Jul 11, 2024

Dammit Haley Joel Osment! First Popeyr, now Olive Oyl!?

Yes, THAT Shelley Duvall. Apparently, she died due to 
Diabeetus complications. She was 75. My condolences to friends and family. 

Honestly, I know her for 3 things:
-As a kid I often confused her and Talia Shire. Adult me knows that they don't look similar at all other than being women. Well, I can be bad associating names with faces ON REAL PEOPLE. I fare much better with fictional characters for some reason. Let's just say that many of my relationships died due to saying the wrong name at the wrong time. Dating a girl namesd Alexandra and calling her Jeannice can be problematic... (fake names. For their sake)
-The Shining

Popeye being one of my mom's favorite bad movies to watch... I don't know if she ever saw it on theaters... all I know is that she stopped everything to watch that movie. I didn't hate it but I also didn't think it was great. As an adult, I can see the respect and reverence to the source Material. It wasn't perfect, but it's enjoyable.

I just realized that Popeye, Bluto, and Olive are all dead... 
Time is passing by and pushing the Reaper closer. Vade retro torva messor!

Requiesce in pace, Shelley Duvall.

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