Feb 5, 2021

Zack Snyder denies the Toxicity of his cult

 He recently attacked detractors and claimed that his cult isn't toxic because they donated money to suicide awareness.

Let's start by pointing out something very obvious to people with normal functioning brains, aka people who aren't Zack Snyder:

One good deed does not cancel one evil deed. And there has been plenty of toxicity by Snyder cultists that "didn't happen" if we are to believe Snyder.

That is a small example of the kind of harassment that Zack's "non-toxic" fandom did not do

That last one is Zack Snyder himself dog whistling his cult. 

Come on, man! Your statement about the cult is bullshit and you know it! Yes, your cult did a good thing and is commendable, but it doesn't excuse the terrible behavior by some of them. Calling out the bad actors doesn't tarnish the good deed that good actors did.
It's kinda funny that the guy who was almost crucified for posting a vote for Joe Biden video (Zack Snyder), has the most Trumpian behavior: claim any criticism is "fake news", condone bad behavior from people "on his side" while denouncing those "against him", generate rallies to boost his ego, supports ridiculous conspiracy theories... it's scary how much he is like the thing "he hates".

The rotten apples exist in EVERY fandom. Calling out their BS and toxic behavior would have been a wonderful thing for Snyder to do. Hell, that would've been a much better tribute to his daughter than Night Owl having sex. By denying the existence of bad apples in his movement, he's condoning AND endorsing such behavior. Not cool, Zack! Now I wait for the excuses coming March 19, 2021!!

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