Feb 10, 2024

Incompatibility amongst Ultimates!

 Before someone tells the disgruntled former Mattel employee that I'm "hating on super7" shut the fuck up! I am simply pointing out a disadvantage that Super7 has with their ultimates. One thing that didn't happen with MOTUC was parts incompatibility.
Most normal sized male figures with Man-E-Faces being the exception due to his Action feature have similarly sized Neck pegs. Even with the Frank Miller Dark Knight Returns, the MOTUC heads were compatible... Joker and Glash being the exceptions. Flash was in a DCUC Body and Joker, due to his alternate head having a removable for some reason eye Batarang. Point is that the heads and pegs are standardized.

Sadly, this isn't so with Super7. For figures that share the same engineering, you'd be surprised how incompatible the figures are. I'm not talking about putting Alice's head on April's body. But Cheetara can't fit on April and viceversa. So if I wanted to use Cheetara to make a Swimsuit April, I'm Shit out of luck. You can argue that it's two different lines and all that, but when Lemmy(Motorhead) hands fit on Tommy (MMPR)but they look ridiculously out of scale. BOTH FIGURES ARE THE SAME SIZE. I bought a set of Super7 fodder that had some of Lemmy's accessories including some hands. They didn't fit, TMNT, GI Joe, Thundercats, but 
The Skirt Alicia os wearing came from a SOTA Sakura that became a Miley/Hannah figure.

They barely fit Power Rangers and are grossly out of scale. But it happens with figures from the same line and wave.
Snake Eyes and Duke from the same GI Joe wave have different sized Neck Pegs. If you wanted to use the Snake Eyes body with a Repainted Duke head to make a new Commabdo Unit. You're fucked. You can't you need to crack open both torsos and swap neck pegs. Addirional carving on the snake eyes body might be required. Whu does Snake Eyes have a Mattel DKR Joker sized peg? 

Now I'm starting to regret buying that second Rat King... but at the same time. I'm sad that I won't be able to make a Better Nick R. Cade out of a Cliff Burton body. I WISH these things were consistent enough for mediocre customizers to be able to do "part swap customs"...

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