Jan 23, 2023

We have official confirmation that Season 6 of cobra Kai will be its last

 As much as I enjoy my Karate Telenovela, it's excellent that Cobra Kai will be ending this season. It's better to end up in a high note and not be a rotten zombie begging for death like say The Simpsons. My main gas is that the final showdown will be between Johnny Lawrence, Daniel LaRusso, and John Kreese. I'm not too sure and how the kids storyline will go because it kind of felt completed at the end of season 5. Let's be honest here: Just like Boruto and Girl Meets World, we're not here for the kids. We're here for the Adults. Since I mentioned Girl Meets World I must point out that Johnny Lawrence's kid was in Girl Meets World as well. Which means he's been in two shows that get killed earlier than they should've. Maybe season 6 will give us the Hillary Swank reference we may not want or need, but kind of hope for since she was part of the "Mr Miyagiverse".

Not gonna lie, I have the biggest nerd boner right now! Well it's no secret that I am a sucker for the Karate Kid, so of course I'm excited about the final season of Cobra Kai.

Now I'm going to use some Snydertard logic for a crazy conspiracy:
2023: Cobra Kai Season 6... 2023: Street Fighter 6... Daniel LaRusso and Johnny Lawrence confirmed as DLC characters for Street Fighter 6!! Would be the craziest dream crossover.

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