Aug 1, 2024

Super7 Ultimates Mirage Repaints: a Rant... that leads to a bonus rant

 Wave 10 opens up the can of worms that is Mirage inspired Repaints.

For example: 
Splinter would be Wave 1 Splinter with the cloth kimono and the wave 2 Shredder belt.
We switch out most of his accessories and give him the teacup, his walking stick with hidden blade, his other walking stick, 4 baby Turtles painted in Toy turtle colors, Mousers Ooze canister.

Standard Leonardo with new belt that holds both swords parallel to each other.
2 heads: red bandana, blue bandana
Sewer Samurai swords, Kunai, Shuriken
Broken katana

Standard Donatello with new belt with no shoulder straps
2 heads: red and purple
Sewer samurai Kunai, shuriken
Bo staff
D'hoo'nib Blaster

Standard Raphael Body with new belt and Rocker Leo Right Bicep
2 heads: Normal, Hooded
Sewer Samurai Kunai, Shuriken, claws
Soft goods poncho torso overlay.

Standard Mike body with new belt
2 heads: red and orange
Nunchucks, twirling nunchucks, Sewer samurai kunai, shuriken

April body with new forearms.
2 Heads: "toon inspired head in vintage toy dark brown" vintage toy head in "toon reddish brown"
2 Mousers, Mouser controller.

Vanilla Shredder painted in a Mirage inspired Palette:
3 Heads: silver helmet and mask with visible face, silver helmet and mask with shadowy face, Oroku Saki head
Accessories: Katana, sewer samurai Kunai, shuriken, soft goods tunic.

Foot Ninja:
Foot Soldier body with better proportioned head
2 Heads: New Mirage Foot Ninja head Bandana Foot Ninja head

Sewer samurai claws, sword, kunai, and shuriken, bo, sai, nunchuck.

Same as the Wave 10 Karai, but a new torso overlay (with her body being mostly Purple)
Same heads, hands, and accessories.)

Rat King: 
Same Rat King but with a new torso that you can plug Shuriken into his back, we eliminate the Pretty boy head, flute, and weapons.
Instead we give him the messed up Rat King heads, Casey Jones's broken bat, various 5-point star shuriken to stick on his back.

That's all that can be done FOR NOW... we don't have enough characters that could get Mirage variants... unless we cheat and "make Mirage characters" that can share parts with others...
Yes, this is another Baxter Stockman rant. Did I mention that I want a Mirage Baxter, an 87 Human Baxter, and a 2k3 Baxter? Because I do...

Let's talk Mirage Baxter:
We can get away with premaking Vernon parts, then using them for Baxter. Mainly the lower body. We could get away with the upper body too if we give him a soft goods sweater. 
The torso would be engineered to pop the heads at the collarbone. The arms should pop up at the sleeves (similar to NECA Vernon) The Torso's short neck would be an overlay in order to have different Necks (No tie, Mirage Baxter, Bow Tie Toon Baxter, Normal Necktie, Vernon)
Toss in Standard hands, a second head (with neck) 2 Mousers, the remote, and we're done.

But this Baxter has given me an idea!

Mutatin Toon Baxter:
Using the Vernon/Baxter body:
3 heads: Human Baxter, Human Baxter based on the Mirage White Baxter concept. (It's different from NECA's Baxter Stockman (Human or fly), and a partially mutated into a Fly head
(Smaller version of the Fly head)

For accessories
Soft goods vest
Budding wings and extra arms torso overlay (would also cover the shirt and give him the freaky Fly torso)
2 soft goods lab coats, Pristine and broken.
Toss in a Mouser and we're done.

Mutatin Vernon: 
This one borders closely NECA Territory, but I can Fix it! 
We start with a Vanilla Vernon body with the proper shirt neck, but with the same swappable heck, and forearms.
Human Heads and Neck, Human forearms, human hands.
We add the rat head, forearms, and reuse Splinter's hands.

For accessories:
Press pass
Photo Camera
TV Camera
Say Cheese Camera (Cheese shaped like Camera)

Mutating Turtle Terminator: 
Basically an Irma sized endoskeleton that can swap heads, forearms and lower legs:
3 Heads: Endoskeletal head, half Irma, half Endo head, angry Irma head.
Swappable Irma forearms and lower legs
Soft goods purple vest
Soft goods light blue skirt
Swappable weapon attachments for hands.

Mutatin Super Irma:
In Playmates inspired fashion, she won't  be 100% toon accurate:
4 Heads:
Neutral Irma, Blushing Irma, Super Irma Neutral, Super Irma Angry.
The base body would be new with sculpted Super Irma bodysuit but instead of being full leg bodysuit like the toon, here it would be Knee length. For "mutatin reasons" The vambraces would be removable. The swappable lower legs are:
Normal Irma socks and shoes (reuse from Turtle Terminator)
Super Irma Boots.

For accessories Soft goods (light blue) cape, handbag, soft goods (light blue) sweater, soft goods (purple) skirt

Mutatin Toon April:
This will based on the Toon Version instead of the Playmates toy.

This April requires a New crotch and upper arms that have the capability to swap forearms. Unlike Baxter, the Cat April head gets a neck overlay to give her the furry appearance to her cleavage. She gets 2 sets of forearms (Human and Cat) in addition to Human and Cat hands. Her backside has a removable accessory on her belt that hides the ball peg for a cat tail like Scratch's. 
For heads she gets, Normal Toon April, Cat eyed and fanged April, full cat mode April. 
For accessories:
Turtle Comm, neck overlay, control necklace,reuse Vernon photo camera, bowl of milk, tail.

I'll leave it there... otherwise I'd have a ridiculously long list...

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