Dec 10, 2021

Advent Calendar 10: Katara can bend water...

 ow do you even BEND a liquid? But Katara... Fine... I'll let her explain:
Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked... 

No! I didn't ask for the intro narration! All I wanted was something along the lines of:
*high pitched fake girl voice* Hello, I'm Katara, I'm a waterbender! That means I can manipulate the flow of water! Ice and snow can be bent too, since they're water. My brother and I discovered the Avatar inside an iceberg and we set him free. We helped him attain mastery of the 4 elements in order to stop the Fire Nation from Destroying the world. *normal voice* That's all I wanted. But let's get started.
Katara: As a waterbender I can do this...
Nefty: A Blue Ball... I can get plenty of those... wait, maybe you could help me with that...
Katara: I'm 14!!
Nefty: NOT LIKE THAT!! I mean with blood bending!!
Katara: Oh... and ew!!

Crap on a stick! The first dud and it had to be Katara. Her left ankle doesn't work and I won't force it, because she feels fragile as heck. Her long skirt hinders her articulation on the legs.
And like Zuko, her articulation above the waist is absolute crap.
Nefty: Really, you thought that I would be attracted to a 14 year old!? 
Katara: Last guy I dated was a Romeo and Juliet Law card carrier...
Nefty: And you didn't find it weird that he had such a thing!?
Katara: Looking back it IS a bit weird...
Nefty: I know, right? Now can Now can you olease use your blood bending to make me flaccid? Words that you'll never hear any guy say...
Katara: But you just said them...
Nefty: I meant a guy ATTRACTED TO YOU...
Katara: What!? You think I'm ugly!
Nefty: I did not say that...
Katara: It's cause I'm white!!
Nefty: No, but... why are you white?
Katara: I DON'T KNOW!!
Nefty: Curse you M. Night Shyamalan!!!
Katara: But seriously, you don't think I'm pretty.
Nefty: Let's make a deal... I will answer your question... but only on the next February 29th...
Katara: Deal!

Paint and sculpt 
Katara is looking a bit too pale...  she's supposed to have a brownish skin, but she looks like a slightly tanned Caucasian girl... having M. Night Shyamalamadingdong flashbacks. Other than she being a bit too white, I have no real issues here.
Aang: I think you're pretty...
Katara, of course you do, you're my simp...
Zuko: I would like to have the honor of hearing you moan my name...
Aang: I don't get it...
Toph: Zuko wants to clap cheeks with Katara...
Aang: I still don't get it...

Waterbendong hand and stand. Again this is staying favorite version, so let's stop is expected. Still I feel like they could have added at least one more thing to make this better.

Katara gets a 2.83 as her final score. Having her be the wrong skin color and having the issues with articulation and accessories is what made her score so low.

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