Mar 7, 2025

Movie Theater ceiling collapses in Captain America showing

 Seems like Red Hulk smashed too hard. The funniest part is that there were only two people at the showing.

Most of the internet is using this to showcase how bad the new movie is. But I'm willing to bet that it was a matinee showing...

It was on an Actual Tuesday! How can you top that! Luckily none of the two people were hurt. Not to mention that it happened on a slow day and on a showing with very little people at the seats.

In any case, I think I'm gonna watch the movie at home once it hits Disney+, just to be safe. 

Mar 6, 2025

StormCo has shown some stuff.

 For both their normal lines and Storm Arena lines...

Normal Storm Collectibles is getting Final Fight 1. They showed Cody and Haggar.

I hope we get Storm Arena versions as well... would it be too much to asl for Jessica and Belger?

Storm Arena Chun Li looks OK-ish, but not great.

Hibiki sensei is looking fucking Glorious! I need him yesterday!

I have a massive erection right now and my wallet is contemplating sudoku.

Looks like Storm Arena Darkstalkers Morrogan and Lilith. Do want!!
Can't wait...

Mar 5, 2025

Wait... Dysentery outbreak Where!?

 Dysentery... it's deadly shit. Literally. Pretty much every Gen Xer and Xennial KNOWS that Dysentery is some serious and deadly shit because of Oregon Trail.

Dysentery has been on the rise in Oregon since 2012 and as of January 2025, there have been 40 cases of dysentery. Holy shit! 

Of course, the disease is having an effect on the homeless population, as their unfortunate situation has forced them into involuntarily LARPing The Oregon Trail. 

At least Blocks aren't being dropped from the heavens towards Kremlin... I'm referencing Tetris, not canceling Steven Seagal's best friend and Donald Trump's too.
Or Bath Slats turning Florida into Raccoon City...

Mar 3, 2025

Another TMNT-STYLE Character creation ideas.

 I wasn't planning on making on of these, but someone sent me this:

I lost it. A baby pygmy hippo. That made me think, there are plenty of animals that can be turned into Mutants.

A mutated Muay Thai fighter known as the cobra who had lost a battle against Oroku Saki. He was turned into a Thai Cobra who fights in underground Mutant fighting tournaments for Shredder. Unlike Rocksteady and Bebop, Piphat is biding his time until he can turn on Shredder and be free from Saki. His name is based on  Thai classical music arrangement

Visually, I want him Shredder sized, as Scaletail would be too big. Here I will be applying some MOTUC styling as only his head, torso, shoulders, hands and feet will be scaly. This purposely made decision is to sell the Human/snake hybrid look for him. In fact, his pra jiad (Muay Thai armbands) should be made of his recently shedded human skin. Woth the hands and feet being scaly while the thighs and upper shins are scaleless. He would reuse Shredder's forearms and shins due to the wrapping.
Hoodless head with articulated jaw
Hooded head with open jaw and hole for plug in venom skittle
Hoodless head dizzy with snake tongue sticking out.
Thumbs up left hand (for neck slitting motion)
Pointing right hand
Thai sword
Thai staff
Venom spitting effect
One eyed Tiger pelt that can be worn on hoodless heads. (Yes, one eyed Tiger is a nod to SAGAT)

Terrence Wolfe:
College student and pledge at a fraternity (ΣAB) who was doused with Ooze and thrown in a wolf enclosure at the zoo. After being turned into an anthropomorphic wolf, Terrence became a Party Animal and his fraternity mascot. Since he no longer can compete in human sports, he occasionally helps the Turtles for the sake of kicking Robot and Mutant butt.

Picture a Humanoid wolf about Rat King size wearing a removable torn blue sleeve red Letterman jacket with his Fraternity letters on the back. Sporting blue Martial arts pants with a removable bandolier think Chuck Norris Karate Kommandos. With bare feet.
Upwards howling head
Chillaxed head
Snarling head with Frat Trucker Cap
Standard hands
Hang ten left hand
Come on Right hand
Victory sign left hand
Rock on right hand
Mutton roast
Oversized cricket paddle
Rappin Mike Boombox/Turntable
Barbell with removable weights (to use as a staff and discus weapons)

The idea came from watching Teen Wolf and tossing some Terry Bogard references (The name Terrence, the hat, and the Mutton Roast, because Hungry Wolf) everything else was basically a more Animal looking Teen Wolf reference.

Ooze Teen:
Teenage boy + Vat of Ooze = Trouble. After falling into a vat of flawed Retromutagen Ooze, Oscar Knight was not OK. Turned into a sentient glob of Ooze, Ozzie Knight decided to become a Superhero. Using the name Ooze Teen, Oscar curbstomps the Foot one Foot Soldier a Day before bedtime.

Essentially a Teenager body (about D&D Ultimates Hank sized) but in featureless full body "tights" made out of GITD white Plastic.
The figure requires interchangeable arms with  longer extra oozed arms. Long arms only have articulation at the shoulder and bicep swivel. The length is more than the figure itself as they also function as a "flight stand"
He also needs interchangeable feet
Normal Oscar (painted in Normal human colors, dark skinned.)
Normal Oscar in GITD plastic with painted neon green eyes.
Ooze Teen "masked head" think featureless face like Spider-Man but with big Green bulgy eyes.
Standard hands in GITD plastic
Horizontal c-grips in flesh tone.

GITD Ooze puddle with "flat Ooze Teen face".
GITD Oozed arm grabber/dramatic hands
GITD Oozed arm punching hands
GITD Oozed arms hover "hands"
GITD Splat feet
Normal feet. Normal colors
Normal feet GITD 
Soft goods tracksuit pants
Soft goods tracksuit hoodie

The idea was to have a Spider-Man type character. (Kid with powers trying to be normal, but bound to use his new powers to help. Combined With elements of the Invisible man (hence the hooded tracksuit and swappable hands and feet.)
The reason for the soft goods clothing is that it can be piled up on the floor and the "shoe feet" whole having Ozzie in his "Alex Mack puddle".

(A thermochromic Variant could be released later on)

Kenta Nuki:
A thief whose reputation as Master of disguise piqued the interest of Karai. Tasked with stealing Ooze from Shredder, he accidentally got exposed to it and Mutated into a Tanuki. Now he's Under Karai's employ to sabotage both Shredder and the Mutanimals.

He's meant to share parts with Tattoo. Mainly the upper Torso, arms and legs. Feet and hands would be new and the crotch in order to have a soft goods mawashi with a tailhole. You can wrap his Bolos and hide them under the mawashi as a nod to his cultural big balls.
Wearing a japanese "thief disguise"
Standard hands
Bolo twirling right hand
-Oversized straw hat with string. Can be worn on head or let hang on his back creating the halo effect from some Tanuki statues
-Buddhist monk staff
-Oversized Bolos with real string
-Oversized Bolos in twirling effect
-sake jug
-soft goods blue sash (Think sf6 Ryu)
-kasa-obake little buddy (umbrella yokai)

The idea is to have a Tanuki character and try to add his big balls in a "family friendly" way. Hence the Argentinian Bolos.

A morgue worker who got hit by an Ooze booby trap when doing the autopsy of a Shredder worm clone. When he woke up, he discovered he could use other corpses to reconfigure himself for combat thanks to the mutated worm colony. Now believing he's an undead Oroku Saki, he wants to destroy the Turtles once and for all.

Essentially this is a Modulok knockoff. 
The main body is a Biohazard suit with tears at the joints where the worm colony can be seen.

-Biohazard suit 
-unknown partial animal head
-worm colony head

5 neck connectors 

Various Y connectors, similar to Modulok

-Biohazard torso
-worm torso

-Two legged Biohazard crotch
-Three legged worm crotch
-Four legged worm crotch

6 arms:
Worm colony

6 legs:
Worm colony

Biohazard: C grips, dramatic
Worm: fists, dramatic 
Corpse: c grips, fists

2 vinyl bodybags to put in all the spare parts.

The reason the figure doesn't have any weapons is because he already has too many body parts that you can combine in different configurations... Also, this figure could potentially work as an army builder. Since you can buy multiples and create even bigger abominations. And yes, the 3 legged crotch on combination with the eyeball is a shirime reference.

A Palmchat mutated by improperly disposed Ooze. She now protects East Harlem. Normally she sticks to helping ladies cross the street, help the sick with their groceries, mostly peaceful stuff. But if the Foot comes a knocking, Bachata will protect her flock.

Picture an anthropomorphic female Palmchat sporting a T-shirt (shirt sporting the Dominican Republic flag) with an open zip-up hoodie and sweatpants. Her hoodie should be swappable like Ace Duck for the optional wings.


Usual hands 
Pepper spray using hands 

Dual stun guns
Dual pepper spray cans with spraying effect
Dual collapsing batons
Walkman with headphones

I'm simply adding some representation Chinatown has Hothead, so I thought El Barrio needed a hero. I just didn't want to make a fully fledged fighter. So I went for the community organizer approach.

A Brazilian herpetologist who gained the enmity of a criminal organization in her country, who was exporting dangerous snakes for Shredder. Driven insane after her mutation, she withdrew to the Amazon where she hunts down poachers and other criminals. While antisocial, she befriended Leonardo when he went to the Amazon to train.

By the name, the character is supposed to look like Medusa. 
Picture a body similar to the Harryhausen Medusa from Clash of the Titans (the movie that made me.) But sporting a Pelé shirt and a vest with sleeves torn off. Her face should vaguely resemble Xuxa, but with needy glasses and Golden Lance snakes for hair. Her skin coloring should resemble the Golden lance snakes.

Relaxed head with relaxed Snakes resembling flowing hair 
Angry head with snakes moving to the sides of the head hissing

Usual hands
Archery hands

Splinter's Bow and arrows
Snake arrows
Jungle knife
Satchel with refrigerated anti venom case

I wanted a Medusa, but didn't want to go with the Greek Gorgons,  so I had to Improvise, adapt, overcome. YouTube dropped a TMNT movie related video explaining Nightwatcher, so I thought of Jungle Ghost Leonardo. There I thought of Ilha da Quemaida Grande and everything began to take shape. Decided to make her a good gal to subverting the Snake = Evil. Which is funny because I have ophidiophobia. 

A Hot Dog Vendor from Hell's Kitchen, Joseph Weiner, accidentally used Ooze instead of Hot Dog water for his cart. Becoming a Man/Weiner/Hot Dog Cart abomination, he now slings Glizzies for the Foot. 

Picture a filthy Hot Dog shaped man, sporting a green sleeveless shirt, a yellowed Hot Dog Vendor hat who sits on the water reservoir of his hotdog cart. You can remove him from the cart and see two tiny peg legs that can be connected to fake legs (unarticulated) hos arms are longer than his body length without the fake legs. Meaning he walks with his hands when not riding the cart.

Derp face
Angry face

Gun trigger
"Feet" hands
Hot Dog tossing hand 

Hot Dog Cart lower body. The hot dog cart should have bog wheels that Mr. Weenie can roll his cart like a wheel chair.
Fake crotch with legs. These connect to the cart when not in use. (As they're meant to be an extension of the cart.)
Condiment gun
Weiner whip.
Teeny Weenie (small cocktail sausage body who can plug into the hot dog water or the fake legs)
3× Nasty dogs

Yes, he's meant to be a rival/partner to Pizzaface.  He takes the Dirty Water Dogs to a whole new level.

A Mutated Sawfish who was trained to fight Merdude and Ray Fillet. He serves Shredder for the sake of wreaking havoc.

He would reuse Ray Fillet's legs and lower arms. Getting a new torso, crotch, upper arms, and a ray/shark pseudo cape like Ray Fillet. His head would have Cyber implants to look "chainsaw-esque" his torso would be a sleeveless diving suit with a design inspired by the Archie Man-Ray but in "evil colors"
 His skin tone would be a greysh olive green.

Grinning with the nose saw "turned off"
Screaming with the nose saw "turned on"

Ray Fillet hands
Dramatic hands

Aquatic chainsaw
Serrated spear
Harold the Goblin Shark (a Small anthropomorphic Goblin Shark buddy in a pose reminiscent of Green Goblin flying on the glider.)

A descendant of Sasaki Kojiro, Sasaki Kenta was raised in the way of the warrior. He became an Interpol agent as the way of the wandering Samurai was outdated. After the Foot eliminated his family, Kenta quit Interpol to hunt down Shredder.

Picture a guy in a Military commando uniform with Military styled armed reminiscent of Shredder.

Unmasked Kenta
Samurai Helmet (with Old school Samurai mask and helmet, reminiscent of Shredder's but far more ornate. SHOGUN Shredder helmet)
Eating umasked head
Commando head (balaclava and goggles)
Reuse Foot Soldier hands

Removable Samurai styled belt with fauld

The idea was to make a modern era Samurai WITHOUT making an actual samurai. So a "faker Shredder" became part of my visual idea.  His role is more like a Tuxedo Mask/Protoman. He shows up, distracts the enemy long enough for the actual heroes to do their job. 

An Arsonist mutated into a leopard seal with ice powers by Shredder. Angry at the world, he will burn everything to the ground with the Power of ice and a little good ol' fashioned arson.

Picture an anthropomorphic Leopard Seal sporting slotted sunglasses sporting an Orange and yellow winter parka, red cargo pants and a Single brown boot. The other foot is bare and partially turned into a flipper.

Firing ice eyeglass.

Standard hands
Holding lighter left hand

2× Molotov cocktails
Ice eye beam effect 
Backpack with freeze ray
Robot Bebop shield

Cat Lady
Julia "Kitt" Merryweather, Veterinarian, found a wounded Scratch and tried to give medical help to the wounded feline. Enraged he attacked  her with his claws. This caused his Mutant blood combine with the Veterinarian's. As she laid dying, the Mutagen in Scratch's blood began changing her. Human by day, Mutant cat by night Kitt became the Cat Lady a Feline Vigilante who harbors feeling for King Lionheart.

If this had been a Vintage figure it would've been a repainted Mutatin' April with new heads.  
But since this would be a theoretical list for Super7, we get to do something Different:
A new Body Based on Mirage April's First Appearance. (TMNT 2) but with a turtleneck
The long sleeves, full legs pants and Turtleneck are needed to reduce the amount of cat parts.

Her crotch would have a peg like Scratch's to plug her tail, but the crotch should have a emovable fanny pack on her back. Which you swap from cat and human modes.

Human (Think a fusion of Julie Newmar and Lee Meriwether)
Cat (Think something between Scratch and her human form)

Reuse April hands
New Cat hands:
C-grips Fists, dramatic

-Human mode closed Fannypack
-Cat.mode fanny pack with open Zipper for her tail to poke out.
-Catnip grenades
-Cat wand whip
-scratch pad shield

Mar 2, 2025

2k3 Ultimates top most wanted figures

 I need to pad out March in order to have a tail end weekend getaway. So, here's a list of characters I wanna see in the line. Is Turtles Forever available? That way we could get 1987 toon accurate Turtles with 2k3 Articulation.

But this list won't have Turtles or April, since I can request Multiple 2k3 April variants.

So let's get the obvious ones out of the way:


Obvious choice was obvious. I'm only requesting Human Hun. If Mutated Hun comes later down the line, whatever.


He's the leader of a third faction, the EPF. I would most likely get eventual RPF Army. Builders, ESPECIALLY if they're Deluxe figures.

Baxter Stockman

Human form first, please. Let's leave the Robotic Abomination for later.

The Justice Force

Another faction, but these should be released  separately in order to make them accessible.
The Minimum I'd accept for a Team:
  • Silver Sentry
  • Ananda
  • Chrysalis
  • Tsunami
  • Metal Head
  • Nobody
  • Stainless Steel Steve
  • Metal Head
  • Zippy Lad
  • Doc Dome
The last four would be The old age versions to act as Mentors... 

Rat King

I need Rat King, I get Rat King. I literally own 3 Ultimates Rat Kings. So let's make it 4-5 

Shredder clones

This was.
 To be expected, especially since I'm abusing the idea of shredder. Clones already with The vintage Shredders. But I want the crab Shredder, the quadra-armed Shredder, and the mini Shredder... Now that I think of it, they don't make sense. Since 2k3 Shredder is an Utrom in an android body, how does he have "Humanoid clones"?


I prefer the sleeper Mirage Aesthetic and 2k3 is closer to it than 1987. 


If S7 clears the air with Sakai, then a 2k3 Usagi would be perfect for me, as he has the look I prefer.


I want Fugitoid, a 2k3 Triceraton allows me to have different looking Triceratons.

Karai as Shredder

I already have a Vanilla Karai and I think the Shredder Armored look is fine for her. Hopefully the Mirage NECA Shredder Karai will be available at my local Best Buy...

Doctor Chaplin 

I tend to favor supporting characters. 
Especially those who make Sexy killer Karai Bots...

Who the fuck let Cade in? But can't argue with his logic. Also, later on a Battle Gear Chaplin would be nice. 


These should be released in separate waves.

Reality Check versions of the CHARACTERS

That means mayor April, Casey as her assistant, The super turtles and the evil master Silver. No, this isn't an excuse to get April in a blazer and a skirt. 


Like I'd forget the boobs beyond time and the girl they're attached to.

Savanti Romero 

If I have Renet, I need goatboi. You can't have a hero without their Nemesis. OK, you can, but, you know what I mean.

But as always the main problem woth the 2k3 line is too many danged humans. Notice, I didn't add characters like April's Sister, Casey Jones's mom, or that little kid.The one that used to be a 
Purple Dragon, Angel.

Oranges Fright Zone revealed

 A perfect complement to the Funko Primal Age Batcave. I still need to tackle that review.

Behold the Patio of Evil... it looks pretty much the same as the original but the floor trap featurw was made more obvious this time. Visit the Battle Ram blog for a more elaborate history of the Fright Zone and pics of the original Patio of Evil.

The vintage playset was kinda lame. It had very little to do and the Beast Monster was a mitten that broke by the third week, unless you took care of it.

Now we get an actual Monster figure... that's an improvement, but still kinda meh... 

That's right, Rainbow Dash. What can mattel do to make this place at more exciting? 
How about giving us an usable backside? That could work...

Wait? Did you just Flip the whole playset inside out? It's stupid genius. It's genius for Mattel because they ¼assed the hell out of it and got results. It's stupid because unlike Grayskull or Snake Mountain, you don't need to disassemble the whole thing to use BOTH the outside and inside of the playsets. 

Here you have to disassemble the floor and cell before flipping the walls inside out and making the other side unusable. A Few floor pieces, breakaway bridges and a placemat could've made both sides useful without breaking the wallet too much.

Mar 1, 2025

Mattel is back with DC

 Seems the McFarlane Experience is over. TO BE FAIR, getting Todd's toys is a bitch of an experience. I missed out on a classic Michael Keaton Batman, the Batmobile, the Batman Forever and Batman and Robin figures. I gave up on trying to build a Justice League because it was a bitch to get figures... Hell, he even stopped making the ammunition packs which I loved. Then there was the lack of a cohesive scale... I forgot to mention that I missed out on the Christopher Reeve Superman on the Fleischer animation Superman.

With that said, Mattel's distribution ain't that good either. Aside a Masterverse Atrás, I haven't seen masterverse figures in retail much less Oranges. (Turtles of Grayskull being an exception.)

I hope they don't get downgraded to Basic WWE styled figures, Because the WWE elite pricing is ludicrous.

Late 2026 is Mattel's time to shine... don't fuck up!

Losing DC might be a good thing for Todd.

 Todd McFarlane, creator of Spawn, has some treats coming.

IDW TMNT Page Punchers... that kinda compete with The Loyal Subjects Best AXN line.

Alternate Feet? Curious. But this isn't what I am excited for Todd...


Of course, Todd starts with the parts reuse right out the gate.
But to make matter worse, Mileena is relegated to a Two Pack with Sub Zero
My only nitpick is that they lack accessories. Subzero with no freeze effect? Liu Kang with no fireball? I swear if Todd makes a Kombat Pack, I'll scream. Also, make these widely available, because most of your figures are underproduced. And sell out worse than Mattycollector's beginnings.

NECA, What the Actual Fuck?

 What If Secret of the Ooze had used Rocksteady and Bebop instead of Tokka and Rahzar?

I fucking LOVE IT!! Hopefully you make these very accessible to get, because I missed out in Keno, Perry, SOTO Shredder. I lucked out getting a Tatsu (Advent Calendar review item)

By the way, where is My Yellow Jumpsuit Judith Hoag April? You promised me one and I'm still waiting. 

If other characters will be made, Arnold Schwarzenegger would be perfect for Rat King. The world is not ready for Schwarzehobbo. They weren't ready for Schwarzefrozen. 

Playmates could deliver the DEFINITIVE TMNT Figures

 I have a Playmates six inch Leonardo and Raphael coming and they will be Advent Calendar material. So this got me thinking:
"If Playmates stopped ⅛assing things, they could have the DEFINITIVE TMNT figures."

Taking the overused 6 inch Classic/Elite TMNT Body but with new heads, Belts, and Accessories to give these turtle boys an oomph! The Belts would be the Playmates OG line styled Belts and the Playmates OG line skintones. The heads would be based on the vintage toys too. I guess you already know where I'm going with this.

This one is the simplest:
-Vintage OG Leonardo
-Talking Leonardo 
-Head Droppin' Leonardo

-His 2 Katanas
-3 Shuriken (SOTO Release)
-mace from wacky action Leonardo
-Foot Bopper from Movie Star Leonardo 

Now for Donatello:
-Vintage OG Donatello
-wacky action Donatello
-Storage Shell Donatello

-Bo staff
-Sewer Swimming floater with spear
-Thermal Goggles from Undercover Raph
-Don's Sewer squirter Role Playing toy made in figure scale.

Raph gets the following:
-Vintage OG Raph
-Talking  Raph
-Ninja Action Raph

-Pair of Sai
-Katar blade
-Boomerang from Storage Shell Raph
-pair of tonfa

The last Turtle:
-OG Mike
-wacky action Mike
- Talking Mike

-Pair of chucks with real chain
-wacky action sansetsukon
-grappling hook with rope
-cold cut chucks from the SOTO Release.

I could add more stuff but I'm trying to keep them on the $20 to $25 range. Hell, I'd be willing to reach the $35 range if we get a fourth Head and interchangeable hands:
The existing articulated finger hands
Chopping hands

The reasoning for the C-grips is for the figures to properly grab the weapons without dropping them, which is a main gripe with these. The proper fists and chopping hands are to cover the actions the articulated hands can't do properly.

Announce a modified Cowabunga Carl Van amd people may be a bit excited. Hell, you could even shrink these to be 5.5 inches so the bad guys are 6 inches and feel in-scale.

Feb 28, 2025

TMNT Ultimates wave 13 is here.

The preorder ends on March 28th. As announced a while back, they're Shredder, Foot Ninja, Casey, and Splinter.

The Buy the whole wave superdickery bag has Ch'rell, a Foot Gauntlet, GITD sword, and windswept Casey head.

Casey comes with the expected stuff and and added unmasked head. Hands have the bare minimum. But to be honest, I pre-ordered My Casey via BBTS to make a Nick 2.0 so, Hopefully, the Mo-Larr head fits this body.

Pre-ordered a single Foot Ninja alongside Casey... To be honest, I'm a bit disappointed with the Foot Ninja as it is VERY Bare bones. I will not use the weird Unmasked head though. Will try to get a second one so Karai can have 2 Ninjas. If I were to give it a grade, it gets an 80. It needs a bit more to reach 90.

Splinter is the waves dud. Sure, he's super important, but I'm talking as a toy.
His robe is plastic. Some of the poses he is rendered in are IMPOSSIBLE to do with a plastic robe. Also, his accessories are underwhelming for the most part. Tons of hands, flashback rat and turtles... his stick is the only "accessory".

But the best figure of the wave is Shredder. But Super7 is doing a bit of skullduggery with the renders. That Kick is impossible to do if his armored tasset is not segmented.

He finally has an Oroku Saki head. Also comes with a Neutral Ch'rell. Guess the second Shredder figure they maks will have a Hollow stomach for Ch'rell. Other than that, he's a bit bare bones. 

If the shipping issues to Puerto Rico are fixed, Super7 will get my money for Shredder and a Foot Ninja. Fuck Splinter with his Plastic robe.

Shipping Issues to Puerto Rico are apparently fixed, as I was able to preorder my Shredder and Foot Ninja.

Feb 27, 2025

Häagen-Dazs marketing team deserves a medal

 I nearly choked on my Pepsi zero... just discovered that they lowered the caffeine content from its past iteration aka Pepsi Max.


It's  a Fast and Furious themed ad with Toretto taking things slow. Last time I saw an ad this awesome...

Was the insanity of Japanese Arnold Schwarzenegger ads. Speaking of Schwarzenegger, when is Fubar season 2 coming?

Who let Haley Joel Osment watch the French Connection?

 Because now Gene Hackman is dead. Yes, Gene Hackman was in his 90s. So it was obvious that the bucket would've been kicked anyways. The weird part is that his 63 year old wife, Betsy Arakawa and their dog were found dead as well... according to the report, Police don't suspect foul play. 

I suspect poisoning. Not saying that they were in a suicidal pact. Gas leak, robbing them of oxygen or CO² poisoning. Hopefully more info will be revealed later and we can get a clear answer.

I'm not gonna pretend I'm a mega Gene Hackman fan. I mean, I saw The French Connection in college. 

I remember him as Lex Luthor in the Superman movies. I remember him in Toung Frankenstein, I remember him in The Quick and the Dead, where he was the villain. I think he did a movie with Ray Romano... from Hannah Montana.

He was also in a movie with the Narnian Scientologist who always runs from his gay thoughts. The couch jumper. The guy who loved playing with the boys. Dustin Hoffman's brother in Rain Man... BTW, Hackman DID a movie with Hoffman, Runaway Jury. That one I watched with Mom. Knowledge of pointless trivia a fan does not make...

In any case, as always, my condolences to friends and family. Farewell Mr. Hackman, Mrs. Arakawa, and the inmerntioned race or gender of the dog.

Feb 26, 2025

Who let Haley Joel Osment watch The Adventures of Pete and Pete

 None of the Petes were the focus of his Necrosight. His target was Nona Mecklenberg... the little kid with the cast on her arm and the candy necklace. Played by the late Michelle Trachtenberg. Yes, I know everyone will mention her stint as Dawn in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or her stint on Gossip Girl... but to me, she will always be Nona... or Harriet the Spy...
No, Spike, we don't talk about Eurotrip out of respect for the recently seen by Haley Joel Osment.

Apparently she had undergone a transplant surgery on her liver shortly before her untimely passing. This royally sucks... for her parents, I mean. Parents aren't supposed to bury their children. My condolences to friends and family.

Woth the TMNT 2K3 Wave 2 coming: let's think 2k3 wave 3

 I will do a few possible waves. The main issue with 2k3 is that it's Human heavy. Also, Hun is heavy. I will be using the Super7 3 figure wave recent format:

April, Baxter, Mouser pack 

April, Hun, Bishop

Utrom android body, Baxter, Hun

Bishop, Baxter, Rat King 

Karai, Foot Mystic, Triceraton

Karai, Chaplin, Nobody

Battling Bernice, Chrysalis, Silver Sentry

Turtle Titan, Triceraton, April

Mouser pack, Utrom Android body, Triceraton

Hun, Nobody, Turtle Titan

In any case we need to focus on the next wave, which is "vintage inspired".

Hideo Kojima is confused by the MCU

 Hideo three inches of doom Kojima is confused by the MCU.
Hideo fucking Kojima as in the creator of the Metal Gear Saga, and Temu Metal Gear QWOP Amazon Prime Simulator is fucking confused about the MCU.

Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit!
Kojima, Mr. Can't tell a straightforward story without having you to stop playing in order to read hours of supplemental material so you can have a SLIGHT idea of what's going on, got lost because he's refused to watch supplemental material that gives you an idea of what's going on? 

Holy asscrackers, I never thought I would ever reference. Alanis Morissette. 

Watch the supplemental shows you Dingus!!

Feb 25, 2025

Super7 Ultimates 2k3 TMNT Wave 2 coming soon

 Hopefully they fixed the shipping issues to Puerto Rico and have USPS available as a reasonable option so I can get Shredder and a Foot Soldier from them and Casey and a Foot Soldier from BBTS. I'M going to be blunt:
I'm not Gonna collect the 2K3 line. I got my Michelangelo because he's my favorite turtle and I want to steal his Nunchucks for the vintage styled Michelangelo. 

 I'm getting Shredder but I don't know if he will have the Utrom inside. Depending on the figure once it's officially revealed. That's how I will add him to my continuity.
If it's not with the Utrom, then he'll be Shredder in an augmented suit after reverting the Super Shredder Mutation. Think Anakin to Darth Vader kind of thing.

The Foot Ninja will be Karai's and Casey will be the template for Nick 2.0

I WILL get April, Hun, human and robot Baxter, Bishop and SOME of the other non-vintage characters. Rat King being an exception to that rule.
If they haven't fixed the issue, Shredder and a Foot Soldier will be priority and eventually a Casey for Nick 2.0.

Fuck me, Hasbro's SDCC 2025 GI Joe Exclusive

 Is Cold Slither...

I hope I'm able to get it because it's Cold Slither.

Of course, I expect Super7 to follow through with a $430 GI Joe Ultimates Cold Slither wave for 2032. (Adjusted for inflation)

I'm surprised that this is made a reality... I suggested it would be both awesome and a dick move back in 2021.

Feb 24, 2025

Mattel dropped a sneak peek at He-Man

 After the fiasco of Arrested Adam, Mattel dropped this Pic.

They really need to ditch the planet Earth angle. I know it's too late for this movie to do so, but, NO ONE WANTS EARTH SCENES! WE WANT CONAN WITH LASERS! STAR WARS WITH FURRY UNDERWEAR!  Seriously, it's like they didn't learn anything from the 1987 movie!?

Give me well-oiled muscle-bound Men fighting to enter a skull faced castle. No Earth Bullshit. I'm willing to bet that the executives at Mattel were: "Barbie was successful. Now make a boy version of it!" Missing the whole appeal of He-Man. 

.In any case, it's not a complete train wreck.

Feb 21, 2025

Dolph Lundgren trying on wigs...

 Ivan Drago's actor posted this on Facebook:
He is trying unwigs for a secret role in a movie. What role would require Dolpb Lundgren to wear a wig?

Could it be that Dolph Lundgren will be playing King Grayskull in the new movie? That would mean things are coming full circle, as King Grayskull was heavily inspired by Dolph Lundgren's He-Man. 

Finally something positive about the new movie, and it's just a rumor.

Preorders for Storm Collectibles Alpha Ryu are a go!

 Supposedly coming out in July.

He includes Hadoken with stand and FIGURE stand. You can Shoryuken with this Ryu. Looks like I may need to paint his hair in a reddish brown.

Not quite feeling the face, but that can change once I have him in-hand.

Honestly, with Ryu and Ken, I already.know what to expect with Dan. But right now, other than Killer Bee and Chun Li, I don't think I'll revisit SSFIIT folks.

Give me my waifu and her rich rival!! Give me the JoJo reference! 

Hasbro is doing some Insomniac Spidey Legends

 While, there have been past figures based on the games. This time we get dedicated wave, and a few exclusives.

There's Black Cat, Advanced suit Miles, Miles 2099, Symbiote Spidey, Anti Venom Spidey, Spirit Spidey might be exclusive to Walmart.
But the 3 figures that caught my eye:

Black Suit Kingpin. Seems like a Repainted Kingpin, but there's never enough Fisk. Amazon exclusive bothers me a bit.

This big ass Venom seems cool but not Sire how expensive he and Kingpin will be.

As a Puerto Rican, I am obligated to buy this Miles Morales, even if it's to mock the living shit out of it. 

I noticed that Mary Jane is nowhere on the list...

Feb 20, 2025

New Director for the SF 2026 movie.

 The dude is kinda Japanese, but he's directed some American stuff. 

Apparently, he directed Wake the Fuck Up... and the Eric Andre show... not feeling hopeful... 

Kitao Sakurai has a huge responsibility at his feet. Please don't fuck it up.

Feb 19, 2025

Storm Collectibles teasing the next 5 Street Fighter Alpha figures

 Maybe I should say four says we know who's coming straight after Ken. Aside Ryu, the next figure coming is


Kinda underwhelming... Sagat, right after retailers began taking Jada Toys Sagat preorders. Then again, Storm might be releasing thaf Sagat by the time Jada finishes USFIIT and move on to other SF characters from other SF games. Part of me wants SF 1... but we know that game is obscure for a reason. 

First 6 releases and ½ is shotos. Not to mention ⅚ are SFII characters. Before anyone mentions that Dan first appeared as a playable character in Street Fighter alpha, His true first appearance was on STREET FIGHTER II promotional art. It bums me that ¾ of the roster are variants.

Here is where we should've gotten instead of Sagat and Dan: Rolento, Gen, Guy, Cody, Birdie, Karin, Rainbow Mika, you know NON VARIANT CHARACTERS! I know Dan is a new character, but he's a pink Ryu with his torso painted black and a new head.

But here's what I expect to see with these figures:

-Alt. Laugh head
-Tiger shot effect with special dual height stand.
-scar touching open hands.
-Dan head grabbing hand

-Alt. Angry head
-Hadoken hands
-Hadoken with stand
-Alt. Crossed arms

-Alt crying head
-Gadouken hands
-Thumbs up and flat hands for Super taunt 
-Gadouken with stand.

Chun Li:
-Alt Victory head
-chopping hands
-Hyakuretsu kyaku effect with stand
-Gun hands with gun (vs. Bison)
-Victory pose hand.

-Alt. Grin head
-sonic boom effect with stand
-judo chop hands
-glasses holding hand with glasses
-handkerchief holding hand with handkerchief.

Feb 18, 2025

Witcher animated movie: The Little Mermaid and Geralt.

 That is the best way to describe the Witcher: Sirens of the Deep. Anya Chalupa reprise her role as Yennefer. Joey Batey returned as the bestest bard ever... but Geralt of Rivia wasn't Cavill. Oh no sir. They got some rando to play him.

Yes, Geralt is being played by Doug Cockle, the Game version of Geralt. Just by that, this movie is glorious. I think the Witcher works better in animation than live action. 

I feel bad for Miley's ex.

Odds and ends Feb 18, 2025:

 What the actual fuck, Yuna!? Why are you dancing to Mexican Music?

This is the best heartbroken woman diss track ever. Here's the literal translation:

Filthy rat
Creeping animal
Scum of life
Shoddy monstrosity.
Spectre of Hell
Damn vermin
How much damage you've done to me.
Poisonous serpent
Waste of life
I hate you and despise you.
Two-legged rat
I'm talking to you
because a creeping creature,
even being the most cursed,
compared to you
is very small.

Damn leech
damn cockraoch
you who infects with bites,
who hurts and who kills.

Poisonous serpent
Waste of life
I hate you and despise you.

Two-legged rat
I'm talking to you
because a creeping creature,
even being the most cursed,
compared to you
is very small.

I remember this song from roughly back in my college days. One of the few songs in Spanish that I've sung drunk.

Fun fact: Puerto Rican Governor, Jennifer Gonzalez looks like a young Paquita, so Netflix, if you're doing a movie, give her a call.

There is a rumor that MOTU Origins is getting a Fright Zone. I never saw Snake Mountain and the two Grayskulls I saw were overpriced. Guess we need to keep our ears on the ground, because I don't know if it will be a Mattel Shop item or if it's hitting retail. 

The Naughty or Nice crowd funding campaign ended on Valentine's and as of the writing of this rant, no official comment has been made. Everything but the kids made it. I've yet to receive a preorder cancelation notice from BBTS. Guess we'll find out tomorrow or something.

Feb 16, 2025

Cobra Kai is now over...

 What a ride. It's amazing how seeing Johnny Lawrence sucking at life and deciding to turn things around by helping a geeky kid become a karateka, becames a crazy show with CGI Miyagi, School mega brawls and basically turning the Valley into Final Fight even fucking Ninjas. 
CGI Miyagi is scary.

To say that the show lost the plot is an understatement, especially with the whole Sekai Taikai bullshit. Somehow the final third managed to redirect itself and give us a glorious ending to the tale of Johnny Lawrence the True Karate Kid.

Fuck Hilary Swank for refusing to appear...

But back to Cobra Kai. The resolution to the Sekai Taikai was a bit of a stretch, but it gave us the closure we needed for Cobra Kai. Now I need to see the Chan Crossover.

Feb 14, 2025

First NEW MOTU Movie pic...

 And it's well, you be the judge.

Yeah... I'm not saying it's gonna suck, but... Where is the MOTU?

Pretty much EVERY MOTU fan has asked for a movie ON ETERNIA AND TO KEEP EARTH OUT!! What do the jeniuses working on the movie do? THEY DOUBLE DOWN ON EARTH!?

NO, YOU MORONS! THAT'S PRECISELY WHAT WE DON'T WANT!! How hard is take Star Wars and Conan to make sweet love and produce a beautiful child of sci-fi and fantasy?

At least the Power Sword looks nice.
Happy Valentine's day and why does Mattel hate me so much?

Feb 13, 2025

Marvel Legends: Maximum series: a Rant

 Hasbro is going to release a few heavy hitters in this style... $50.⁰⁰ figures with a bunch of accessories. Right now the price tag is a bit too high. I feel like $40.⁰⁰ would've been a better price... or add more web effects that hey already have.

The web effects I would have added are the face webbing and shoulder webbing effects to trap opponents. The web splats from Japanese Spider-Man would be another option. There are two missing heads: Half Peter Half Spidey Spider-sense head and Pizza Spidey's uncovered mouth head. All of these are pre-existing stuff. If they had added these extras, the $50.⁰⁰ price tag wouldn't feel that much of a rip-off.

Let's see if we can Make some "Maximum figures".

The problem with Hulk is that there is not much to do with him. Most of it would be alternate heads, hands and smashable things. Maybe a gamma clap effect. The problem will be that since Holt is already big, they will claim. They can't add much to him due to the $50.⁰⁰ price tag.
Personally, I would go for the smart Hulk Heads that were used in Marvel versus series as an incentive for people to rebuy another Hulk.

Later on, we toss in a Grey Hulk Variant. Even a Red Ross Hulk could be made as well.

Angry Stabby Canadian would require a LOT to reach "Maximum" status". 
Most of it would be between heads and hands... and claws.
Thin metal claws
Knife metal claws
Bone claws
Claw slashing effects that plug to the hand without the claws on. 
Cowl hanging on neck
Probably the Muramasa blade.

For Heads we have:
Battle damaged

I would like to go beyond that and do stuff that Hasbro/Marvel would say no to despite these $50.⁰⁰ figures aimed at adult collectors:
Cigar hands
Cigar head cowl
Cigar head unmasked
Half torn cowl with bloodied Logan half
Come on hands (as in the Wolverine comic cover)

Of course a Brown suit Variant would be released later on. But to me it feels kinda hard to reach that $50.⁰⁰ value.

Captain America:
It's hard to top the 80th Anniversary Cap. Aside giving him butterfly shoulders, tossing the accessories of ML's 20th Cap, the broken shield from Secret wars, plus a stand and various shield toss effects: 
-straight line vertical orientation 
-straight line horizontal orientation 
-ricochet vertical orientation
-ricochet horizontal orientation

Like Wolverine, it's kinda hard to make him worthy of the $50.⁰⁰ tag.

Switching torso and alternate head could make for a US Ahent repaint.

Iron Man:
Retro Iron Man with Proton Cannon  but with a Metallic paintjob but adding more effects like the repulsor blasts for the hands, and maybe the Jetpack from the MVC Iron Man Intro with a "jet thrust" stand (Think MODOK)

We can replace the Jetpack with the War Destroyer for the MVC War Machine repaint.

He might need a new buck but we have a few heads running about. 
Web effects should be added in both white webbing and black symbiote, but what we really need is:

The ability to recreate: Venom's madness.

Honestly, I'm running out of folks to "Maximize". Ghost Riders get the short end of the stick because bikes and NO ONE WANTS A BIKELESS GHOST RIDER!

NT: Next Mutation Ultimates:

 The black sheep of TMNT outside of Coming out of their shells. Is it worth it to be made in Ultimates? Let's find out. 

The first thing we need to figure out is whether making them Show Accurate or making them "Classicized".  Personally I vote "Classicized" but hear me out. By Classicized I don't mean: 
Taking the vanilla Turtles and giving them new heads, arms and legs.
Notice that the TNM is bigger than the normal Mike. That is on purpose.

They require Added height as they're supposed to be Adult versions of the TMNT. With the new taller size (about Casey height) then you add the other stuff. OR they could use the 2K3 bodies with new forearms, shins, and feet with new belts and head for the larger bodies. (Mike's and Don's thigh belts can be slip-on belts and not new leg sculpts.) I won't redraw over a 2k3 Mike, but that body works better than vintage. 

That way Super7 could do BOTH: 
A "show accurate" turtle with the new TNM shell and Plastron over the 2k3 body and release a "vintageized" Deluxe with Vintage OG Line colors (Leo in olive, Raph in Kermit green, Don in olive brown, and Mike in forest green) or viceversa.

The elephant in the room is Venus as she wil always require new tooling.Tooling. 

I'll try to make 12 figures or 4 waves, but first I'll make a detailed idea of what the characters should come with...

Second Vintage styled Head but with the TNM mask/cowl.
Vertical and horizontal c-grips
2 of his weird double bladed Ninjato
2k3 swords
Pizza slice

Second Vintage styled Head but with the TNM mask/cowl.
Vertical and horizontal c-grips
Bo staff
Slip on Eye in the sky controller
Pizza slice

Second Vintage styled Head but with the TNM mask/cowl.
Vertical and horizontal c-grips
Pair of Sai
Sai staff
Pizza slice

Second Vintage styled Head but with the TNM mask/cowl.
Vertical and horizontal c-grips
Pair of tonfa
Pair of nunchucks (reuse 2k3)
Twirling chucks (reuse 2k3)
Pizza slice

She'd obviously be purely new Tooling. They shouldn't reuse April and Ninja April arms.

Second Vintage styled Head but with the TNM braids
Vertical and horizontal c-grips
Tessen holding
Pair of tessen open and closed. 

Vanilla Splinter body with new heads and forearms.
Second head looking more like Vintage Splinter in grey
Splinter hands
Long walking stick with hidden blade
New TNM soft goods Robe and belt.
Sushi platter.

That would do for the good guys:
Deluxe versions:
Leo: (OG line coloring)
Vintage styled Head with right hand vertical c-grip and left horizontal c-grip.
Both double ninjatos.

Don: (OG Line coloring)
Vintage styled head and C-grips
Raph's Sai staff

Raph: (OG Line coloring)
Vintage styled Head with C-grips
Pair of Sai

Mike:(OG Line coloring)
Vintage styled Head with C-grips
Pair of tonfa

Venus: (a shade of green between raph and mike)Vintage styled Head with a dramatic hand and a tessen holding hand
Tessen open and closed.

Splinter: (OG Line coloring)
Vintage styled Head with C-grips
Soft goods Robe in Vintage fuchsia with burgundy accents and black belt.
Walking stick/sword

Now for the other characters: The Bad Guys:

New sculpt using the MOTUC body as a base.
Soft goods robe/cloak
1 Playmates toys inspired head, 1 show accurate head
Standard hands
Dragon sword, Dragon Axe

Maybe they can use a modified OG Shredder body with new torso with slip on shoulderpads and slip on forearm blades. 
TNM Shredder head and Wild Haired Hobo Oroku Saki.
The Usual hands 
Soft goods robes and hakama

Now, I'm not that well versed in TNM as I saw like 6 episodes tops. But two more of those slots can be filled with the army Builders for the Dragonlord and Shredder. That makes 4. The last two slots could be other villains from the show. I do remember an episode with a vampire chick. She could prove useful as a roster filler. Add another show villain and boom. 12 figures done and after checking tmntmuseum, there were only 13 characters made by Playmates for TNM.

To be honest though I only want the Turtles and maybe Shredder for the Plays with Squirrels Saki.