Jan 1, 2023

Top 100 Action figure props I'd like to see: part 1 (100-81)

 As you already know, I love props for action figures. I've done plenty of posts advocating for said items. Now I'll make a list of my top 100 most wanted props. Now, I must state that I'll try to cover as many themes as possible:
Fantasy: things that you would see in medieval, barbaric, or pseudomedieval lines, ie Conan, D&D, MOTU, etc.
Sci-Fi: things that you would see in Sci-Fi themed lines like say, Star Wars, Transformers, Silverhawks, TMNT, MOTU, Thundercats, Power Rangers, GI Joe, etc.
Organics: Trees, rocks, and other Nature stuff
Modern Earth: things that you would see in our everyday life. Compatible with ML, McF DC, Street Fighter, TMNT, Wrestling, etc.

I'll try to stay at a generic level, meaning that the items won't be Specific to a toyline, like say:
M.A.S.S. Device, which is specific to GI Joe, won't be on the list.

100: Haystack/bales with cart:
This Fantasy item is not simply a nod to Assassin's Creed, but a nod to many fantasy movies, books, shows, etc. where characters hide on these. Also, it could be used to have our hero being ambushed by bandits,  because they decided to help a shifty commoner. The wagon should have a removable wheel.

99: Phonebooths and payphones:
I don't mean just the Classic Clark Kent jumps in, Superman jumps out kind of booth. Yes, I want one of those, but also the cheaper pedestal with just the phone that replaced most of the booths before cellphones phased out 99.9% of payphones. Yes, I know NECA made a Payphone in their TMNT2 Set, but that sucker was $55 or something like it and when it came out I was in a slight rough patch, so I missed out. But that's a single phone. I want a set of 5 phones:
-Classic American Phone Booth with removable phone.
-2 Pedestal booths with removable phones.
-2 wall phones.
-2 plates that simulate removed phones.

The idea is that there are plenty of phones for different display options.
You have the corner booth for those Superman displays. The wall phones and the phone no longer here plates work for subway station styled display. The pedestal booths work for street displays as some of these were planted in front of some businesses back in the day.

There should be a British variant with the British styled Phone Booth... Note that I said phone booth and not a Police Box...

98: Wooden Barrels and Steel Drumcans:
I know many wrestling lines already have Steel Drums... wonder where the ones I had went. But I want something more deluxe. I don't think there are any Wooden Barrels... The Wooden Barrels have many uses. Background decoration in both fantasy and modern settings. Props, as they could be used as weapons or items in a bonus stage display. The Latin American in me is screaming for another use for the Wooden barrel. Latinos know what I'm talking about.
Steel Drums have similar uses... but most available steel drums for action figures only work for Donkey Kong styled weaponry. There are no burn barrels. So, what I'm  suggesting is 
Wooden barrel: set of 6 Barrels:
2 large barrels: one with removable lid that could fit a standard 1:10 figure. The other is a breakable barrel.
2 Medium barrels: one with removable lid. Rhebother breakable
2 small barrels: both are breakable.
For the Steel Drumcans: set of 6:
All Steel Barrels should be in scale with wrestling figures.
2: intact barrels with removable lids: A standard battery operated tealight should fit inside.
2 translucent flame effects to put inside the barrel. 
2 Battered barrels: bent, beaten up, but still whole.
2 breakable  barrels:

97: Traffic signs and Parking meters:
I know that some of these came in some old Jakks accessory packs, but no longer available.
I'm thinking traditional road signs like:
Stop 🛑, yield, do not enter ⛔️, etc. The signs should have their own posts and base. (They should be removable from the base and post so the post and sign can be used as weapons.) The Parking Meter should theoretically be similar

96: Urban area Trees:
There's tons of variations on the topic of Trees. These would be smaller trees, about 16 inches (40.64cm) tall. The idea is that these trees are mostly decorative. The root base would be hollow with instructions on how to weigh it down so you can display a standard sized 1:12 action figure or two climbing it or sitting on a lower branch. It should be kinda modular and allow for small animals like squirrels, crows, or pigeons (included with set) to be displayed.
Canopy should be semi modular so multiple sets can be bought and decorated to taste and to hide repetitiveness. (Autumn and winter variations possible with different bases and branches)

95: Sci-Fi computers: 
As you can see, I'm not talking about your average PC. I'm talking those huge computer stations, where the user has to stand and there's a combination of screens that look futuristic. The set should allow you to either build a giant supercomputer or various smaller terminals of different sizes.

94: Videogame consoles and accessories:
I know that Japan has released some gachapon stuff some years ago. SEGA had something with Figma. I would like to see something like that but preferably made by western companies, because Japanese imports can be a pain to obtain at reasonable prices. But, I'd like to have a NES, SNES, GB, GBA, VB, N64, Wii, WiiU, DS, and Switch from the Nintendo side. I'd like a PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, PSP, PSVita, and PS5 for the SONY Side, 2600, 5200, and a Jaguar for the Atari side, XB,360,XBONE, and series X for Xbox side.

Popular peripherals would also be a nice addition: Wii fit board, and Power Glove being the main wants. 

93: Kitchen appliances:
I'm not talking about stand mixers, toasters, and other small fry items. I mean Refrigerators, stoves, and things like that.
92: Treasure chests:
Not necessarily "treasure" chest, but ancient looking chests that may contain treasures, or are a mimic. The idea is to have 4 chests:
-1 empty chest that you can add action figure accessories to it.
-2 with treasures one could be full of gold and jewels, the other with scrolls, tomes, and other alchemy items.
-Mimic full of fangs and a long tongue.

91: Pool Table, Pinball Machine, Dartboard:
These are a staple in many bar scenes. The pool table doesn't need to be fully functional. The pinball machine shouldn't be functional. 
Pool cues, balls and rack should be onvious accessories.
Maybe a couple of beer bottles as additional accessories. Brown "BEER" brand bottles (totally not Budweiser). Clear "Cerveza Light" brand bottles (definitely not Corona). Green "Bier" brand bottles (not a Heineken at all). 

90: Pillories, Horses, and other torture devices.
Yes, I have a horse. But that's made for Japanese 1:12 which feels more like a 1:13. With that point set aside, torture racks and other devices would work well for fantasy lines... or sex dungeons.

89: arcade machines:
While I do have the TMNT keychain, I'm talking full sized machines for 1:12 to 1:10 scale. They don't have to be functional. You should get like 4 cabinets of different styled games:
2 player Fighting game
Big 4 player game
Single player retro game
Lightgun game.
Each set would come with the pieces to assemble each machine, swappable screens and machine name different style lightguns.
Like the 2 player fighting game, that one has say 5 title cards and 4 double sided screens and 1 one sided blank screens
Screen 1 has a ninja fighting a surfer
Screen 2 has a girl in a bikini fighting an orangutan
Screen 3 has a sumo fighting a nun
Screen 4 has a japanese schoolboy fighting a zamboni
The other side would have:
Screen 5: say no to drugs message
Screen 6: hi score screen
Screen 7: a character select screen with p1 and p2 on the nun and sumo. 
Screen 8: an ending screen similar to 90s Capcom fighting games.
The blank screen is for you to make custom images for your 2 player game.
The title screens would have random titles like:
Fatal Kombat 3, PePe's Weird Mission, Kinzashi Tag. The fifth one is for you to make a custom plate.

The Retro game comes with 2 double sided screens and 4 title cards, then there's an extra  blank screen and card.
Just like the fighting games one, but with less options since this is the retro game at arcades that is only played by the 50 year olds who were teenagers in the 80s.
Screen 1: a Breakout type game
Screen 2: a Galaga type game
Screen 3: a Pitfall type game
Screen 4: a Donkey Kong type game with a green monster sunning for DK
Title cards:
1: Brickbust
2: Cosmic Ace
3: Jungle Tomb
4: Muleshira

For the 4 player machine you get 3 double sided screens, 6 title cards plus a set of blank screen and card for customs

Screen 1: a Wrestling game
Screen 2: a Superhero game
Screen 3: a street vigilante game
Screen 4: a Basketball game
Screen 5: a cyborg vigilante game
Screen 6: a dinosaur beat-em up game

Title cards:
1: Pay-Per-View Champ!
2: Heroic Heroes The Game
3:  Return to the Backstreets
4: Flaming Hoops!
5: Netcode Warriors 2
6: Tyranno Justice: Rex's Revenge

The Lightgun game would have:
6 lightguns in Neon Pink and Yellow:
2 revolvers, 2 semi auto pistols that look like a Hk mk23, and 2 weird space laser guns. All guns should have a hole to plug the gun to the machine when not in use. Pink guns have the wider male figure grip while the yellow guns have smaller female figure grip.
It would have 3 title cards, 3 double sided screens and a set of clear screen and title card for customs.

Screen 1: Western game where bandits are robbing a stagecoach 
Screen 2: Western game where a bandit is holding a female Native American Hostage.
Screen 3: Zombie shooter game in a mall
Screen 4: Zombie shooter game in a girl's locker room
Screen 5: a futuristic shooter with a 4 armed mutant at a space station.
Screen 6: a futuristic shooter with a buxom cyborg firing rockets at the player.

Title cards:
1: Howdy Pardner
2: Apocalypse Z
3: Space Force 

88: Torches, candles, lanterns:
A very useful set of props. Tons of lit candles, unlit partially melted candles, candlesticks that candles can be plugged into, lit torches, unlit torches. Old timey candle lanterns. These workg great for both fantasy and modern era settings.

87: Books, lots of books:
No, it's not because of Twilight Sparkle. But various displays could benefit from books. Open books, closed books, functional books, stacks of books 📚 . Whether Fantasy or current era, books are useful props and set decoration.

86: Rock formations:
You know that I own a Tim Mee Battle Mountain and that I repainted the devil out of it. I'm thinking rock formations that aren't backdrops, but they can add vertical options for display. Think the platforms used on reptile terrariums for the larger formations. The smallest ones would be about sitting size for a 1:12 figure. The medium sized formations could be used for standing cover. Like say have Muddy Dutch hiding behind it from the Predator.

85: surveillance equipment:
I'm not just talking about A SURVEILLANCE CAMERA!? I am talking about said Surveillance Cameras, but adding a monitoring station panel with the bunch of monitors and controls for the cameras. 

84: Vending Machines:
No, this is not a Shenmue reference. I know Mi World had one. I think I own 2. But I mean snack machines, soda machines, capsule toy machines, coffee machines.

83: hotdog/ice cream carts: 
Street displays need some life when lacking background characters. So, a hot dog or ice cream cart can do the trick.
For the Hot Dog cart:
Fully assembled Hot Dogs (3)
4 weiners
Tongs with wiener
Ketchup, mustard, relish bottles
Fabric Apron and hat
Soda bottles (2)
Water bottles (2)

For the Ice Cream cart
Ice cream cones (3)
Ice cream cups (3)
Banana split (2)
Ice cream scoop with ball of ice cream
Chocolate syrup bottle, sprinkle shaker, banana hand.
Fabric apron and hat

The fabric clothing is for us to use a generic figure like say, Dwayne Johnson and have him slinging wieners or ice cream.

82: skeletons, skulls and other bones:
These are for barbarian settings, ancient tombs that are discovered, Ugly Motherfucking Aliens with dreadlocks, or Ninjas getting punched in the balls by a JCVD wannabe.

81: headstones and other grave markers:
Cemeteries and graveyards can lend themselves for action figure displays. The idea is that you get a bunch of headstones and grave markers going from simple modern plaques to intricate ancient headstones. Varying in size and shapes these could work for many toylines.

Well, that's part 1 for ya... kicking off 2023 with an accessory begathon...

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