Feb 26, 2024

Top VINTAGE TMNT characters I want Super7 to tackle.

 Due to the Playmates Embargo, these guys can't be Exactly exact to vintage... instead of Just looking at the Walkabouts and Pizzafaces, I'm gonna look at folks who I want and that includes some Dumbass variants like Sumo Turtles... now that I mentioned the Suno turtles, let's start with those:

Sumo Turtles:
I don't want an exact replica of the Playmates toy. The main differences would be wanting the plastron to look like plastron instead of a nippleless male fat body. I want them to be wearing standard belts without buckles, but each belt is colored like the bandanas. Removable mawashi in bandana colors, soft goods yukata, with the Turtle colors. Removable geta sandals. Chanko Pizza ( whole pizza with the ingredients for Chanko as toppings.), Chanko stew bowl. Second head without Sumo wigs.

Now for the individual turtles, here's what I'd do:
Larger versions of their distinctive weapons, because Sumo. 

I'm aware of the original line only had two turtles. It just would be weird only getting two and not four. I'm also aware that this wouldn't be a popular pick.

I expect him to be roughly Bebop Sized woth articulated tail (red with green tip). He should look like a hybrid of Playmates and cartoon version. Maybe some changes to differentiate him from other versions is swap the torn scale shirt to a torn shirt with chainmail over it. It creates the same effect as the Playmates toy design, but different.
The cartoon had the great idea of painting his belt a different color from the furry loincloth. 
Slight alterations to the leg armor and cybernetic leg to differentiate from Playmates, like say, have it be slightly more angular while preserving the details.
Different shades of yellow between his bullseyes and the lens on his cyber eye. For his accessories, I'm thinking the Pipe from TMNT 3 Manhattan Project, a taser bullwhip, wrist dart launcher (similar but different to Playmates designs) Foot Clan brand iron (both normal and flaming hot) 

Personally I feel he should be 7 inches and a bit wider than a MOTUC. I want him as muscular as the vintage toy and not as flabby as the toon version. Perhaps some middle ground to differentiate him from both versions?
Theoretically speaking He should suffer a departure from vintage in his color pallette. He's supposed to be wearing overalls, but the vintage toy AND toon version have the colors wrong. The overalls are painted like a pair of pants and a separate tanktop. What I would do is have his overalls be the lighter green that his top has, but have his overalls be super dirty, particularly the leg area to create that distinction in color. His removable backpack shows the difference between clean and dirty. Pack should also be very dirty. It should have a loop for the removable spade and 2 clips to hold his dual pick axes (a replacement to the Playmates 4 point Pick Axe) and a Jackhammer. (Nod to the jackhammer gun playmates had) a second head with his miner's lamp "turned on" (GITD white paint) would complete the figure.
As long as we don't get topless Dirtbag from Manhattan Project... though that COULD be the safest direction for S7.

These last two are a copy and paste from a past rant. I couldn't add much to that. 

This one vexes and troubles me. I DON'T want a Playmates Traag. On the other end of the spectrum, I don't want a pure toon Traag. The NECA offering was underwhelming  unpopular opinion ahead:
Have the body shape of Toon Traag but in Playmates colors. I would add Alternate boots. (Reuse this element on Granitor) that way a more vintage accurate Traag can be made, a more battle damaged version with both boots broken or one without any broken boot.
Oversized Footsoldier Weapons minus the Shuriken could be used for him. 

I already touched him and mentioned that a GITD Redeco might make him more mirage inspired... but if they make a 2k3 Fugitoid, that will most likely be my canonical fugitoid. 

Punk Frogs:
Going by purely vintage, I'm speaking of Napoleon... but this also applies to the missing two.  A part of me wants a Horny Toad Napoleon and that the other two end up being different frogs... but a part of me expects Genghis repaints with maybe alternate heads, arms and legs to make up the others. So we have to wait and see.

Chrome Dome:
After some mental back and forth, I don't want a chromed Chrome Dome. Especially with Super7 factory hopping between waves. I hope he's not NECA HUGE... but I guess he could end up more like the card art.

Because fuck you Kyle. Gross and disgusting is a huge draw for this line and toxic crusaders. Pizzaface has to be gross and disgusting.
We start with the Playmates figure as a starting point. Painted details on the crap and splatters all over his body. The condiments on his back could be removable, as well as the knife on the front of his apron. Painting his cut pinky is important. Painting his apron a grungy white and yellowing our his teeth can help differentiate him from the purely playmates look. Have the hat be removable to reveal the unused prototype head with the conjoined twin. Maybe add the Ninja Pizza logo (heavily faded and stained) to the shirt. 

For his legs, we get the Cleaver, the Pizza Cutter with Pizza box stuck to it, a new Pizza cutter without box. (The one with the box doubles as a shield without copying the vintage shield)
He gets new nasty pizzas with different toppongs from Playmates and painted realistically.

Channel 6 employees:
I've gone over them way too much. Right now I just need them to round up my Channel 6 team. Toon Colors is the way to go in order to appease Playmates. Also soft goods on Irma ALL THE WAY. That way Super7 could add alternate skirt, vest and blouse matching the Playmates toy as an extra. Since they're soft goods, they aren't mimicking the Playmates toy. It totally has nothing to do with wanting an Irma that can strip to her underwear as a desperate woman trying to get some Hard Dick. Sure, it would make for a nice ICFTTTC joke, but her baggy clothes would fuck up articulation if they were sculpted. Like it seems that the rumor that the fourhorsemen aren't as involved with Super7 seems to ring true based on recent figure sculpts being badly engineered. 

Dask is rather easier to adapt without making Playmates angry. First most of his sculpt should be Toy based. I'd give him a slightly more detailed crotch piece so his pants read as pants like in the toon and not leggins like the toy. The leggins that peek under his pants and shirt should be in metallic lavender. The pants should be in flat lavender while the shirt should be in glossy cheez whiz color. The blue stripe and gloves should be gloss blue glossy black completes the shoes. Hair should be 3 tones 2 light blues and 1 dark blue.

For accessories, reuse the hoverboard from Zak.
Give him a new blaster in addition to the playmates inspired blaster. The jetpack might be problematic. Add a recolor of Zack's turtlecomm.

Kala... oh boy... Toon and toy hybrid for the colors. Basically toy colors from the neck down except the arms. 

Accessories, yeah... reusing Playmates stuff would be a big no-no.
Reuse the Zak Hoverboard with new decal. Not so sure if she could get her jet shoes. Her space laptop? Maybe... the comb and mirror gun... no thanks. Maybe a Noisy Cricket type of blaster. 

Mona Lisa:
Here I'm going to deviate a little bit:
2 heads: toy inspired vs toon inspired.
Scarves would be swappable:
  • Vintage toy based
  • All new long scarf
Her back would have a couple of swappable pieces that attach to a trapezoid hole.
  • Vintage pseudo shell
  • Toon flat back
  • "Modern lizard fin" back
For accessories, they can go crazy here. NECA had cool background props, while Playmates had sone weird choices. S7 can surpriae me here.

I want the Lieutenant Leo figure for ulterior motives.
Wacky action, head droppers, storage shell turtles theoretically speaking can't be made and they're "too similar" to vanilla turtles. So in this case, I'd take a head and weapons pack.

Don the Undercover Turtle:
Yes, I made a Custom but I'll take the official one. 

Warriors of the Forgotten Sewer:
I'd kill to have these Barbarian fantasy type Turtles with the rest of the core characters... let's be honest, here I'd like to make my own Moturtles because Mattel's offerings are mostly crap.

Hose'em down Don:
Not trying to make a not so blatant Village People Parody here... Gimme Mid-Shipman Mikey and Sewer cycling Raph.

April the Ravishing reporter:
Probably renamed to News Anchor April:
Soft goods! Blazer, blouse, leggins, and skirt. No, it's not for perverted reasons. It's for customization purposes. Hear me out:
The idea is to have her alternate clothes be inspired by the Playmates toy. Her in box outfit would be something different. I'm going to say a pant suit in yellow with a white blouse... because April. The reasons for soft goods clothing are simple: like I stated with Irma, the idea to allow for a "Playmates inspired tribute outfit" as an option can appease the vintage purists. Also, it allows for a beach variant or something. I just want to avoid Super7 using the OG April body underneath the outfit. This new torso could lend itself for a base for Aska as well.

Krang's Android body:
That Super Cyborg Bullshit won't fly with me. Gimme an ultimates dammit!

Wow... there's far less vintage stuff than I tought I wanted.

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