance, hordak will say he wants to "make etheria great again." bow is suddenly gay, netossa & spinnerella are suddenly lesbians, the males will all be incompetent except for sea hawk, the bad boy pirate.

    1. That's almost what I expect... With the Horde being a stand-in for"the patriarchy". I don't mind a feminist message so much... My Little Pony: FIM, and the Original Powerpuff Girls have a feminist message, but the shows are entertaining without beating you over the head with propaganda.
      I don't expect that from Nu-She-Ra.
