Mar 6, 2025

StormCo has shown some stuff.

 For both their normal lines and Storm Arena lines...

Normal Storm Collectibles is getting Final Fight 1. They showed Cody and Haggar.

I hope we get Storm Arena versions as well... would it be too much to asl for Jessica and Belger?

Storm Arena Chun Li looks OK-ish, but not great.

Hibiki sensei is looking fucking Glorious! I need him yesterday!

I have a massive erection right now and my wallet is contemplating sudoku.

Looks like Storm Arena Darkstalkers Morrogan and Lilith. Do want!!
Can't wait...

Mar 5, 2025

Wait... Dysentery outbreak Where!?

 Dysentery... it's deadly shit. Literally. Pretty much every Gen Xer and Xennial KNOWS that Dysentery is some serious and deadly shit because of Oregon Trail.

Dysentery has been on the rise in Oregon since 2012 and as of January 2025, there have been 40 cases of dysentery. Holy shit! 

Of course, the disease is having an effect on the homeless population, as their unfortunate situation has forced them into involuntarily LARPing The Oregon Trail. 

At least Blocks aren't being dropped from the heavens towards Kremlin... I'm referencing Tetris, not canceling Steven Seagal's best friend and Donald Trump's too.
Or Bath Slats turning Florida into Raccoon City...