Action figures, Movies, Games, TV shows, things I like, Things I hate, weird news old or recent... they're fair game for my rants.
I mean the toy. I haven't seen WWE in a while and this Diva called out to me because she looks so out of place to me.
I believe I'm likely going to end up repainting her hair and making her the MuTeens version of Lilith.
I cannot comment that much on the figures. I know nothing about the wrestler. i gotta be homest, the hourglass and not quite Evil Lyn look she has was what drew me to her.
This is an Elite figure, so that means more articulation than a basic figure, but her legs and torso are limited due to the sculpt.
Paint and sculpt:
It KINDA looks like the wrestler, but all I see in the toy is a 40 year old Olsen twin. The leotard has details to look like pleather. Even the printed on pantyhose has seam details and areas where it looks like it tore by being stretched.
Alt hands
Honestly, an alternate head would've been nice. But beggars, choosers and all that. She needs hands to properly hold the hourglass as her dramatic hands are gummier than her spikes, thus dropping the hourglass all the time.
Non-redhead Scarlett gets an overall score of 3.17 as her final score. The less than stellar sculpt, the odd paint job on her face,lack of useful accessories and the fact that she had to do the entire review on her back as she would only stand up if I used a StormCo SFV clip on stand.
Fuck! She won't even take the red paint for the hair. At least ai have an hourglass! That's it for 2024... catch you on the flipside!
Not in that way. The Final MLP Review is coming out now. Shining Armor, Twilight Sparkle's brother. Has FINALLY come out the Toy Chest. He was supposed to come out 7 years ago alongside Cheese Sandwich...
Well, Crystal Prince is here and articulated. Before we start, here's a song from an Abridged parody
Shining Armor has Standard articulation for the Guardians of Harmony line.
Hinged neck (can also look left and right)
hinged ball jointed forelegs (in two different points of the leg)
cut joint on the hind legs
ball joint on the tail.
4.0 (since he's articulated, no pony curve will be used.)
Twilight: What the Hay was that song? Shining: It's catchy. Candace VO: It's not incest if they aren't blood related!! Oh wait, you ARE BLOOD RELATED! EWW! DON'T DO THAT!! Nefty VO: Let me guess, it's Discord's fault!
Paint and sculpt
The sculpt is simple but captures the friendship's magic style... Sadly the paint job is very sloppy on this figure. There is nothing I can do about it since I bought it at kmart seven years ago.
Look at all this stuff! He can wear it all! I just don't want to use a redundant shield when he has a shield.
GoH extra shield
Ben 10 and Max Steel Dancing. Your Argument is invalid.
Shining Armor gets a 4.33 as his final score. It's a shame that I waited so long to review this, because he currently does nothing for me. Back in the day I would have been very static for him but now, meh.
The Triceraton that Playmates released back in the vintage line was supposed to be Zog. He's big, he's bulky, he's got issues.
Hoo boy!
Hips are scary to move, won't risk it. Not even after a month of acclimating. (Review started on Turkey week). Bicep cut is useless. Elbows are limited. After my Red Ranger waist peg breaking, I won't try to move his stuck waist. The knees are useless due to a sculpt issue.
Paint and sculpt:
It's a rather faithful adaptation of the 90s figure. The articulation issue of Green joints on an orange bodypart. By shifting the tears a bit above the knee and having the bottom of the joint be pants... sadly, they didn't think of that *cough*Kyle *cough*.
Spikes are Spiky though.
4 extra hands
2 grenades
Wrist mounted comm device or predator self detonator
Wrist mounted blade
Blaster similar to Bebop's TMNT Arcade game
Not Zog gets a final score of 4.17, which is a decent score, but it could've been better. Personally the articulation should've been engineered better. The leg issue had an easy solution. Now we could get some army building potential if Super7 tried new heads, forearms, and legs. Obviously some accessories would be new. Sniper, heavy artillery, Melee, Demolition, and maybe even Playmates-esque Zorax and Zork.
Of course I'm talking of Robotic Rocksteady's hetero life partner, Robotic Bebop. Like Rocksteady, he was an impulsive buy, forced by having Rocksteady. Once the line is complete, they (the robot Rock and Bop) will be part of Krang's faction.
A Robotic Duplicate of Bebop made when Shredder got pissed of R&B sucking so much.
Bebop: I love the Power Glove. It's so bad!
Like Rocksteady, Bebop's articulation is limited by the sculpt. Head is limited as hell. Neon ponytail gets in the way. Shells get in the way... but the arms have a bit more range than rocksteady. Legs are more useless than Rocksteady.
Paint and sculpt:
Here Bebop is amazing, albeit a bit monochromatic. He's mostly gunmetal grey with a few blue, black, and green accents.
Despite Being Bulky, he gives off T-800 endo vibes crossed with X-men vs Street Fighter Apocalypse. I'm surprised they didn't add light piping to the glasses.
Removable shell cannons
Removable blast effects that work with his gun
Weird camera gun
4 alt hands
Drill hand
Battle damaged hand
Power Glove
Things to note:
-Blue right bracer is removable. You need to remove it to use the battle damaged hand.
-The Drill and standard hands share the intact bracers.
-you need to remove the bracer for the power glove.
The Dramatic hands are perfectly made for the shield. The reverse grip for the knife can be done with both the standard C-grips and the dramatic hands.
C-grips are a bitch to work with!
Warming up the C-grips for first insertion is crucial. Once the hands are used to the girth of the weapons, it becomes easier. Colder weathers may have more trouble.
Now due to amount RoBebop gets a
Bebop fared a smidgen better than Rocksteady with 4.33 as his final score. Pairing the duo makes them look so badass. But I still stand by the idea that maybe in 2029 redecos of then mimicking their organic counterparts would be cool.
This is Thunderstrike,he was Thor for a while, Bearded Thor, and eventually Thor got separated from him and Odin gave him his own mace, Thunderstrike. Kinda Like Beta Ray Bill, Thunderstrike became a non Thor Thor. So Beta Ray Bill is Diet Thor, Thunderstrike is the Crystal Pepsi of Thors.
His Articulation is kind of weird. It attempts to mimic the Marvel legends standard articulation. His torso has an underboob Articulation acting as waist twist and ab crunch. This jack of all Trades is a master of none. Then he can't do wide stances and his boots lack a boot cut.
Paint and sculpt:
Here the figure is mostly great. My only gripe is the head. It's a great sculpt but the always screaming head man's I have to display him getting hurt.
Hasbro is a hit or miss in this area. Since he carries a BAF Piece, he gets screwed...
Joe Fix It head
T-strike Mace
Energy effect, that's what he needed... and a non-screaming head.
Crystal Pepsi Thor gets a 4.0 as his final score. The issues on the articulation, the lack of accessories and an alternate head with a neutral expression are what hurt him the most.
I am talking about, Sheila the thief... I know, huge Dad Joke there. So, Sheila rode a Dungeons and Dragons Rollercoaster and got Isekai'd into a fantasy world that operates under D&D rules. There she became Sheila the Thief. She can use her John Cena Powers to become invisible.
Sheila has skirt hindrance in her articulation. Outside of that she has some decent range of articulation for a Super7 figure.
4.0 visible
4.0 invisible
Paint and sculpt:
Sheila looks a lot better than expected. My only Nitpick is that she's too tall.
She's supposed to be what? 13? Well, she's as tall as Karai who is in her 30s. But on the other hand, she has her freckles.
She also looks like a Teen April... Nefty, I know what you're thinking. She's $55... don't!
I honestly thought that Super7 would avoid them since they're barely visible, but they're there.the colors seem to be more MOTUCized in comparison to Hasbro's D&D figures. Obviously, the Invisible Sheila has only white outlines. Only Nitpick is that her plastic is slightly yellowish, which is weird since my invisible Tygra hasn't yellowed out and he's been around for much longer.
4.5 visible
4.0 invisible
Here the D&D line is a ripoff.
Sheila has
2 extra heads
4 extra hands
Her soft goods cloak
She should've gotten a second cloak with the hood down and sewn to the cape.
Of course, this wouldn't apply to the invisible variant since she needs to have the cloak with the hood up.
Or alternate soft plastic cloaks for both Sheilas.
Normal Sheila also has a soft goods, tiny net.
I'm not a fan of the white cloak on invisible Sheila.
4.0 visible
3.5 invisible
Hank: Dammit, I can't fully fire my arrow... Sheila: BRRRRRRRRRRRR APPLEDOUGH!
I like the Shielas but I wish they had a bit more oomph! As they are very lacking in the articulation and Accessories departments.
Visible Sheila gets a 4.17 as her final score. Invisible Sheila on the other hand gets a 3.83 as her score. Lack of Accessories hurt these gals.
But while we're at it, Hank the Ranger!
He's the leader of the group as he's 16 and not a "complainer" like Eric.
He's the all American blond, Blue eyed boy who orefers both the light and dark meats of the chicken...
Also, He's not Bobby's older Brother... Hank and Bobby look more like siblings than Bobby and Sheila. He'll, Presto looks more like Sheila's brother than Bobby.
Hank: ahh yeah, that's it, Sheila. Suck me, my beautiful ginger! Sheila: Hank, Earth to Hank? Why is your thing out?
The shoulder area is obviously blocked by the removable neckpiece. Other than that he has a decent range of articulation for a Super7 figure. Heads pop off a bit too easily though.
Hank: Sheila? If you're here, then who's sucking my dick? Unknown Ghost:... Hank: I didn't say you should stop. Sheila: You're weird. Hank: Let me show you something cool that girlfriends let their boyfriends do...
Paint and sculpt:
He has a decent likeness to the character.
And fortunately, There are no paint issues on my figure.
Hank: Mmmmm! You taste great. Sheila: So I'm your girlfriend now! You mustn't do that thing you did to Diana! Hank: Too Late! Sheila: Well I'm going to do that thing you got done to Eric! Hank: You do that, I'll pull a Disney and replace you with Diana.
Here's Super7, is screwing us over.
4 extra hands
2 heads
Bow with removable energy arrow.
Hank gets a 4.33 as his final score. Yes he's a smidgen better than Sheila, but being shortchanged on the accessories department makes him feel a bit of a ripoff.
Honestly, I'm only going for the remaining kids. The Dungeon Master and maybe Venger and his sister. But I'm a bit meh about this line.
I missed out on most of the Colossus AoA wave but only managed to find Rogue. Rogue was one of the few AoA figures I had as a Teen at the tail end of the "dark ages" Back when Kay-Bee Toys stores had a 3 for $10 in Marvel figures in Puerto Rico. (I believe in the US it was more figs for $10). Well one of the many figures I snagged during that time was the AoA Monster Armor Rogue.
Seeing the AoA Rogue brought back memories. Sadly no one has made customs of Monster Rogue. I got her on a whim. She's been sitting on the to review list for a long long time. But Christmas is Already... ixnay on that asephray otherwise eftynay will eferenceray enmueshay.
This Rogue, unfortunately sucks Ass here.
She can barely spread her legs apart.
Trying to recreate the Toybiz pose was a massive fail, for she cannot have a wide legged pose.
Then come the engineering issues:
Her ankle peg is a bit too long and feels too brittle. I already mentioned how her crotch blocks wide legged poses, despite having enough clearance in theory. The engineering drastically reduced the articulation range.
The head has GREAT Articulation range... at the expense that her head doesn't properly fit on the ball joint and exposes the ugly neckjoint/ball peg.
So, unfortunately, that means her score here is:
Paint and sculpt:
She looks great though. No paint issues, a rather pretty sculpt although a bit spindly, but that has been an issue with Hasbro in these past few years. Sometimes they make beautiful female sculpts but suddenly they're afraid of making them look sexy.
Spare hands, Colossus Arm and spare hand.
They could've given her the cape she had on a few issues.
AoA Rogue gets a 3.17 as her final score. It's kind of underwhelming, but she's no longer taunting me with her slashed window box. Hopefully we'll see some monster armor customs.
Wrestling Superstore website was absorbed by Figures Toy Company a while back. They had a sale on an announcer table and I caved in. The thing is that I was a few cents short of free shipping so I bought an Axe.
OK here's the rundown on the stuff:
Standard sawhorse barricade with "reflector". Honestly , there isn't much to say about it other than it makes a great background item. I'll have to get a few more. I need to point out that the red stripes on the barricade came that way. I only added some metallic red. So they could have some reflective effect and not look too plain. But the shitty paint job came that way from the factory... I painted the base of the reflector black.Then added some gunmetal to make it pop and a bit of silver on the back. It comes unpainted from the factory.I simply added a bit of color to make it pop.
June: GameDude, got a minute? June Mays, Channel 6! Nick: Bit busy fighting the Hawk Tuah Sisters with an Old Man. Mr. Cade: Kid, I'm not that Old! LEEEEEEEROOOOOOYYYYY JEEEENNNNNKINNNNNSSS!!! Dilo 1: Do you smell Tuna? Dilo 2: Must be some sushi place nearby.
It's a stool can be useful for a stand up comedy display (add a mic with stand and a bottle of water) more than 1 are better. The bottom of the legs have some gold paint on them. It also kind of looks like a two tier round table
Announcer table:
The reason I bought this. With a Channel 6 Logo, it could be more useful. It has gaps for two small CCTV Monitors BUT the small CCTV monitors included DO NOT FIT inside.
April: And that's how once again the Turtles saved the day. June: In other news, President McMahon has declared War on the Shredder, more on this story tonight at 10PM. Now for the Weather with Julio Augusto Barril. Julio: (Heavy Cuban Accent) Tomorrow is going to be a Hwite Christmas as it's going to snow tonight.
Supposedly it's collapsible, but I ain't trying that. Really excited about it, not gonna lie.
2 Headphones:
They don't fit any of the heads I tried it on. (S7 April, Mattel TDKR Joker, FTC announcer.)
April: Those tacky headphones look like they belong to... oh no... June: These things never work properly. Julio: Why can't we get blazer Microphones? By the way June, stay away from my sobrino, he has a girlfriend.
2 Microphones:
The grip works on Jakks Pacific's WWF Figures or figures with wide C-grips.
2 small CCTV monitors:
They don't work with the announcer table but if I get enough of them I could MacGyver a Tony Montana inspired wall mounted security monitor array. They do have some paint application on them.
2 steel chairs:
To have Figures sitting at the table. I've
Seen better steel chairs sculpts.
Female Announcer:
Figures Toy Company is infamous for bad figure QC... This one encapsulates it well.
I can't breathe!!
Theoretically speaking her head is on a ball joint (that looks like it's going to break if you look at it wrong.) Waist twist, single joint knee, hinged ankles. Hinged elbows that can barely move, bicep swivel (arms pop off easily),single joint elbow, ugly Jakks wrist joint. (Right arm looks like it might break off at the wrist at any second). Did I mention her legs or lose as hell? If you try to make her stand, she flops more than LeBron James. It looks like someone at the bar gave her all of the Roofies.
My brother played a prank on me after I let her outside to dry after painting her hair. While I was sleeping, he used a little 5 minute epoxy and repainted some extra hair...
Paint and sculpt:
I don't know about you but Unfortunately it looks like they did everything wrong with this figure here. The face and hair are two pieces:
One piece is the head with the front part of the hair sculpted on then the back hairpiece is glued on the head... both made of hard plastic and an awful seam line. It should've been head as one piece and a gap to put a wig piece. That way they could've used the same face sculpt with different wig pieces.
June: Like what you see? Van Damme: Suddenly I crave a Tuna Sandwich, but I'll make do with this hair pie.
She can't hold the mic, so FTC had it glued on. It fell off after her first LeBron flop.
The Announcer gets 1.67 as her final score. I blame the awful QC on the figure and bad selection of materials used. I tried painting her hair darker to hide the gap but it didn't fully work. So I might have to get some green stuff and sculpt some additional hair. But for a glorified Background prop, she isn't THAAAAT bad.
But if the Announcer breaks, I'll put the dress on a Becky Lynch Figure and Barbara gets a Mom... or I order a different dress from eBay and give the red dress to Babs... Decisions decisions.
Wait a minute! Technically speaking the announcer table CCTV monitors, headphones, chairs, stool, and barricade are HER Accessories as the deal was Her and all that stuff! I demand a Score Ammendment! After taking into considstation that the deal was the announcer table and the other accessories with the figure being a bonus I must ammend the score. Final Score is 3.0 for $30, it's reasonable.
The Female Announcer is $15, the set with the Table, chairs, 2 mics, 2 headphones, 2 monitors is $16, the barstool is $4, the Barricade is $5... so I got a figure for $5... or a red dress.
I almost forgot the random ax that helped me round up the price. It's made.
Of unpainted plastic. I simply painted the ax head with a slight dry rushing off gunmetal Gray. Surprisingly it's made out of soft plastic.
But ending the Advent Calendar on a disappointing accessory pack is, well, disappointing. So, Let's bring something Extra and is Wrestling related!
Now we'll look at the Pepsi to WWE's Coke... AEW. Specifically Action Pack Number 2... I think.
And My Latin American Friends MIGHT HAVE AN IDEA WHY I GOT THIS.
But let's get on with it!
We have:
Let's start from meh to OK...
Nothing to write home about. It's a sledgehammer.
Nick: Wait... My Girlfriend is my Calculus Teacher's daughter... Am I a High School version of Triple H?
I've seen plenty of chairs and this is the flimsiest one I've seen.
Ashley: So, I brought you here because I want a bigger role on these reviews. It's always Babs and Licia. I'm literally the Adora to his Adam! Alicia: Trust me. You don't want this job. I'm literally Damsel 1. Barbara: He's got me here due to his redhead fetish. Ashley: Wait wasn't my Bio Mom a redhead? Nick: We're supposed to be talking about how figures heavier than you two can't sit on the Jazwares chair without it bending... and you girls are slim and fine! April's Gyat bends the chair. And her booba too! Alicia: Why don't you rub April's gigantic cow udders on my face while you're at it... Asshole! Nick: great, I'm in the doghouse once again.
Looks OK, it is a confused ladder. It wants to be wooden, Aluminum, and Fiberglass at the same time.
Ashley: I landed on something hard. OW! Nick: That was Ma' dick... and you killed it. Barbara: Ashley, Run! Or I'm going to Senton Bomb your Sapphic ass! Nick: But what about My dick? Barbara: Hello, My Name is Barbara Ann Ruiz-Reid. You killed my boyfriend's penis. Prepare to die!
Looks too plasticky to be a "wooden table." It pops off rather easily as it should.
The barrel is a breakable item that splits into 3 pieces. It's sealed on both sides so it's impossible to do this:
Éste es El programa número uno de la televisión humorística...
A serious amount of skullduggery and blutac was used for this picture. Yes, this was the reason why I bought this set.
Blob: Really? A Donkey Kong reference? Why Didn't you use Gygor? Nick: We don't talk about Gygor. In any case, it's Hammer time!
I regret everything! Wait, I forgot that I only paid $12 for it... I've seen it go as high as over 30. At $12 it's acceptable.
Now for the grand finale:
Using a stock photo since mine was beat up. Seems like Ace Ventura delivered it as well. Good thing I am NOT a MOC guy. It's the WWE Superstars Ultimate Entrance Playset. IF you follow my awful MuTeens fanfic, then this will be turned into the entrance to the MuTeens Puerto Rican Base. Mainly because the legal age for drinking is 18 in Puerto Rico and the MuTeens are under 21. Also it gives me elements for making the Apartment displays or a Turtle Lair... Although i'm seriously considering using the 2003 Turtle lair that I got over 15 years ago and Getting some new furniture that is in scale with the super 7 TMNT... ie spare pieces from this, namely the couch.
But unto the playset itself:
It has a backstage area and the entrance area. The entrance area has the ramp and fireworks display. Surprisingly, only the side pieces are cardboard.Everything else is plastic and stickers. This makes customization a lot easier and the only complicated part are the embossed WWE logos. The only one I would cover would be the 1 at the top of the backdrop and make a new MuTeens logo.
For accessories it has:
Vanity with "real mirror" being reflective tape in reality.
It's dangerously reflective. I even had to put on decent clothes to take the pictures. I tend to wear questionable clothes. Like Leopard print women's pajama pants meant to be used on a Kraven cosplay that never happened.
It has a steel chair, but we've seen multiple variations of those already, a couch, Which was one of the main reasons I bought this. It has a small closet with small shelf. It comes with 2 cute tops that the superstars Action dolls can wear. You can see Ms. Flair wearing one of them on one of the photos. I purposely gave her the pink one so it would contrast with her Normal blue attire. It also comes with 2 coat hangers... A breakable coffee table completes the stuff on the backstage side...
For the other side it's a news camera with stand.
Celeste: Hey guys, Mami and Vati made some food, but you gotta go topside to eat! Menu for: Humans: White rice with Beans and Beef Schnitzel. For dessert, Black Forest Gateaux. For the Mutant Turtle: Mofongo and Rouladen Pizza. You need to expand your palate, Michelangelo. If you eat the Mofongo and Rouladen Pizza, Dad says he'll make a Special Nutella stuffed crust Dessert Pizza with the ingredients of your choice. Michelangelo: Nicola, watching you play Street Fighter is fun, but I have to earn that Nutella stuffed crust Pizza. Barbara: Mikey is right, also, isn't Beef Schnitzel Bistec empanado? Nick: Pretty much, but Vik's German so he will call it that. If María Milagros had made it, it would've been Bistec empanado. Ahsley: Chloe, I'm dying! I need to touch boobs! Chloe: knock yourself out Ashley, though I'd prefer it was Nick. Barbara: We all love having Nick touch our boobs! Carlotta: Damn right! Except maybe April. She only sees Nick as a friend. Alicia: April, since Roe v. Wade has been repealed, I have to use these to cull Nick's Semen Demon population, since he leaves his DNA all over town. So, have you been with Nick, O'Neil? April: Demoted to O'Neil? Listen Fun-Size. I'm drinking Beer! D'ya think, I'd get plastered while pregnant? Carlotta: Licia, stop it! Nick's gonna... Where are Natsumi and the Stockbros? Nefty VO: I haven't found suitable bases to make crappy customs out of! Mainly I haven't seen a single Asuka (apparently she was never released), don't get me started on SyBert...
The playset has an action Feature. If you put a superstar doll on the foot pad in the middle of the entrance and you turn a gear, the doors would open and reveal the diva on the entrance side.
Mike: Oh! Shellshock!
Normally I'm not an action feature guy.But for these dolls it works almost perfectly. The whole can't stand on the ramp due to lacking ankle articulation hurts them.
This Playset comes with a Nikki Bella action figure. It has the same articulation as a superstar 2017 Diva Action Doll Line, uh figure.
So I'll repeat myself;
These have articulation close to WWE Basic figures, which is almost MOTUC Compatible.
But my only real nitpick on these is the lack of ankle articulation, since Wrestling figures should be Super Articulated.
Paint and sculpt
I believe the girls Department was heavily involved in the making of these. The faces are too stylized in almost a doll like look. They look far prettier than their realistic counterparts... The fact that these are supposed to be wrestlers was almost forgotten for half of the characters. Despite looking like they have the same body, they actually have lots of unique parts, which is actually kind of weird. I mean this is Mattel, they love their part reuse and here there's very little of it. Perhaps the bare arms are the only body parts that are reusing maybe the bare thighs for the ones wearing long pants. Sadly in some cases the paint can be a bit sloppy but in general it's decent. The fact that these figures have accessories they CANNOT HOLD is a strong sign of Girls Department influence. Boys Department loves their C-grips.
The first Nikki I got came from. This playset, so it had the belt and hat. The single carded figure only has her hat.
2.5 + 2.5 for the playset and stuff...
Nikki gets a 3.33 as her... Nefty, stahp! She comes with a whole freaking Playset... packed with accessories... fix that score! 4.17 is her new score.
Guess that's it for 2024's AC... Hopefully, 2025 will be special... still got some items to go through... dang it!