Jul 21, 2021

Mouser ideas for Super7

 I know we had a Mouser with Baxter Stockman.

OK, so this is the Mouser. Tiny, with basic articulation.
Super7 could easily do an accessory pack with multiple of these and call it a day.

It's simple, easy, and we would be suckers for it. What I'm about to suggest is even crazier.

Remember the Cobra BAT for the Ultimates? Yes, the one with the pieces to make a battle damaged version? So, you can see what I'm getting at.

In addition to the standard bucket of Mousers, Super7 should release a set of "Ultimate Mousers"

What's that you ask? A set of 4 Mousers with Modular pieces:

In addition to the normal  Mousers you get:
Alternate battle damaged body parts:
Torsos with Katana Damage, Sai Damage blunt object damage (staff and chucks)
Heads with Katana Damage, Sai Damage, Blunt object damage (staff and chucks)
Busted legs
Plug in sparking damage effect for heads, legs and torsos.

The idea is that there would be enough parts to have 4 pristine Mousers and 4 heavily messed up Mousers.

With future updates the Mousers could get additional damage pieces like having one with stuck arrows, or an exploding torso where you attach pieces as if they were flying off. By not releasing all the versions at the same time, they can allow customers to pace themselves and get a bigger Mouser army. They can go crazy with the battle damage, like having a Mouser split in 2  vertically, the other sliced horizontally. Or one where the head and Torso are ora ora ora  punched by Metalhead.

Pretty much nearly every iteration has fought Mousers. The results are similar to the mechanical mouce munching menace... They become scrap metal.

I find it kinda sad that none of the two companies making TMNT toys are not exploiting this opportunity for a quick and easy cash grab Army Builder set. Yes I will keep campaigning for this to become a reality.

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