Mar 27, 2021

Why Restore the Snyderverse is unlikely to happen.

 The cult has started a new harassment campaign: Restore the Snyderverse. They're already spamming it anywhere they can and even reacted angrily towards a WB exec who said that bad behavior would not be tolerated... She was literally criticizing the toxic elements of fandoms and guess which "non-toxic" group reacted violently...

The Snydercut, that didn't really exist until 2020, only happened because HBO Max needed a big hook. The Snyder cut was supposed to be it... it wasn't. It got it's ass kicked by the awful WW84. I won't pretend it didn't fix some issues from the studio release. I won't pretend that it was a much better movie either, because a lot of the issues the theatrical cut had, are still present here... but this rant is not about Snyder taking a dump on the DCEU. This rant is wby it's unlikely that the Snyderverse would continue.

WB owns DC, not Zack Snyder.
This is the most important thing. Whether we hate how WB interferes with directors (regardless if the directors are good or bad), WB OWNS DC Comics and they have the final word on the DC stuff.

If WB says No, there is nothing anyone can do.

Their plans do not include Snyder.
After the failure of launching a cinematic universe to rival the MCU, WB reverted to their  unconnected properties plan. Bringing along the controversial director who FAILED at bringing over a Billion in a movie featuring DC's Holy Trinity, is not a sound business move to them. With that said, WB's plans tend to suck. 

Toxic behavior won't be tolerated. 
The New CEO mentioned this and the cult didn't like that. Seriously, dudes, if you want the Snyderverse, sending death threats to the people with the actual power to deliver what you want is counter productive.
You want to see more of Snyder, prove to WB that you aren't toxic. Denounce the toxicity and run a clean campaign.

It's kinda hard to campaign for something, when the person you're doing it for, DOESN'T WANT TO DO WHAT YOU WANT.
If Snyder doesn't want to come back, then there is no Snyderverse...
Ben Affleck is 48 at the time. He's getting a bit too old for the dietary and action regime that this kind of movies requires. Henry Cavill is 37. Gal Gadot is 35. By the time Zack feels like making Superhero movies again and Warner allows Zack to come back, the Holy Trinity might be a bit too old to play these characters.

So, go ahead, knock yourselves out with your little hashbrown... just keep it clean, without threats or harassment and keep those expectations low.

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