Jul 3, 2024

Making the vintage TMNT characters "unplaymates enough" for Super7: mid 2024 edition pt. 1

 I don't know if I have a Super7 stalker like I did with Mattycollector. But if there is one, feel free to use any of my ideas. So let's "deplaymatesize" some vintage figures. 


Let's start with my most wanted character:
He's a thicc boi. He should look the part. 
Lucky for us Shredder's Revenge gave us an alternate look for him. Starting with the white chef hat. For starters that's different enough from Playmates. The head details are slightly different. The reddish nose, painting the ponytail. I'd give the tanktop some texture.
The apron would be a combination of soft goods and plastic. The belt part of the apron with some condiments would be plastic while the front area covering the crotch is soft goods. The removable chef's knife is sheathed on the plastic part of the apron. 
 Unlike the vintage figures, Pizzaface would have a leg stump where the extra peglegs connect. He wouldn't have knee articulation there. I'd also tear the boot a bit more to see 4 toes instead of 3. Colorwise it should be as close as possible to the prototype, but the chef's hat and apron being off white instead.

Let's look at the accessories:
Heads: (2)
-Shredder's Revenge styled head with non removable Chef's hat.
-Prototype styled head with removable hat and tiny conjoined head hidden inside the hat.

Hands: (12)
C-grip (horizontal and vertical hinges)
Vintage pizza toss hand
Mano a borsa hand
Dramatic open hand
Extended pinky with a wad of earwax on it.
3 finger fist
Mano a borsa
Dramatic open hand

Weapons/Legs: (3)
Long handled Cleaver
Pizza wheel with Ninja Pizza box stand (2 pieces)
Pizza Peel

Flying Pizzas: (3) full color
Chorizo, Turtle and rat Pizza
Mold and Garbage Pizza 
Soylent Pizza 

I have no improvements over my previous Fugitoid rant. But I'm more likely to buy the 2003 one since it'll be closer to Mirage. 

Napoleon Bonafrog:
Here Super7 has two options:
Be Lazy and do a Genghis Repaint in Napoleon colors
Make a New Napoleon to repaint into one of the other missing two later on.

I will be working with option 2.

Like Genghis, Napoleon gets texture on his shirt and his pattern is painted on. 
His chain is removable and it would be gold chain silver peace sign.
Of course painting all that Playmates forgot, like his back, is obvious.


Hands: (8)
Hang loose

Weapons: (4) 
Serpent slasher whip in a different pose with a "more realistic" paint job.
Reimagined Sewer Gas shield. Main color will be red, the front skull and crossbones would be a lot flatter, since it was made out of a signboard.
Foot swatter would be multicolor and slightly redesigned. (Namely the pattern on the starter part.)
Double headed Axe (intended for Genghis)

Lil' Buddy:
Flyboy with Articulated arms. Color scheme would have teal fly body, orange hair and red eyes. Yellow gloves, blue pants and brown shoes.

I'm starting with a change that PM Purists will hate: Removal of Creepy Crawlies the reason is to reuse the most parts possible for Granitor... and maybe have 2 extra Stone Soldiers. We removed the creepy crawlies... now we're messing with his palette and sculpt: 
The grey parts of his body should be made to look more like rock instead of tights.
Here's my suggested palette: there's very little difference between the darker and lighter colors. The darker orange is for the torso, while the lighter is for hands and toy face. The dark green is for the tights and black for the boots. The grey is a yellowish grey to keep the yellow tones on Traag. He needs a brown wash on his rocky areas and not the vintage toy squiggly lines.

Now on the Torso, we could have interchangeable rank insigniae. (Helpful for Granitor and potential high ranking army builders if you want to use the alternate heads as new characters) 

Toon/game based
Playmates based

Hands: (8)
Pistol grip
C grips

Weapons: (5)

Mona Lisa:
Playmates did a thing... NECA did a better thing. How can I do a better thing without copying NECA too hard?

The Playmates Mona Lisa is a Yoshi and NECA did a toon based lizard...

I'm thinking a Hybrid version: 
The torso should read a bit better that she's wearing a Unitard but No shell on the back. I'd add texture to the unitard. For the limbs, I expect S7 laziness, but I'd prefer a more lizardy biceps and legs. Worst case scenario: Ninja April biceps with new forearms and new legs.

Toon based
Toy Based

Hands: (10)
Gecko wall crawling hands
Dramatic open hands

Accessories (9)
Pair of scarves:
Short plastic one
Longer wired soft goods one
Yellow Shell backpack.
Text books
Erlenmeyer flask with chemicals 
Fugu Flail with real chain
Stun gun

Yeah, the bad guy from the shitty third movie. He can be part of a Turtles In Time (no relation to the game) wave. (Mostly an excuse to bring Renet, Savanti Romero, and Time Travel Turtle variants. Another rant for another day.) 
I'd use movie references to improve the textures on the outfit. Not going full realistic NECA styled, but more of a fourhorsemen inspired anime hyperdetail (fuck you Scott!).
Heads: (3)
Playmates styled head
Better Stuart Wilson likeness than the vintage toy, but not accurate enough.
New style head but no hat and no ponytail.

Hands: (8)

Accessories: (9)
Time scepter
Aside the time scepter he has two of each, since he's a weapons trader

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