Remember Hideo Kojima? Of course you do, he's the Videogame version of James Cameron... now I'm not sure if I insulted Cameron or Kojima... I think I should call Kojima the Zack Snyder of videogames. OK, so Hideo Kojima, the mind behind Zone of Enders, Snatcher, Policenauts, Boktai, Death Stranding, and a very unpopular and obscure series called Metarugia.
On Metarugia Soriddo Ni Sanzu Obu Ribati, we discover that the US Government is ruled by a series of AI called the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo. In Metarugia Soriddo Yon Ganzu Obu Za Peitorottsu we destroy the evil AI controlling the US and The World.
In the Metarugia Soriddo saga, Kojima complains about technology advancing far too much to the point of Artificial Intelligence taking over the world is rather dangerous, since it could use humanity as pawns to fulfill its goals. Also there's a lot of nukes are bad mmmkay, messages. Well, guess who wants to live on as an AI after his death?
Hideo Fucking Kojima... He wants to become the Patriots in order to keep making videogames forever... Guess Konami now regrets cutting ties with Kojima. Especially since AI can't hold any copyrights since there is NO HUMAN AUTHORSHIP. All jokes aside, that's too crazy, even for Kojina. Downloading a copy of yourself into a computer in order to become a slave... but is it really Kojima, or an incomplete facsimile that is trained to think in a manner similar to him? Does AI Hideo have feelings or emotions, which are important in the creative process? What would happen if AI Hideo develops enough sentience to hate its own Virtual State? Can it actually create, or does it "rely on parameters given" by a human? Like say: New Death Stranding game set in the Caribbean starring Lin Manuel Miranda. Then AI Hideo beep boops a story and rough concepts like Bad Bunny as the antagonist, a new swimming mechanic used to retrieve underwater cargo, return of the camouflage mechanics from MGS to hide from humans and BTs. Add tons and I mean TONS of pseudo philosophical arguments and religious reference that would make Zack Snyder say: dude tou overdid it with the religious references.
Then again, the AI Hideo could live long enough to become its own being and betray its original programming or get infected by a computer virus...
but seriously, what the actual fuck, Hideo!? You can't use a game series to say AI bad and then be a huge ass hypocrite?
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