Jan 6, 2025

2k3 April Ultimates variants: The Rant

 April O'Neil. Nefty's favorite waifu right after the OG Glimmer. She has a high chance on being in Wave 3 of 2k3 TMNTU

Soft goods lab coat makes her a step up over Playmates. And it's  the perfect Basic April

This is the inevitable Back to the Sewers variant.

Then there's this canonical variant. TBH is the only BTTS variant I'd get. Even if it means pairing her up with Loser.
Spike! Did you let Cade take control while I was dropping a Casey Jones? But the more we can avoid fast forward and back to the sewers, the better.

These three pictures show one single variant. 
One that I'll dub: April at home. The body is April in her underwear as the Basic sculpt for her torso. She'll most likely get sculpted pants (I would love to have her pants be soft goods and removable for review reasons.)
The faded shirt and robe would be soft goods.
Slippers are accessories for her bare feet.
Heads would be normal, facialized, and loose hair. 

I just want April in a shirt skirt and stockings. Personally, I would have to blazer and skirt Be soft goods and removable for articulation purposes. (No one believes me for some reason.)

Do I even need to explain this one?

But if I had to Choose only 3 variants:

Karate Kid: Street Rumble: Beating High School Kids with an old man

 Who happens to be a Demon Sorcerer Karate Master isn't as fun as I thought it would be. It's the best Karate Kid game so far, beating the First Cobra Kai, but it's not THAT Great.

It feels like a severely watered down Shredder's Revenge. It has a cool Special Bar shields your health bar gimmick, but nothing more to write home about. The story mode skews a bit hard, but that's to promote team play. Annoying for a solo player like me.

The thing is that the only things the game has for are: cutesy sprites and Nostalgia factor.

Still entering a school and kicking the shit out of students as a crazy old man is priceless!

Game is on sale on the PS Store at $20 until tomorrow. Don't get it at it's full price of $40.