Mar 17, 2020

It came from the Toy Chest: Not full version Goblin

The D is for Demon, not Demonstration...
Originally, a Demon bound to Jason Macendale (a Hobgoblin and Jack o Lantern.) The demon was incompatible with Macendale, so it split and became its own entity. Eventually it died and was bound to Shriek...
So Demogoblin is now a female.

Theoretically speaking, as I don't have any Hasbro goblin figure; his articulation is similar to that of Hobgoblin Green Goblin.

Paint and sculpt:
Demogoblin has plenty of new parts and very little remains from his Goblin brethren... boots, torso, cape being the main reused parts. Gloves and head are new, which makes him feel unique. On my figure that brings up is pretty good. I've seen figures that had issues on the head.

Glider with Stand. The stand is ugly but functional. It supports demogoblin even if the glider is tilted at an angle. Sadly he does not have any pumpkin bombs. I understand with him being a build a figure accessories would be minimal... but at least he came with his glider on like symbiote Norman. 5.0


Demogoblin gets a 4.83 as his final score. I wish he had a little bit of extra articulation like the butterfly joint at the shoulders, which would allow for better poses in the glider.

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