May 12, 2018

Grimace's jewelry obsession: An Infinity War rant

I got to see Avengers: Infinity War and it was awesome. This movie was everything that Justice League should have been. While thw roater is enormous, very lityle of the mpvie is wasted on backstories for characters. Except maybe Thanos who needed some backstory (and no reference to his love of Death)

If you are aware of the comics, you know what to expect from the plot.

The plan paid off. All the build-up with the Infinity Gems being set up led up to this "Final Showdown". We already know there's  a follow-up to the movie, so I won't play coy with the sequel being set up.

So, that's all I can say without spoilers. I will leave a yuuuge gap right after the page break to spare you the spoilers if you haven't seen it.

If for some reason the page break didn't work, the spoilers are way down there...⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇

Keep going....

If I say the words Pen dick Cucumber patch, you'll think of Doctor Strange... or Sherlock... who shared screen time with another Sherlock Holmes...


James Cameron is a salty bitch whining about Superheroes, but he has like 3 to 5 Pocathontas movies to do and Terminator six: we'll undo five's retcon of two, but we will retcon from three and beyond and even though Arnold's old as hell, he's still the T-800 and we were lucky to have dodhed the OJ bullet.

Spoilers are coming... *insert Game of Thrones theme*

⬆⬆⬇⬇⬅➡⬅➡BA Start

We're no strangers to love, you know thw rules and so do I...

I guess this is a nice place to start the spoilerrific review.

So, the movie tries to create shock value early on by making Hulk look weak next to Thanos... and killing Loki.

Early on in the movie, Doctor Strange may have played his Ace in the Hole. Possible confirmation when he used the Time Gem to see possible futures.

Red Skull has a cameo and is no longer Hugo Weaving.

Howard the Duck is MIA...

No explanation for the Yelena Belova look on ScarJo.

Hawkeye and Ant-Man being out of action was a cheap cop out.

I can't believe I'm going to say this but the Iron Spider suit was cool.

Thanos snapping his fingers and wiping half the universe is irrelevant. Doctor Strange may have made sure of that Plus sequel to right things over.

I cried when Parker died.

For the common folk, the stakes were super huge. For the ones with knowledge of the Marvel Universe, they saw like 34 ways to undo Thanos's finger snap. So, the stakes don't feel that high.

I'm surprised to see people that to my knowledge are HARDCORE DC fans and are praising Infinity War.  The thing is: They mocked past movies with the tired Kiddievengers moniker, or commenting on the jokes, etc. Now that they are seeing the big picture with nuch bigger stakes, and many heroes falling... NOW they understand that a good foundation can help in maling these big events feel bigger. (I wish that instead of trying to cash in on Avengers money, DC had laid a strong foundation for Justice League.)

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