Sep 19, 2024

Videogame series that I'd love to see return

 We have videogame series that are perennial like Mario, Zelda, Sonic, HALO, but othwrs have faded to obscurity... These are the ones I want to talk about.

Altered Beast:

There are various AB games and all have sucked minus the original game. Even the original game wasn't great... so, here's my idea: remaking thw original game and adding more levels to test the waters for a revival. This could be an AA game for SEGA.


You know why this is here:

We haven't had arcade racing games and bike racing games aren't that common. Also, Ryo Hazuki could be added as a hidden character. He could be riding a HANG-ON arcade cabinet. While sega's Outrun may be more popular. I prefer Hang-On.


The "American Zelda" often forgotten, since it was made in America. I believe it needs a remake and sequels. Just as Ocarina revitalized Zelda, I believe that Startropics should get a chance at being revived.

Mega Man X:

The last good Mega Man X game was X4. X5 and 6 were hot garbage, then the 3D games were worse than hit garbage. Calling them shit would be giving them a compliment. We need to return to the fast paced 2 D platforming action from the past.

Metal Gear:

Yes, you read right: we need more Metal Gear and I believe it can be done with Hideo. We should Start with, say Remaking the MSX games in 3D. Adapting the NES games into MGL: Metal Gear Liquid. Konami probably has plenty of plot documents they could use to make a WWII era Cobra Unit game, the Aforementioned Liquid Game, a Solidus game based on the Peace Walker/MGS5 Gameplay but woth swords, because Solidus. Maybe a post-Revengeance Raiden game.

Final Fight:

SF6 was a reminder that Final Fight exists, but the game was all over the place. The sooner we can forget Fonal Foght: Streetwise exists, the better.

Final Fantasy Tactics:

I've been replaying War of the Lions since I got it on my phone. I want more FFT period. 

That's it... I can't go into licensed game territory...  that would be a different rant for a dofferent day.

Sep 18, 2024

Masterverse is doing the we got MOTUC at home

 Another Masterverse Subline is coming and is a Classics Knockoff... which I thought New Eternia was supposed to be.

We have POP, NA, New Eeternia, 87 movie, Sun Man, Revelation, Revolution, now this? That's 8 sublines... there's nor rhyme or reason to this line. At least Classics was an anthology line encompassing MOTU's history under a vintage inspired style. Masterverse lacks that cohesiveness. 

The worst part is that Mattel is quarter assing things again. New Eternia weapons? Shouldn't he be getting new "vintage inspired weapons"?

Lazy as fuck! I mean, New Eternia Skeletor, Bone Throne Skeletor, Revelation Skeletor this is like the 4th or 5th Vanilla Skeletor we got on this line... since this is 40th Skeletor without die-cast weapons. 

Honestly, I see no motivation to go into this subline. 

Sep 17, 2024

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarotto: a rant

 I recently beat DBZ:K and here's the review...

Mid. We basically retread DBZ in a game that has no identity.
It wants to be an open world game but isn't.
It wants to be an RPG but only in grinding.
It wants to be a Fighting game but I've beaten most of the game with a broken controller. It has some horrobly implemented minigames that are pointless. Adds a shitton of useless mechanics.
Fetch quests for fetch quests... seriously, someone has a fetch quest fetish at Cyberconnect...

Did I mention the game is boring?

Good thing I got it on sale... 
The only good thing that came out of the game was the Japanese ad.

I mean , the game is not awful, But it's one of the worst Dragon Ball games i've played into twenty first century. The highlights of the game were the Pre Z DLC with the fight against Piccolo in the 23rd Tenkaochi Budokai, Future Truks's story, and Bardock's story. 

The game feels horribly rushed and half-baked. The game REALLY needed some... a ton of polish before beong released, yet here we are.

You'd have to be a super mega ultra instinct super saiyan God level of fan to appreciate this game. 

Sep 14, 2024

Mehvel Legends news

 Pulsecon 2024 had some Mehvel Legends reveals.

-"Neffy, it's Marvel Legends."

I know what I said. These are meh.

A Secret Wars wave based on the Mattel toys. Meh. Beyonder and Titania are the closest to must buy figures.

A Spider-Man TAS 2 pack was shown and Vulture is the villain. Unexpected, but OK.

We also get another Spider-Man on the outdated Sunfire/Cyclops body. 

Why!? We have a perfectly good body with the Retro Spider-Man body or the Renew your Vows Spider-Man body.
A Flash Thompson head, C-grips, and removed mask aren't enough for me to cave in. (Will I resist or will this show up in Advent Calendar 2025?)

Sep 13, 2024

Sadly, there won't be a Fall of Grayskull 2

 The project didn't meet its goal of $250,000 and was deemed unsuccessful by Kickstarter. It sucks. Now, I feel bad for Daniel Benedict and the other folks involved in the project. It's not a huge amount of money, movie wise. STREET FIGHTER ASSASSIN'S FIST cost 2.5 MILLION to make. Benedict was asking for a tenth of that. 

Alas, it was not meant to be. $250,000 is still a lot of money for most folks. The first short was barely 12K. Most of the fan film campaigns I've seen rarely request over 10K. There's Spider-Man: Lotus with its 100K budget, but Spider-Man is waaaaaaay higher in the Fandom totem pole than He-Man. The fact that FoGS 2 managed to collect over 85K is a success. Sure, it wasn't enough for the goal that Benedict had in mind, but here we are.

Perhaps he should consider a scaled back version with a smaller budget and aim for a short instead of a full feature length film and rely on green screen for the sake of a smaller budget. I know it betrays everything Benedict wanted to do, but unfortunately, he was unable to acquire the budget needed for a full feature movie with little to no green screen.

In any case best of luck to the folks involved and hopefully they can find a way to tell the story they want to tell.

Sep 12, 2024

Puerto Ricans raised in the 80s are going to love this

 When I was a young boy, my Mom and my then Stepfather knew a few Puerto Rican wrestlers. Mainly through his family. So, all the illusion of kayfabe was destroyed in the late 80s-early 90s. So, yeah I met a few wrestlers back in the day. I still regret not getting a photo with Chicky Starr and Carlos Colin. (His forehead is scarier in real life, especially to nine year old me) 

Well there's this film based on the Wrestling at that time. Part of me wants to see it, because I have mixed memories. Allow me to explain:

At that young age I had a love/hate relationship with wrestling. I watched it and enjoyed it, WHEN I WANTED TO WATCH WRESTLING. Problem is that my Stepdad's parents hogged the TV to watch local wrestling and I was forced many times to stop playing NES or watching TV so they could watch local wrestling. So, losing TV privileges every time they had to stay home (which was way too often)

Of course this is a docudrama that will be heavily stylized and romanticized and most likely will be based on the earlier 80s, which reduces the possibility of having a scene with the wrestlers hanging out with friends and family drinking, arm wrestling, and overflowing testosterone... 

Yeah, I'm just interested to see what extras could be playing my Mom and Stepdad.  The idea that a fictional version of my Mom could be immortalized on celluloid is making me cry tears of neither joy, nor sadness.

Sep 11, 2024

I have worse news regarding the MOTU Movie

 Apparently, SkeleBorat was just a rumor. Yay! Bit they're eyeing something worse. Alleged pedophile, cult leader, and Morbin'Time actor, Jared Leto is now the rumored Skeletor.

Don't get me wrong. I hated the idea of Borat as  Skeletor. But this is far worse..

At this rate put Jack Black in a Skeletor Onesie and have him say Myaah! I'm Skeletor! Fuck Mattel, fuck this movie and fuck Scott Neitlich for tradition's sake. Nah... For thr sake of fairness, I cannot blame Neitlich for this. He's just a disgruntled exemployee demoted to asshole with a vlog. Which in the grand scheme of things, it's s fall from grace and he ended up becoming a loser like me! Huh, now I'm feeling better.

Sep 10, 2024

Vintage Inspired TMNT variants I'd love to see as Ultimates: part 3

Where was I? Strippers and birthday parties... let me return to the right path with part 3.

As stated before, not all of these will be purely remakes of vintage because Playmates, but will try to stay in the same lane and make something similar, but not a carbon copy.

Movie Stars:
Here I won't copy straight up NECA or Playmates, but try to Playmates-ize the characters to make something similar to what Playmates would've done...

We start with the vanilla shell torso.
New movie styled Belts, new brown pads, new movie styled heads but with smooth texture because S7 cost cutting. They'd get their signature weapons

Normal head
Meditating head
TV with April on screen and alternate April image.

Normal head 
Head with ranch hat and piece of straw on mouth
Bag of pork rinds
Pizza box with pizza slices

Angry head
Screaming head
Soft goods cloak 

Special finger twirling nunchuck hand
Finger twirling nunchuck
Cold cut nunchuck
Ooze filled donuts with box

Here we can reuse the flocked body but new robe and heads.
Neutral head
Meditating head
Broken Ooze canister 
Bow and arrow
Head pizza
Ninja rap newspaper
Time scepter

Casey Jones:
Remember how in list 2 I premade parts for a "Movie Casey"? Well, combining the gloved arms of vanilla Casey with the "Mutatin" Casey on the latter's body with the stag party Casey slicked back hair head, we get a "movie casey" give him an alternate head with the mask, and Casey's bag of sports weapons and call it a day.

She would be based on the Ravishing April figure had she been made by Playmates with Normal April arms. I'm going to go put a step further.
New buttoned shirt top slip on plastic vest, reusing the April 1.0 arms, new soft goods skirt and finally heels. (We reuse the part 2 Hen Do April crotch and legs painted to look like pantyhose) then the torso is painted in Movie 1 April colors.
New Judith Hoag inspired head.

We start with a Movie Star Foot Soldier inspired body (no straps or shuriken) in movie 1 Shredder colors. New Shredder helmet and cape. New shoulder blades. The forearm and shin blades would be reused from vanilla Shredder. New belt would have a sheath for a Dagger on the back

Movie Star April II:
Essentially April in a navy blue Pantsuit and Blazer with red blouse. Here Super7 can cheat a bit:
Reusing Vanilla April's torso with new arms and a soft goods blazer and new legs with sculpted pantsuit. 
New Paige Turco inspired head from Secret of the Ooze and new Movie 3 head

Reusing the Movie Star Foot Soldier Body with new Tatsu heads and soft goods hakama and torso overlay. New belt holds the soft goods items.

Foot Soldier:
Reusing the Shredder/Tatsu body with new foot Soldier head new belt with bandolier to hold sword on back and shuriken on front 

Gnarly Brawlers: (Loosely inspired by Bash'em and Kung fu waves)
This would be kind if a "Street Fighterized" set, but not being based on the famous game series.
This wave might trigger some folks for the beaten up loser Alt. Heads.

Karate Leo:
Leonardo in a Blue Karate Gi with a a design of Rat doing a Kick on his back.
New expression Normal Leonardo 
Beat up Leonardo

Kendo stick
Car Wax pads
Japanese hand sanders
Bucket of paint and paintbrush.
Specialized hands:
Karate chop hands

Aikido Donatello:
Donatello sporting the same body as Leonardo but the outfit in purple and a soft goods grey Hakama. Main difference is in the forearms as Leonardo is wearing loose sleeves, Don has them rolled over.
New expressionNormal Donatello
Beat up Donatello

Jo staff

Muay Thai Raph:
Raphael sporting a Muay Thai outfit with white wraps on his hands, red shorts and armbands.

New Normal expression Raph
Beat up Raph

Removable Muay Thai headband
Pair of tonfa

Capoeira Mikey:
Here we get a ton of parts reuse:
Torso from slam Dunk Don upper legs from rapping Mike new lower legs for loose pant legs and Normal Mike feet. Rest of the body is just vanilla Mikey.

New Normal expression Mike
Beat up Mike

Nunchaku with real string Instead of chain
Boombox from Rappin Mike.
Specialized hands:
Flat palm with splayed fingers for handstands

Heavyweight Casey:
Note: Mirage Casey is about 195lbs. Which puts him as a Heavyweight.
Essentially Casey Jones Dressed down as a Boxer. Both hands need to be wrapped. His pants would be Grey with orange accents and green boxing boots.

White Boxing Helmet
Beat up with busted helmet

Sandbag with stand.
Boxing Pear that can swap with sandbag
Soft goods blue and orange robe
Specialized hands:
Boxing gloves

Bar Brawl Bebop:
Bebop wearing a mildly torn black leather Jacket, faded black jeans, black sneakers a red shirt with slashes reminiscent of the  tron glowing areas of 2012 Bebop. 

New More "Toon-like Bebop head (matches the original skintone and glasses)
Beat up Bebop head.

Broken cuestick
Broken Whisky Bottle
Wrapped towel with cueball inside
Specialized hands:
Brass Knuckles Fists

Alley Ambush Rocksteady:
Rocksteady wearing an open Military Jacket (woodland camo, his black tanktop, Faded Blue Jeans and Military boots.
New Head without helmet
Beat up Rocksteady

Bent up steel pipe
Dumpster with flame effect
Broken booze bottle
Specialized hands:
Hand with chain wrapped up as a makeshift knuckle duster.

Kunoichi Karai:
Basically Karai in a Fighting game inspired Sexy Ninja outfit.
I'm reusing the Ninja April Arms new fishnet protection from the neck down up to her chest, which is covered by a black leotard and a sleeveless Gi. (Think premaking Aska parts.) The crotchpiece should be inspired by Final Fight's Maki. Long enough to cover the crotch, but short enough to not impede articulation. (Can be made longer if soft goods are involved.)
Bare legs until the knees, where she gets a Shinguard with wraps and reuse the Karai feet.

New Karai Normal head, reusing the Ninja mask head
Beat up head and beat up masked head

War fans
Specialized hands:
Ninja 2 finger pose
Rumic pose (similar to the Webshooting hand from Spider-Man. Used as a surprised gesture)

Mall Tae Kwon Do Irma:
It's Irma in a Tae Kwon Do outfit. Light Blue top with purple and yellow accents, purple pants, yellow foot protectors.
No glasses angry head with Bandana
Beat up head no Bandana and no glasses

Escrima Sticks
Gymbag bazooka
Shopping bags of Doom

Rec Center Self-Defense April:
April already knows martial arts and she's just doing a story as an excuse to get a Tournament Fighters INSPIRED April figure.
Basically April in a Sports Bra, bike shorts, biker gloves and sneakers. 

New Ninja April Head without windswept hair
Beat up Head

Soft goods towel
Reusable water bottle
Breakable boards
Gym bag

Underground Pit Fighting Rat King:
Essentially a TF Inspired Rat King: Reusing most of the previous Rat King with new lower legs, feet, hands, heads:
The new lower legs are to add boots. In full Varner style one of them is broken. The new hands have rope tied around them (like Kickboxer) 

Heads: "realistic" Cartoon accurate head (or Pretty boy face with vintage hair)
Beaten up head

The rats from the canceled wave 10 version
Specialized hands:
Fists with shards of glass embedded on them

Rasslin' Gladiator Slash:
Picture Slash in Gladiator clothes. With removable helmet, spikeless hands, wearing a loincloth and removable gladiator arm armor.
Skulls instead of his spikes on the elbow and knee pads.

New Normal head with plug for spitting "poison mist"
Beat up head

"Poison mist" effect.
Steel chair
Breakaway table/shield
Kendo stick

Potpourri wave 1:
You know how we got random variants in some waves that weren't themed? I'm going for that now.

Masquerade April:
Essentially April in a Fancy Masquerade ballroom outfit:
Think something fancy with soft goods skirt in April colors.

April with Princess Mallory Hairstyle
Toon accurate April head

Masquerade mask on stick
Broken glass slipper

She doesn't have many accessories due to the fancy dress

Arnold Jones: Fixer Upper.
Picture Casey in Overalls, his croptop jacket (without Hockeypads) and a Welding mask. 

Unmasked Casey
Casey with a flip welding mask

Toolbox with various tools  
portable welding machine
Steel pipe shaped like a hockey stick
Soft goods welding apron

Genghis P.I.: 
In essence a Genghis repaint in the style of an 80s Detective from Hawaii. His skin should be a bit more "tanned" also a workaround for a Rasputin.

Normal Genghis
Open mouth without tongue
Disguised head (baseball cap, fake mustache and wig that make him look like a blond Selleck)

Chicken blaster with rubber chicken
Long neck soda bottles 
Specialized hands:
Archery hands

Bebop: Live!:
A subtle nod to Shredder's revenge with Bebop dressed as a talk show host. Button shirt about to burst with an ill-fitting tie. Blazer partially torn on the back, with his turtle shell epaulets. Pants about to burst and his sneakers.

Normal Bebop
Bebop with his Mohawk parted to look more Talkshow host-esque. 

Microphone whip
Clipboard shield
Camera drill inspired by the Playmates mutatin toy.

Potpourri wave 2:

Surf's up Rocksteady:
Rocksteady wearing an open Aloha yellow shirt with red Foot prints and Bermuda shorts with camo print. Sporting surf shoes and removable leis.


Specialized hands:
Hang ten hands
Dramatic hands

Removable leis
Soft goods towel
Hawaiian longboard
Fancy coconut drink

Bayou Terror Leatherhead:
An excuse to have a Toon Inspired Leatherhead.
Leatherhead body with new legs sporting thigh high waders in almost black dark blue.

Toon accurate head with vintage hat
Vintage accurate head

New belt items to replace the tobacco leaves, turtle, and lobster.
Bolt action rifle
Hunting knoife
Weighted net
Fake fur ghillie suit and ghillie cover for rifle. 
Multiple bear traps from w5 Leatherhead.

Foot Endoskeleton:
Again, this is one of my go-tos. Nod to the vintage games and we got some parts from Super7 already.
Full endo
Masked foot Soldier
Terminator style half foot soldier half endo face

Slip over mask neckpiece
Battle damage effect pieces
Small blaster

Hose'em Down Hot Spot:
Essentially a "More Deluxe" Hot Spot. 
We start with the basic Hotspot figure but with a few extras:
New expression no hat
Close to Vintage expression with no bone no hat

Broken Bone (Can be placed on vintage mouth to complete the look
Long hose (plugs to Hydrant and water effect)
Hydrant removable cap for hose or water effects
Water effects for hose and hydrant
Axe from Hose em down Don
Halligan Pryong Tool
Firefighter hat
Vinyl Firefighter coat
1993 Fireman Calendar with Hose'em Down Don on the cover

Potpourri wave 3:

Hail to the King Splinter:
Essentially Splinter in a Lou Jitsu Elvis Jumpsuit.
Without Lou Jitsu wig
With Lou Jitsu wig

Removable glasses
Acoustic Guitar
Microphone with stand (removable to act as a walking stick or a Freddie Mercury mic.)
PB, Banana and Bacon sandwich 
Carton of milk

Sparring Sensei Shredder:
This one is a subtle jab at Playmates and how their Shredders tend to have thick rounded much smaller blades than the 80s figure. 
This Shredder is wearing Full Protective gear.
New smaller Spikes, being very foam looking and rounded, Torso padding, shin and forearm padding. New Bare feet.

New Sparring helmet head
Normal Shredder head with Helmet being Sparring  equipment red.

Rack weapons with thicker foam blades rounded at the end.
Shuriken have a protective circle and are now in essence frisbees.

Championship Halfcourt:
We start with the basic Halfcourt figure. He's missing the deflated ball stuck on his foot.
Instead of 34 he has a 93. His white shirt and jersey are a soft goods single piece, but underneath he has a sculpted Jersey.
Basket hoop on hos neck is not only removable, but in proper colors, and the netting is soft goods. 
Pants match Jersey.
Has white breakaway pants with velcro.
Head with tongue sticking out but not stuck to the head like the vintage toy
Head with no tongue sticking out. Similar to Vintage toy minus tongue.

Specialized hands.
Hands with championship rings

Reuse the Basket from Slam Dunk Don
Flamingo buddy
Deflated ball pseudo stand
Trophy grenade
New pump gun inspired but not Playmates accurate
Basketball from SD Don
Wasp nest ball
Cartoons bomb ball painted like basketball
The Aforementioned soft goods items.

Gakusei Leonardo: 
Leonardo sporting a Japanese School Uniform. 
 Determined head
Late for School woth pizza toast on mouth

Specialized hands:
Chopsticks hand
Pair of Bokken
School bag

Fuck your necrosight, Haley Joel Osment!

 You better watch your back, because there will be 4 ninjas who will want to avenge the death of Hamato Yoshi. Not only that but you took down a Defender of the Earth... You will have to face Flash Gordon, The Phantom, and Lothar as they avenge Mandrake...

Fuck your necrosight, Sora! You keep erasing my childhood heroes and villains. Fuck entropy! Fuck the circle of life! So take your little John Wilkes Booth eyes and shove them up your Ass, worst Universe's Casey Jones!

I think I covered most of Mr. Renaday's voice work, or at least his work that impacted me.
It was today that I FINALLY figured out that Richard Ames from MGS2 was Master Splinter... and Leonardo is Liquid Snake... and Raphael ended up becoming Grey Fox... 

Farewell, Master Yoshi. 

Now that child me and teen me have said their farewells and grieved, all that's left is for adult me to express his condolences to friends and family... 

Sep 9, 2024


 James Earl Jones Has been seen by Haley Joel Osment. To be fair, he was 93 years old, so this was to be expected.

He was an actor for both classic theater and cinema well-known by his voice...

I cannot Sing enough praises to mister Jones. Saying that he was a master at his craft is an understatement. 

As a frustrated actor, it pains me to say one of my inspirations to chase the dream of being on stage has passed. I literally spent a couple of minutes crying when I heard the news. 

My condolences to friends and family... there is only one way to Send off Mr. Jones:

Day-o! Daaaaaaaaaay-o

 Daylight come and me want to go home!  I saw Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. I have to admit that I like the first one better... Don't get me wrong, this one wasn't bad. It was good, but I prefer the first one.

Something Something too much Jenna Ortega, too little Winona. Part of me feels like the whole movie was made to promote Ortega rather than give us an actual Beetlejuice sequel. The other part is all: shut up, Beetlejuice sequel.

So, they killed off Jeffrey Jones for obvious reasons. It's his death what moves the story, where Lydia and her estranged daughter Astrid return to the old Deetz (formerly Maitland) house. They're accompanied by Lydia's manager and her stepmom Delia. Lydia's has flashes of Beetlejuice. Meanwhile Beetlejuice, still obsessed with Lydia, is being hunted by the ghost of his ex wife, Delores. There's a bunch of references to past Beetlejuice media...

Here's the thing: We need a third movie... not so much for plot, though there Is some possibility there, even if it means a more Jenna Ortega-centric movie. For the sake of logic and symmetry.

We have Beetlejuice,  we have Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. We need Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice to complete the summoning. Also if you put the 3 BluRays or DVDs together you get summoning and dismissing Beetlejuice, closing the circle.

Hasbro whoring out brands to Loyal Subjects

 M.A.S.K., My Pet Monster, and Jem are among the brands that TLS will be managing.

Supposedly, they will be making toys closer to the originals, meaning MASK would be tinier than GI Joe and with vehicles, while Jem would be dolls. 

Hopefully, this won't dash my hopes on the rumored Super7 Jem Ultimates!

Super Impulse is making He-Man and Skeletor Potato Head figures. Mattel wants to join the whoring out game, but the. Again, Super Impulse made the World's Smallest MOTU figures. I think I reviewed a few of them a while back.

Sep 8, 2024

Making Deluxes out of Super7 TMNT Ultimates

 With Super7 introducing the "Deluxe" versions of characters at a more affordable price point, I'll try to take the existing 11 waves and deluxe as many characters as possible.

Some characters will be hard to "make deluxe" due to the already few accessories they have... not saying any names but Muckman. I will not do "redecos" as they're redecos. I will redeco some character though but I'll enter in the details later.

Ultimates wave 1:
Foot Soldier

Deluxe Baxter:
This Baxter will be a redeco.
The hair would be more yellowish orange and lighter purple.
His sole accessory would be the swatter gun

Foot Soldier:
Slightly lighter purple than the normal Foot Soldier.

Lighter brown than wave 1 Splinter with painted pupils.
He'd be wearing the flocked Splinter cloth Kimono with Shredder's soft goods belt
Walking stick/cane sword
Essentially a Toon inspired Splinter

Note all Deluxe Turtles will have Raphael Skin tone. 
Signature sai
Push knife

Ultimates Wave 2:
Mutagen Man

Shredder with silver blades and black wraps. 
Soft goods Grey Tunic with belt
Soft goods cape

Essentially a Toon inspired Shredder.

Neon Purple glasses with black lenses repaint
Drill gun
Trashcan lid

Skintone same as Raph
Signature Katanas

The Raph Skintone is to make a Toon Inspired Leonardo.

Ultimates Wave 3:

Same as w3 but no light piping head
Nunchuck alternate hand

A Toon Redeco with yellow shirt desert tiger pants and lighter grey skin.
Sewer shield

Raph skintone
Signature nunchaku 
Grappling hook

Orange and Blue Playmates toy redeco.
Ninja April Camera

Wave 4:
Mondo Gecko  

Wave 10 Casey in Classic colors with the broken mask.head.
Golf bag
2 bats

Skintone same as Raph
Signature Bo Staff
Casey Full mask head
Casey Golf club

Since Casey has too many accessories while Donatello has only one, it made sense to give Casey's extras to Don. Dirty tactics, but Super7 could do that easily.

Wave 5:
Ray Fillet
Sewer samurai Leo 

Same as Wave 5 but use the Crazy looking head
Bubble walker arms and gun with hose

Ray Fillet:
Purple shirt and Red V toy redeco.
Fishstick, starfish, harpoon gun

No dangling accessories this time.
Only Shotgun and bear trap

Sewer samurai Leo:
Raph Skin Tone
Loses the shield

Wave 6:
Ace Duck
Sewer Surfin Mike

Lighter skin tone

Ace Duck:
Dark brown jacket and hat

Sewer Surfin Mike: 
Raph skintone
Ace Duck tail

Same old Scratch

Wave 7
Punker Don
Guerrilla Gorilla
Robotic Bebop
Metalhead Mikey:

Robotic Bebop:
Gold Redeco


Guerilla Gorilla:
Pants repainted in Rocksteady Camo colors
Machine gun
Dog tags

Punker Don:
Raph Skintone
Mike stand
Bo staff

Wave 8:
Robotic Rocksteady
Space Raph

Robotic Rocksteady
Gold redeco
Laser sword attachment
Chainsaw attachment

Space Raph:
Blaster with hose

Tongue weapon

Wave 9:
Slam Dunk Don

Screw loose

Gold replaced with Silver
Backpack with Blaster and hose

Backpack with hoses and sprayer weapon

Wave 10
Rocker Leo
Ninja April

Rocker Leo:
Raph Skintone
Guitar with strap

Ninja April:
White Gi, yellow straps, yellow bandana
Mic chucks

Purple TF Redeco

Wave 11:
Rat King
Rappin Mike 
Ronin Leo
Battle damaged Foot Soldier

Rat King:
Toon Redeco with one of the vintage heads
Rat whip

Ronin Leo:
Raph Skintone Strawhat head

Rappin Mike:
Raph skintone

Battle Damaged Foot Soldier:
Using the Partially torn mask look with the Endoskeleton right hand. 
Broken sword
Grabber (from Wave 1 Foot Soldier)

I used toon redecos as a way to entice people to Rebuy some characters. Truth be told, IF they made Deluxe Foot Soldiers and alternated between vanilla and Battle damaged version, it would be great for army building.

Sep 7, 2024

Super7 Deluxe figures: a rant

 Let me get this out of the way: It's not a bad idea to rerelease a cheaper alternative for characters at a lower price by cutting out extras.

Using Biggie Smalls as a comparison:
Ultimates has 6 extra hands, 2 hats, 2 heads, glass, and a cane that deluxe lacks.
That's 12 less accessories. That's not deluxe... That's bare minimum. Marvel Legends usually gives us: Signature Accessor(y)/(ies), a pair of alternate hands and in some cases a head.
This Bare Bones Biggie should be $27...

But Super7 has been skimping out on accessories for their Ultimates.

To the point that they hold accessories hostage and force you to buy entire waves directly from them... which I can't due to their Shipping to Puerto Rico shenanigans.

The sad part is that I'd probably buy these begrudgingly. Mostly because I missed out on these due to S7 Shenanigans. 

I wonder if Super7 will later on sell "$25 Upgrade packs" to make the deluxe figures more deluxe. (aka Ultimates minus packaging)

Oooh! I feel a new rant incoming!

It came from the Toy Chest: Goongala again!? Again!?


This time is Super7's Casey Jones, Ultimates. I had 2 Casey Figures. The first was used as Casey and the second was the TMNT version of Nefty-kun, aka Nick R. Cade. This Casey is More Mirage inspired and is most likely going to be my default Casey. Since this is an official repaint of the last Casey, there will be some similarities between this and the previous Casey review.

Casey has articulation similar to that of Shredder. The only difference is in the waist.
Shredder only has a waist twist, while Casey has an awkwardly implemented ball joint, that sadly is a bit unsightly. Also, some figures have this joint seemingly frozen. Mine was frozen for 2 days until some warmth helped it get unstuck as well. 
I need to mention that his shoes block some ankle articulation.
There's not thar huge difference between them.
Not sure if I'll paint his sculpted hair, since the sculpt is less noticeable on this one.

Paint and sculpt 
Before I discuss this, I must point out that the engineering for the waist articulation was done wrong. The crotch part was made for a vanilla waist twist, while the lower torso was made for a ball joint. Super7 had 2 years to correct this but chose not to.
Other than that, he's vintage Casey in a more realistic set of proportions.

Painting, this Casey differs from Wave 4. This Casey is painted in Mirage styled Colors and this translates to even less shading than the vintage toy.

Here is where Super7 screwed the pooch. Not only Casey is MORE EXPENSIVE, but he comes with less stuff. No, I'm not talking about the vintage styled weapons rack. He comes with.
 2 less hands than the previous Casey. The c-grips with vertical hinge are gone and I can't use Toy Casey's as the skintones don't match.
Fuck it! 3.5

I don't care that the golf bag looks better in the new color or that the new colors for the weapons are cool.  The hands were pre-existing parts. Not cool, Super7, not cool at all
April: What the Actual fuck!? Casey!!
Karai: It's not what it looks like.
Casey: I just woke up next to Karai here.
April: Bullshit! I can smell the sex!
Casey: I was black out drunk!
Karai: He was. He had a wet dream, just as I did. In fact, this reminds me when I met an Incubus...
April: I know a guy that fits the description and I'm going to fucking kill him right now!
Casey: Do I know the guy?
Nefty VO: Don't look at me... 

Overall :
Casey gets a flat 4.0 as his final score. It pisses me off!! Since super 7 didn't do any tweaks. Or fixes to the figure, it carries the same defects as the previous version... Then we have less paint applications and less accessories, but it's a more expensive figure. The broken mask head is not that bad, but they should have given us a third head without any mask.

Sep 6, 2024

Minecraft movie trailer.

 I normally am meh about Minecraft. Don't care much for it, but have seen some cool builds.

Then we have the movie...

It looks like a retarded Jumanji clone... not the good one, but the ones with The Rock, Kevin Hart and... Jack Black... son of a bitch! Also the movie is directed by the director of Nacho Libre... I didn't want to see this movie before... Now, I want to see it even LESS than before. The only reason I saw the other Jumanji was Amy Pond playing a Lara Croft type character.  

Shit this has Momoa in it... So not watching this until it's dubbed in Spanish and shown on local TV. That's how bad this looks. I'd rather watch Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li while being tied to a chair and tazed every 3.33 seconds.

Sep 4, 2024

MOTU movie has Evil Lyn

 First we got Skeleborat, then Riverdale Teela, now Alison Brie from Community and a single episode of Hannah Montana is Evil Lyn.

While we're seeing more progress for the movie THIS time, my hopes are still low. The hinted plot about Adam stranded on Earth is something I detest. If it ever makes it out I'll try to see it at the theaters, But i'm not expecting a good movie Right now my expectations Are at dragon ball evolution levels. I'm hoping they reach Jem and the holograms level of expectation.

Will it outdo the 1987 movie? Right now I don't think it'll outdo MK Annihilation.

Vintage Inspired TMNT variants I'd love to see as Ultimates: part 2

 Boredom struck again. So let's do a part two over Vintage inspired variants: Again, these aren't necessarily things that I WANT WANT WANT, but to see if I can squeeze some creative juices.

No, I'm not asking for Mutating figures. I'm asking for "opposite" versions of SOME Characters.

Hamato Yoshi:
Soft goods Kimono, belt and Hakama
Body can be reused on Oroku Saki.
Splinter accessories
Art History book

Oroku Saki:
Soft goods Kimono, belt and Hakama
Sewer samurai Leo Ninjato and Kunai
Empty Shredder helmet without mouth guard
Soft goods sleeveless tunic.

Dr. Stockman: 
Body that can have parts reusable with Vernon.
Soft goods vest, sweater and labcoat
Add a mouser, the wave 6 remote alternate head (with neck) and hands to make the Other Baxter if this is sold as Mirage Baxter, add the parts for toon Baxter or vice-versa.

Taking a page from NECA's book, Roclsteady could share parts with Burne, mainly the lower arms. Visually he should look close to the cartoon version of Rocksteady but in vintage colors: Black shirt, olive green vest, forest camo pants.
For accessories 
Submachine gun

He should be a hybrid of the toon look with Playmates elements. Ie, toon closed vest with popped up neck, but shirt is now a long sleeved pink turtleneck and for shies, reuse Casey's.
For accessories:
Cordless drill
Alternate skintone hands and head (AA and Caucasian)

Casey Jones:
Basically an Unmasked Casey wearing a slightly different outfit. Short sleeved t-shirt and a removable vest. (Think Movie inspired but in different colors) for hands mirrored image of current Casey. (RIGHT gloved, LEFT wrapped. That way we have most of a "movie Star Casey" ready.) For heads, I think 3: Normal mask, maskless, broken mask creating a pseudo domino mask. Reuse the rest of Casey's stuff.

Wildcat April:
Basically making a more Varnerized Feline April new furry torso and arms, new crotch with tail Peg, new feet with torn boots for her hind paws.

Vernon the Wererat:
New torso with tattered shirt, new forearms and new legs with tattered pants like Fly Baxter, but with exposed rat parts. New crotch with rat tail poking out.

Irma the Wererat:
I've suggested soft goods clothing for Normal Irma. Here is no exception. The difference is that Normal Irma's soft goods items are for swapping looks. Here is for potential future parts reuse. A tattered light blue blouse and purple skirt would complete the look.

Sumo Turtles:
They should be big like the Playmates figures, but not exactly like the Playmates figures.
This time we get all 4 with New belts. Removable color coded mawashi. Soft goods Kimono that cam be worn normally or like E. Honda. 
3 heads: Playmates Inspired, with Traditional Sumo hairstyle wig, "Normal looking" heads.

For hands:
C-grips, Dramatic, Fists, salt throwing right hand and pointing left hand.

For accessories: Chankonabe pizza bowl, sandals, the Aforementioned soft goods robe, removable mawashi, and their signature weapon(s)

Adventurer series:
Playmates  made 3 Turtles with semi questionable accessories... I can kinda get behind this wave but I need a small tweak or two. Like eliminating the Water guns.

Deep Sea Leonardo:
Loosely inspired by the Playmates figure. The Grey on the Divesuit should be slightly greener, because Turtle. The Silver elements should be brass colored including the diving helmet. (Helmet should have a hole on top where we can pass a coated wire to act as a air hose for display purposes.) Maybe mirror flip the ctap stuck unto him and add color.
Heads: Vintage inspired, Dive helmet 
Dual hookswords that connect into an anchor

Antarctic Donatello:
Similar to his Playmates Counterpart.
First we tweak colors:
Coat should be bluish purple and the glasses should have metallic colored lenses. Boots and gloves should be a bluish white with the fur trim being yellowish white.

Similar to Playmates, one with glasses and no hood (pulled back hood neck overlay should be used with this head)

Escrima sticks pickaxes that combine into a dual pickaxe bo.
Penguin that can attach to flamethrower tank
Flamethrower based on the vintage toy with gas tank backpack (reference to the thing)
Purple snowshoes

Saharan Raphael:
Raphael wearing a Lawrence of Arabia styled outfit. Sculpted British Army outfit with soft goods turban and robes.
For accessories
Serpent buddy

Deep Jungle Michelangelo:
Here we start with the safari Mike. We color the details on his removable Crocodile Dundee hat. We darken the brown on his vest and boots. His ascot would be orange (bandana and pad orange) should be a separate piece.

With ascot tied around face (Think western bandit)

Dundee Knoife
SPAS12-styled Shotgun
Sloth buddy

Explorer April:
This April Is HEAVILY INSPIRED by Lara Croft.
Sporting a Grey bodysuit and sand colored pants with brown boots. She sports a removable belt/holster with a channel 6 Buckle.

Hair tied to a back bun (like TR1 Lara)
Normal April Head

Dual pistols
Capuchin monkey buddy with a leaf mask and a stick. (Nod to Casey)

Concrete Jungle Shredder:
Shredder in a Grey "futuristic" military outfit with urban camo pattern. The blades are much smaller. Think Playmates Mutatin Shredder. The shoulder pads have no blades but small "vents" that resemble grater blades. The arm blades have "retractable" blades. His helmet looks like the front of Resolute Snake Eyes with a Shredderized Magneto helmet.
Shredder helmet mentioned just now 
Balaclava with visor. The visors straps mimic the Shredder's prongs.
High tech sword
Grappling gun
Climbing claws

Cowabunga Party Time Turtles:
Loosely inspired by the Birthday wave theme, but since these are Adult Collectibles I made some choices and some characters will not be family friendly. 

Birthday Boy Leo:
Essentially a Vanilla Leonardo with a Blue and Green Party hat and sporting a Brown Belt with gold buckle
Blowing head (party blower and noisemaker can fit in his mouth)
Happy head

Sword shaped wrapped present
Normal present
Birthday Pizza cake with separate slice
Party blower
Noise maker
Party favors bag

Donnie the Piñata:
Donatello dressed as a purple piñata with parts that can pop off the outfit 
In pain

Bo staff
Piñata pieces that attach to Donnie

Raph the Raging Clown:
This is a Huge deviation from Playmates as Raph was a Magician in the vintage Birthday wave, but this is a "different wave"

Raph dressed like a clown that hates his life.
-Based on Crazy Clowning Mike in Raph colors
-a combination of both Pennywises new one's hair with old one's facepaint 
-piefaced CCM head.

Specialized hands:
Ball Juggling hands
-seltzer spray bottle
-Turtle Creme Pie
-Balloon Sai
-Party balloons

Magic Mikey:
Woooimabaouttomakeanameformaselfhere! I swapped Raph and Michelangelo for a Magic Mike joke. This Mike is wearing soft goods black magician pants with velcro on the sides for easy stripping off. Soft goods vest is velcro to the back. Magician tux overlay is plastic. And his arms are sculpted with the magician tux sleeves.
Now he's sporting an orange Speedo with a black M. Wads of cash are sculpted hanging from the speedo.

Closed eyes head from rocker Leo
Open mouth with hole to plug in the infinite cards or infinite handkerchief trick effects
Cocky grin head.

Specialized hands
Card shuffling hands with sculpted cards
Card/hat brim holding hands
Coin rolling hands

Top hat with plug in rabbit
Hand of cards for Pick a card
Single card
Interchangeable bare Turtle arms
Boom box from rapping Mike in different colors
Infinite handkerchief mouth effect
Infinite card mouth effect
Magic chuck wands

Magical Assistant Irma:
Irma wearing a sexy Magician's assistant outfit with no heels (she's clumsy) with sheer pantyhose purple bunny girl suit (no tail) with a blue bowtie and sporting white cuffs on her wrists.

Normal Irma head
Cute Irma head
Looking straight up with her mouth open for sword swallowing head

Specialized hands:
Blade holding hands for sword swallowing.

Sword hilt that plugs in sword swallowing mouth
5 Swords for the human pincushion trick.
Human pincushion box.

Hen Do April:
 Essentially a drunk April who drinks to forget that her only friends are a bunch of teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles... and Irma.

Soft goods yellow party dress with thin shoulder straps that can easily slide off the shoulders.
Nude female torso with painted on pasties. Crotch with sculpted thong.

Drowsy drunk April
Screaming/chugging head April
Hungover head

Champagne bottle
Glass of champagne 
Wine bottle
Glass of wine
Foldable chair

Stag Party Casey:
Casey in tighty whities with soft goods shirt and pants. (Velcro unhooks pants at the front like real pants) and dress shoes
Soft goods black pants and white button up shirt

Unmasked with hair slicked back with hair gel 
Unmasked with standard Casey messy hair
Blindfolded with messy hair

Beer bottle
Beer mug
Folding chair
Casey sized Handcuffs

Officer Tiffany:
Tiffany, as in Burne's girlfriend dressed up as a Police officer in high heels with soft goods  pants and top that are held up by velcro for easy removal. She'd reuse the Hen Do April body thong in navy blue and painted on police badge pasties

Hair tied up in a bun Neutral expression
Hair tied up in a bun, seductive licking expression
Loose hair Neutral expression:

Police hat
Female sized Handcuffs
Purple nightstick

Party Time Carter:
Essentially a Stripper Carter... (he needs funds for college) sculptwise he's essentially naked except for a yellow Banana Hammock with dollar bills sculpted on the side of his thong. For his outfit yellow tanktop with removable fang necklace, stripper pants and removable sandals.

Normal Carter head
Ricardo Milo's inspired head with headband

Pole with wide stand for dancing and can be used as weapon
Aforementioned soft goods clothes.

Cake Karai:
Once again we reuse the Hen Do April body with black thong and painted on foot Pasties (because foot clan) random spots of painted white frosting on her body and clothing.

 Normal Karai with painted on frosting.
Half-lidded eyes, open mouth and tongue out with painted on frosting 

Disassembled parts for giant Cake that Karai pops out of.
Removable candles from the top of the cake
Kunai with handles Disguised as candles.
Sexy black robe
Turtle sized handcuffs

I think I need to stop here otherwise I'll end up with a Stripper Shredder wearing only a fundoshi and with a Panty mask