May 11, 2019

Odds and ends May 11... Blue Falcon? As in Dyno-Mutt?

Dafuq? Marky Mark is going to play Blue Falcon... please be live action, please be live action, please be live- it's an animated movie... dammit!
It will have Lucius Malfoy as Dick Dastardly...

Yes, as in the dude that hung out with that dog... Fricking Muttley!

Pua Magasiva has passed away. When I read the news, I had no idea who he was. It took a friend to slap me on thw back of the head and remind me of Power Rangers Ninja Storm... You know, the series before Dino Thunder... My condolences to the family and friends.

Seriously, how could I forget Ninja Storm? I always make fun of Hamster Sensei...

Craptaku is offended that Barret sounds like Barret should... He is "problematic" because he sounds like a Mr.T parody and that's offensive... I guess their next article will be how "problematic and transphobic" is Aerith's plan to save Tifa from Corneo... qritten by someone who never played the game.

Here's the thing, yes Barrett starts and acts like a Mr. T stereotype. As the game progresses you notice that it's an act. Yes he has a bit of a "black accent" the mask is shed and we can see that inner Barrett who has a thirst for knowledge is more philosophical and a lot serious then. Mr. T parody. Similar to how Cloud is a huge dork behind that cool Zack mask he wears.

The idea that people wear masks to hide who they really are from others seems to be a subtle theme in Final Fantasy 7 because Cloud Barrett Red XIII Yuffie Cait Sith, Cid all of them have that different exterior than their interior... But craptaku's got to clickbait. ..

Trying to apply modern sensibilities to work from the past it's pointless. Work must be judge in context of its time.
Seriously these people are the ones that probably would get Tom Sawyer banned from schools because of Jim.

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