May 26, 2018

SOLO: A red cup's story; The Rant. Spoilers

No, that kid is not my Han Solo... but he is not the worst part of the movie...

Incredibly, no... she is NOT the worst part of the movie...
Third wave Feminist propaganda spewing Robot? Close but no cigar.
Donald Glover as Robosexual Lando?
The forced Cameo? Which one Darth...oops! or Last Jedi Gambling small creature played by Mark Hamill?
None of those, though TLJ creature triggered a bunch of people.
Paul Bettany being wasted as a talent here... that's the movie's biggest sin, but not the worst, because I lied. The answer is one of the options above, except Paul Bettany. He deserves mad props.

So, Solo... what were my thoughts on it?
It was good... not great, but good.
I'm not a fan of the kid as Han. Doesn't feel Han Solo-ish enougb.
My biggest issue with the movie is that it's playing it TOO SAFE. I'd almost say it felt like a pilot episode for a TV show than a movie. If I were to use Candy to describe the movie, it would be a Three Musketeers bar. Mostly fluff with a bit of chocolate. Compared to Rogue One which would be a Milky Way bar, and the Normal Star Wars movies being a Snickers.

 But then again, I'm more interested in an Obi-Wan movie or one between 6 and 7 with Sebastian Stan as Luke.

Go watch it, it's enjoyable, but don't expect it to be groundbreaking.

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