Apr 20, 2021

Ray Fisher REALLY needs to learn to shut up!

 He can't keep spouting crap and expect everything to be OK. So, to recap: 
Warner bros. in their infinite stupidity hire Zack Snyder to create a DC Universe for the movies.
In pure Zack Snyder fashion he delivered dull, boring movies that show his lack of understanding of the characters, despite him tossing tons of Easter eggs. 

While working on Justice League, Warner wanted changes:
Les dark and edgy, and putting the focus on Superman and Batman, being DC's cashcows.
Zack didn't comply, so Warner brought in Joss Whedon to fix Chris Terrio's awful script. Somewhere in between Whedon fixing the script and Snyder reluctantly agreeing to the reshoots, Autumn Snyder, Zack's daughter, committed suicide. This put Whedon on an uncomfortable situation. He became a "step-director" and apparently the cast didn't take it well. With an uncooperative cast and the execs at WB putting an impossible and unmoveable deadline, Whedon had to fight everyone to get something done. His methods might have been massively dickish, but got the job done. Sadly, that's how it works in Hollywood, especially when you're acting as someone else's replacement. Allegedly, Whedon was a dick with everyone. No one aside Gal Gadot complained at the time. Her issue was resolved. Years later, after the movie came and flopped, Ray Fisher began making vague accusations. Never said anything concrete to cover his ass and claimed an Non-Disclosure Agreement stopped him from revealing Whedon's evils. He kept throwing people under the bus until WB accepted an investigation, which Fisher refused, claiming it was a cover up by WB. After WB catering to him with a different investigator, Fisher FINALLY spoke to them. Whedon was removed from other WB projects... Fisher won... or at least he would have if he had just shut up! He kept on going. He was now going after the head of Walter Hamada. Fisher even said that he wouldn't do another DC movie as long as Hamada was still at WB. With that statement, well, it's kinda hard to return to work for WB... well, Fisher claims that "his role" on Flash was eliminated due to him speaking up against being abused by WB, Whedon, and pretty much everyone. In reality, Fisher broughtthis on himself. First he was given a cameo role on The Flash, but he wanted more money. WB said, oh well and Cryborg was written out.

OK, NOW Fisher has THE AUDACITY!! To demand an apology from WB so he can consider returning as Cyborg. This really shows that, while Whedon was most likely a dick to everyone due to outside circumstances, Fisher has been padding everything for the sake of his ego. But I kinda agree with Fisher... Warner bros. Should apologize... for having cast Ray Fisher and his drama queen tendencies. Fisher is a great example of Defeat from the Jaws of victory. Now here's a song that Fisher needs to listen to.

The problem with Fisher is that he wasn't satisfied with Justice... he wanted Vengeance and now it's biting him in the ass.

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