May 29, 2021

Rugrats CG reboot: a rant

 So Rugrats is getting a CG reboot. I hate that it's CG instead of traditional animation. They have made a few changes, like making Grandpa Lou some sort of hippie... also they may have had Betty DeVille finally come out of the closet.

Some people are acting outraged at this, like if this was some new development... back in the 90s they couldn't have an openly gay character on a children's cartoon. But all the signs were there. Things have changed in the past 30 years... Ouch! I felt that in my lower back as I typed this. 

One could argue that her being a loud tomboy doesn't automatically make her a lesbian. Also, there's the whole "she's married to Howard" thing... again, need I remind you of the closet?

Characters being in the closet is not a new thing. Northstar, a Marvel character, member of Alpha Flight was always meant to be openly gay. But due to regulations at the time they couldn't say that he was gay... the not so subtle way to say he was gay without saying he was gay was saying he is partially a Fairy. Fairy is slang for gay man.  Now that things have relaxed, Northstar is able to be openly gay... 

Something similar is happening with Betty DeVille. How can you say a woman is a lesbian wothout saying she's a lesbian:
Loud, tomboish, feminist... and come on! It's  extremely obvious that Howard is a pathetic beard. The guy is like the biggest doormat in the universe. It doesn't make sense that a guy like him would find a wife... unless she needed to be married for some reason. Again, closet...

If back then things were as lax as they are right now, I'm 100% sure that Betty DeVille would've been openly gay. 

Now that I got that out of the way, what's the deal with Grandpa Lou being a Yoga practicing Grandpa?

This joke wouldn't fly today... but CG!! WHY!?

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