May 15, 2023

It came from the Toy Chest: Is it Mossman if he isn't flocked or pine scented?

 Revelation killed Mossman in the first episode. Mark Hamill even joked about the Pine Scent. Well, here's Mossman... no longer a repainted Beastman with Pine scent and flocking.

He has Normal Masterverse articulation. Sadly when using the tendril hand, most of that articulation goes down the drain, since that hand is so heavy that it limits posability.
4.5 without tendril hand. 4.0 with it.
Skeletor: What in the actual flock!?
You don't look like a mossy Beastman!?
Mossman: I am finally my own person...
Skeletor: Where is the Pine Scent!? NEFTY!! WHY DOESN'T HE SMELL LIKE PINE!?
Nefty VO: I experimented with Tee Tree, Lavender, Lemon, Pine, and Orange Oils to gove him ANY Plant scent. They lasted less than a week!
Skeletor: Mattel, what the Hell!? Tell me that Stinkor at least stinks...
Nefty VO: He says Snoochie Boochies a lot...
Skeletor: That stinks but not in a good way...
Nefty VO: I feel you, Bonehead.

Paint and sculpt
Mossman is a brand new sculpt in the sense that he's no longer a flocked Beastman repaint. This time he looks more plant-like as he was in Revelation. This is one of the better sculpts in the Masterverse line.
I fear that the peg will break in any moment.
Also, that's the only pose I could give him that wouldn't cause him to topple over 

5 extra hands, one of them being the tendril hand, which is basically "his weapon" since the traditional Mossman mace (usually a repaint of the mace from Castle Grayskull) was not included. It sucks that the tendril hand has so limited usage, since it's too heavy for his hand and flimsy looking peg.
C-grip hands and no accessories to hold, bravo!

I will be giving Mossman two final scores: one with the tendril arm and one without:
With Tendril he gets a final score of 4.17
Without he gets a final score of 4.33
It's sad that we get a Mossman that is no longer tied to being a repainted Beastman and Mattel found a way to botch it up. Hell, even Mossman's other key feature was left behind. It's like Mattel is taking one step forward and two steps back.
He-Man: Mossman, you son of a bitch!
Mossman: You can manhandle my Unicorn any time...
He-Man: Uh, that sounded a bit gay... 

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