Oct 3, 2019

Odds and ends: October 3 2019: GRRM is angry!

I'm very disappointed in my inability to find a Switch Physical version of Link's Awakening. I don't want to buy a digital copy. 3 Wal*Marts, a Best Buy, still empty handed

George RR Martin is angry about the final season of the HBO adaptation of his incomplete book series A Song of Ice and Fire. He claims it wasn't faithful to his plans. George if you had finished the Damned books earlier then they wouldn't have any excuse. But no you have been far too busy doing anything except writing the Damned books!!  YOU gave them plausible deniability.

Since "they did it all wrong" shouldn't that make you work harder to "do it right" and write the Damned books!  write George write!!

Arnold in Mortal Kombat sans Arnold is weird.
We have a terminator in Mortal Kombat but it doesn't sound like Arnold.   it's a weird experience very much like the pump.

The Terminator looks awesome but it's a shame they couldn't get Schwarzenegger to voice him. I'm *ALMOST* twmpted to get this game.

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