Sep 19, 2024

Videogame series that I'd love to see return

 We have videogame series that are perennial like Mario, Zelda, Sonic, HALO, but othwrs have faded to obscurity... These are the ones I want to talk about.

Altered Beast:

There are various AB games and all have sucked minus the original game. Even the original game wasn't great... so, here's my idea: remaking thw original game and adding more levels to test the waters for a revival. This could be an AA game for SEGA.


You know why this is here:

We haven't had arcade racing games and bike racing games aren't that common. Also, Ryo Hazuki could be added as a hidden character. He could be riding a HANG-ON arcade cabinet. While sega's Outrun may be more popular. I prefer Hang-On.


The "American Zelda" often forgotten, since it was made in America. I believe it needs a remake and sequels. Just as Ocarina revitalized Zelda, I believe that Startropics should get a chance at being revived.

Mega Man X:

The last good Mega Man X game was X4. X5 and 6 were hot garbage, then the 3D games were worse than hit garbage. Calling them shit would be giving them a compliment. We need to return to the fast paced 2 D platforming action from the past.

Metal Gear:

Yes, you read right: we need more Metal Gear and I believe it can be done with Hideo. We should Start with, say Remaking the MSX games in 3D. Adapting the NES games into MGL: Metal Gear Liquid. Konami probably has plenty of plot documents they could use to make a WWII era Cobra Unit game, the Aforementioned Liquid Game, a Solidus game based on the Peace Walker/MGS5 Gameplay but woth swords, because Solidus. Maybe a post-Revengeance Raiden game.

Final Fight:

SF6 was a reminder that Final Fight exists, but the game was all over the place. The sooner we can forget Fonal Foght: Streetwise exists, the better.

Final Fantasy Tactics:

I've been replaying War of the Lions since I got it on my phone. I want more FFT period. 

That's it... I can't go into licensed game territory...  that would be a different rant for a dofferent day.

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