Nov 1, 2023

Super7, we need to talk:

 Don the Undercover Turtle is VERY NEEDED Right now... or after we get a second Raphael variant... we have 3 out of 4 of the Disguised Turtles and we need to complete the set.

While I butchered an Undercover Raphael to make my Don the Undercover Turtle, I wouldn't say no to an official one. In fact I NEED ONE!

I understand that Playmates is being a little bitch about Super7 "copying them".

So how can we Don the Undercover Turtle if we can't fully Don the Undercover Turtle? Now that is the question:
-Pizza is the easiest. New or reuse. There is notice in between.
-The Briefcase: this would have to be different than the Playmates version, so I have a few suggestions:
Briefcase turns into Riot Shield.
Briefcase turns into a small drone. Think a Briefcase/Utrom Security drone type of thing.
-The Gun: have a modified version of the UC Raph gun that can have a removable flag. 
-The Groucho Mask is the only "problematic" item. I would solve it by changing the style of mask instead of it masking the front, it could mask the whole head like the Shatner Mask used for Michael Myers.
Add a telescoping bo staff... You're welcome.

Part of me wants a plastic coat juat like we remember, but I'm worried about articulation.
Worst case scenario, I'll take a soft goods coat.

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