Jan 11, 2025

TMNT ULTIMATES wave 14 speculation again:

 I think I made one of these already... but I can't find it. In any case, I'm bored AF, so...

Using the new Vintage TMNT Ultimates! Format, we have:

Low new tool variant/redeco
New Variant
Vintage Variant
New character (vintage or otherwise.)

I will do, like always, a few different set of lists trying to cover bases. (What I'd  like, what I'd hate, etc.) For these I'm assuming that Super7 figured out how to reestablish USPS as a shipping option for pre-orders. (That way I can preorder half the wave via Super7 and half via BBTS)

This is the SHUT UP AND TAKE MY.MONEY! Wave:
Low New Tool Variant Redeco:
Rasputin the Mad Frog:
Body: Genghis Repaint
New pieces:
Archery hands 
*Bow and Arrow if the Splinter Bow can't be used.

Super7 Buy the whole wave accessory:
Bomb tip Arrow and winking head.

New Variant:
Drunken Master Splinter:
Basically same old Splinter but with a Chinese top inspired by the Drunken Master movies.
Perhaps gove him a new closer to Cartoon Accurate head.
Removable Jackie Chan Wig
He needs Drunken boxing hands
Sake gourd

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Flocked Toon Splinter head

Vintage Variant:
Don the Undercover Turtle:
Here we have to do A LOT of changes to avoid pissing off Playmates. First change soft goods coat. It would still have the tear on the bicep area, but it would also have sewn elbow reinforcement mimicking his pads. The reason for the soft goods coat is for the new utility belt underneath with liefeldian pouches, sheath for his knife.
Same as UC Raph
Expandable bo staff both expanded and retracted
Modified UC Raph gun with removable flag
UC Raph Briefcase and Goggles
Peter Laird mask
Kevin Eastman mask

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Kojak styled head with a Lollipop sucking mouth and a hand holding a lollipop

New character:
One head has to be like the Prototype with the siamese twin head attacking the main head. The second head would be based on Lawson's art of Pizzaface for a strip. If a third head is possible, Pizza the Hut concept head should be used.
For colors, the Prototype should be the inspiration BUT the Apron should be soft goods for the sake of articulation and appeasing Playmates.
The usual hands in addition to the Playmates tossing right hand. 

Throwable pizzas
Pizza peel
Pizza cutter with squished pizza box stand

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Pizza Box Shield (fully painted but changed sculpt to a shield shaped Pizza like vintage Domino's. )

Next is: OK, that's a Cool wave, not exactly what I wanted, but I think I'll take most of it!

Low new tool variant/Redeco:
Mirage Shredder:
Same Shredder we got in wave 10 but in Mirage red with a soft goods red tunic.
Give him an extra Oroku Saki head

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Bloody Oroku Saki head.

New Variant:
Down Unda Leatherhead:
Leatherhead with a more Cartoon Accurate head. New necklace and vest new crotchpiece with different belt with a sheath for his Knoife. 
His vest and hat would be styled after Crocodile Dundee but in Leatherhead colors
For accessories we bring back his shotgun, bear trap, the new knife, his lobster, turtle, a tiny net, broken Ooze canister from wave 5 Mousers.

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Repainted Mousers broken Ooze canister in Toon Purple

Vintage Variant:
Heavy Metal Raph 
As close as possible to the vintage toy. Obviously there will be some changes to avoid PMB (Playmates bitching)
Normal head, a Dee Snider inspired head. 

For accessories his Bass and Sai Drumsticks.
I wanted to give him a Drumkit but it would be too much for S7...

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
The Dee Snider inspired head with a different paintjob

New Figure:
First he's going to need a lot of painted details.
The real challeng is articulation on the tentacle.
NO BENDY WIRES! I believe they're called cup and ball joints
Like Stridor's neck but at a smaller scale. Since he's going to be probably lying at $65, let's make him worth $65. That articulation alone will keep the PMB to a minimum. He should be a smidge smaller than Muckman and for accessories, the Mallet and his bunch of worms. The Belt is changed to a wormy bandolier that can hold it Mallet and knife.

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
A repaint of the Mallet with different color splatters.

Now for the This is weird as hell, but OK...

Low new Tooling/Redeco:
Valentine's Michelangelo:
This one is a little cheat since he's a new Variant, but he literally is a new back shell with wings and new Archery hands.

Taking Sewer Surfin tongue head and Rappin Mike hatless head on the Standrard Mikey body with the new winged Shell. Using Splinter's Bow and Arrow and Nunchucks on rope and we're done.

Of course this opens up a Holiday Turtles with say Memorial Day Leonardo (I will find a way to get my Lt. Leo.),  Fourth of July Raphael, and Easter Donatello. I want to make a Halloween Irma with a Family Friendly Slutty costume... and a St. Patrick's Day April. But another rant for another day.

New Variant:
Cyber Shredder:
Essentially Pre-making Chrome Dome but with some alternate robotic Shredder parts. (Shoulder, wrists, hands, and shins)
Taking cues from the Metal Mutant Shredder helmet (it's from the OVA and toy)

Chrome Dome sword belt
Chrome Dome Swords
Backpack with cape that plugs into the back (where CD's wings would plug in)
Ethernet Spear

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Swords in translucent red and silver painted hilts.

Vintage Variant:
Farmer Don: (aka Northampton Don)
Mostly inspired by the Vintage Playmates figure... But changes are required:
Much smaller Corncob pipe
Redesigned trucker hat
Alternate head without hat.
The pads would be Reused from wandering Leo, in Don Purple. I'd change the knick-knacks in his pockets... 

Hand with sculpted handkerchief. (To wipe off sweat)

Scarecrow with stand (a wooden cross with a soft goods coat, pumpkin head, and straw hat)

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Trucker hat head with different hat color/design 

New Figure:
Do some tweaks to avoid PMB.
Add an alternate head with the Lawrence of Arabia headdress and a soft goods tunic.
Give the flying carpet a flying stand and a full paint deco

His scimitar should be colored as well. Separate the gun from the Magic lamp

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Repainted Magic Carpet with flight stand.

Now I want to try The Worst! No, not that The Worst! I mean

In other words, a wave I'd HATE! For a weird reason

Low new Tooling/Redeco:
Toon Rocksteady:
Same Rocksteady we got in toon colors and 3 new accessories in addition to his standard accessories and Guerilla Gorilla's knife:
Wide C Grip Hands to hold the GG knife, bandolier with sheathe for both his Knife and GG's.

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
"Wooden" version of the GG knife (basically an unpainted brown GG knife)

New Variant:
 Hip Hop Guerilla Gorilla:
Guerrilla Gorilla in Knee length Cargo pants and a soft goods T-Shirt with an old school Nickelodeon show... thinking one of the Legends of the Hidden Temple Team T-shirts. WithVekcro on the back like Mattel WWE T-shirts for easy tearin' apart. Various gold chains and a Gorilla sized hat would complete the look.

Now for the weapons and other accessories:
Gorilla sized Boom Box
Pair of UZIs
Opened Cardboard box for breakdancing (hiding a lazy Susan styled piece so GG can spin.)

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Gold UZIs

Vintage Variant:
Ninja Knockin'Bebop:

Bebop in a Vintage toy inspired Ninja outfit but with some changes to avoid PMB. 
We can reuse the  Bebop torso with new Ninja Gi overlay. To make it different from playmates, Torn sleeves (Think Ryu from Street Fighter)
Instead of a yellow Karate belt, let's give him a rope belt. His left armguard should be changed to a foot Soldier styled armguard. I'd also make his Purples a bit greater.

Unmasked with a Foot Clan headband

Bebop sized Ninjato
Bebop sized 4 point Shuriken (×3)
Bebop sized Kunai (×3)
Punch gun(a gun reminiscent of his vintage plug in gun and you can attach either a boxing glove or a Ninja Pork Figure, a nod to the actual Playmates toy.)

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Extra set of Bebop sized Shuriken and kunai.

New Figure: 
Chote: (formerly known as Shogun Shoate)
He would be packed like his Mirage Appearance.

For accessories his swords and strappable Samurai armor to give him a Shogun Shoate inspired look. The armor parts consist of the armor and the straps. This is for the buy the whole wave accessory.

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Vac Metal versions of the armor bits to swap the normal armor for the shiny armor.

The reason this wave is the worst is because these are oddities I'd buy on a whim, but an entire wave is asking a bit too much. But I can do more Crazy waves:

Here comes the Estrogen Wave!
A wave of pure females:
Warning! Nefty is going to Cheat!

Low New Tooling/Redeco:
New parts: Head, lower legs:
Using the Ninja April Torso, Arms, Crotch "boots" and April 1.0 Feet. We have all the parts for Aska.

For accessories, the wakizashi and Kunai from Sewer Samurai Leo. Would be the most basic stuff needed. If they want to toss a Playmates Mitsu head, since Aska was supposed to be Mitsu at one point... but I'd save that head for somewhere else.

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Winking head.

New variant:
Ninja Thief Lotus Blossom:
Using Karai's body with a new crotchpiece and Neck overlay (basically a turtleneck) , we complete the body for Lotus. 
New Lotus head
Masked Ninja head
Repaint of PM Mitsu head since that's what Playmates would've done.
For accessories:
Karai's weapons.
New Lotus Flower
New Foot Scrolls (×4)
Gym bag to carry the stolen scrolls

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
GITD Lotus Flower

Vintage Variant:
Toon Irma:
It would be a vanilla Irma in Toon outfit and Colors.
Normal Irma
Bandana badass Irma
Ditzy expression Irma

I have a few Irma Rants coming. They'll be more detailed on what I want on her. But basocally soft goods clothing because plastic skirts suck. Also the spot goods allow for a later variant release with the Playmates outfit.

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Ooze Irma head. The ditzy expression head with globs of GITD paint all over her face and hair as in she got sprayed with Ooze.


New character:
Mona Lisa:
She would be mostly Toon based though the arms and legs would have some Playmates inspiration.

Toon based
Playmates inspired

Pepper spray can
Stun gun 
Volatile chemical molotovs (×3)
Jitte (×2)
Tail whip effects

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
GITD molotovs

The meh wave:

Low new tooling/Redeco:
Toon Rat King:
The Wave 11 Rat King in canceled Wave 10 colors.

Heads: (New)
Pretty boy face with Vintage hair
Vintage Face with Pretty Boy Hair

Crossbow with Arrows 
Snake Belt with Quiver
Repainted Flute

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Neon Green with forest Camo print Crossbow.

New Variant:
Brawlin' Raph:
Basically a JCVD inspired Raphael.
Reusing Wandering Leo's pads and wristbands om the Raph body with a new red Sash as his belt. 

Normal Raphael
Bloodsport inspired blinded Raph

Special hands:
Kickboxer inspired wrapped Fists.

Pair of Sai
3× brick columns (one column is shorter by a single brick)
Single brick
Exploding brick

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:

Vintage Variant:
Undercover Leonardo:
Some changes to the Accessories will avoid PMB, as a TMNT in a trenchcoat is common in multiple media.
The body is Normal Leo with UC Raph heads in Leo colors. Also, to avoid PMB, his trenchoat will be Dark Brown. No, it's not a Cam Clarke Reference, dear Brotha! It's just avoiding Playmates incessant bitching.

Sewer Samurai Ninjato (×2)
UC Raph's revolver
Gas Mask in the style of the "Are you My Mummy?" Kid from Doctor Who... or Psycho Mantis.
Sunglasses (now this is a Cam Clarke Reference).

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:

New Figure:
 Colossal Napoleon:
Essentially the Vintage Playmates figure but bigger and wider. Think Bebop Sized. The reason is to later sell a Mostly Genghis Redeco version of Napoleon. (New torso and feet that could be Reused for Attilla)
Open Mouth
Vintage styled

3× Snake whip
(Vintage pose, mid swing, twirling. Yes it's a Castlevania reference)
Fly swatter
Fly buddy different pose from vintage 

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Open Mouth head woth eyes closed.

Now let's try to make what I'd EXPECT Super7 to make:

Low new Tooling/ Redeco: 
Ray Fillet: Purple Shirt Red V version.
Same Ray as w5, but with the recolor I mentioned.
Fishsticks is Orange with a white hat.
Starfish is pink 
Gun has inverted colors
The anchor is in gunmetal grey and with a less thick rope.

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Metal repaint of his gun mainly silver and gunmetal.

New variant:
Challenger Michelangelo:
Michelangelo in an Orange and Green Bruce Lee styled Tracksuit. 

Bruce Lee "woooooo!" Face

Enough to mimick most Bruce Lee's poses.

Single Nunchuck with real string
Sack for nunchuck
Bamboo stick
Bruce Lee wig

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory: 
Second nunchuck and Bamboo stick.

Vintage Variant:
Shogun Triceraton:
Repaint of Wave 8 Triceraton with a new Non-Zog head. New removable Samurai Triceraton helmet. New Samurai Belt with armor bits
New removable torso Armor.

2× New Katanas
Slash's mace
Double headed trident (yes, it's a reference)

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Wrist mounted blade in blue translucent plastic.

New Character:
Using the Slash Body with new heads, arms, hands, and feet. We complete the body.

Vintage inspired head
Full open mouth head

Donuts to sub for Slash's shutiken and also a reference to Secret of the Ooze.
Caparace shield as a reference to Manhattan Project.
Slash's sword and crooked knife

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Toxic breath effect that plugs to open mouth head.

Tokka would get a Cool Ice GITD Redeco as a nod to Turtles in Time with toxic Ice breath being added to the accessories.

This is a "crappier" what I'd expect Super7 to do wave:

Low New Tooling/ Redeco:
Elite Guard:
Foot Soldier body with new head and Shredder cloth cape based on the Shredder Elite Guard.

Shredder Rack weapons 
New Naginata

New Variant: 
Raphael in his Nightwatcher outfit:
Nightwatcher helmet
Raph head
2× Manriki chains
2× Sai
Soft goods brown hooded cape for Leonardo.

Vintage Variant:
Ravishing Reporter April:
As always a few changes to avoid PMB. The first change is the wording on the name.
Second change:
Soft goods clothing.
The skirt is for articulation reasons. She will have shorts underneath to avoid panty shots. She would also lose the anklets.
The soft goods jacket WOULD NOT BE MADE OF PLEATHER. That stuff disintegrates if you look at it wrong.

Cardback art inspired
Judith Hoag hairstyle
Paige Turco Hairstyle.

Microphone Baton collapsed
Microphone Baton extended
Sai (reference to 1990 movie)
News notes
Press pass

New figure:
He'd mostly look like the Playmates toy but would come packaged with a Toon inspired head (no patch) hos second head would be the Toon head woth patch and angrier expression.

For accessories:
Edgy 90s Hooked hand (it's his normal hand painted to look like a stump while holding a big hook. Mikey did it)

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Hook hand painted to look like Merman's hand hasn't been painted by Mikey.

Last but not least the worst wave I think Super7 can come up with.

Low new Tooling/Redeco:
Toon Krang:
Essentially W5 Krang without painted veins and sturdier bubble walker legs in various shades of grays, blacks, and silver. No new accessories.

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Vanilla Krang in GITD Pink Plastic. 

New Variant:
Battle Shell Donatello: 
Picture Vanilla Donatello with a Futuristic Armor covering his Shell and Plastron in Metallic Green for the Shell and Gold for the Plastron. The armor has ports for various weapons. He sports a Purple Utility belt with a D shaped Buckle that is also a bladed knuckleduster.

One of the heads should be reminiscent of Storage Shell Don, the other should be reminiscent of talking Donatello.

2× discus weapons that plug unto his chest
2× escrima sticks that plug to the sides of his shell (also they can be turned into a Bo)
Spear tip and Axe tip that plug on the back of his shell AND the Escrima sticks
2× small blasters that connect to the bottom of his shell.

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Pink GITD Escrima sticks/Bo

Vintage Variant:
Sewer Surfin' Leonardo:
Colors similar to the vintage Surfer Leo 

Removable glasses
Surfboard with removable leg strap for Leo.
The crab
2 star things
3 pucks of wax
Battle Umbrella (Think Ryoga Hibiki from Ranma½) but add a hidden blade in the handle... 

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
GITD Pink Umbrella

New Figure:
General Traag:
Since Playmates is being a little bitch about Super7 copying vintage accuracy, is this a reasonable compromise?
I kept the skintone matching his torso, because the toon shading was being a pain.
For a second head I'd add a close to playmates head while keeping this as the "default" head.

The only Advantage is that it can facilitate a new Granitor.

For accessories: Enlarged Foot Soldier Blaster, Rifle, Knife, the Shredder's Revenge weapons and call it a Day.

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
I-beam or steel girder fragment in GITD Pink Plastic

There you have it. I have some honorable mentions, but I'll save those to another rant

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