Oct 8, 2021

It came from the Toy Chest: a completely different Daniel-san


No, I'm not talking about the Ralph Macchio Daniel-san. I'm talking about Daniel Pennington the mandatory ping psychic added to the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. I got The Loot Crate exclusive but for some reason Daniel was super banged up inside of the box. I'm not calling him Danny because Speech to Text turns my Dannys into Danis... 

As I said before Mister Pennington is a mandatory teenage sidekick addition in order to avoid crucifixion by parent groups. Like Orko and other annoying sidekicks, his existence is a door for us to receive the lore in a more organic way. Rebellious Teen ends up on the wrong side of the tracks until Elmo tells him a story and he sees the error of his ways. Then he vanishes from the Turtles' lives like a ninja...

Marty: This is heavy, Doc!!
Doc: Great Scott! Marty! The rat is wearing a bathrobe!
Marty: Doc, focus! I'm no longer the shortest guy in the room!!
Danny: My name is Danny..
Doc: Marty! Be careful! The Ginger can speak our language! Don't interact with him or else he'll turn into a N-
Splinter: Nigerundayo, Daniel-san!
Doc: Ther rat said it!! How come he can, but I can't say N-
Marty: DOC!! HE SAID "RUN AWAY DANIEL" IN JAPANESE! He didn't say the N-word...
Doc: But you can't deny that gingers are being replaced by... can I still say blacks?
Marty: African Americans...
Doc: But what if the person is British and Black?
Marty: Uhhh... um...
Danny: Wait, if I'm black I'm  gonna be Hugh Mungus!!
Marty: Really? I'm trying to be progressive and educate people on the inportance of treating people with respect and erase racism and you come in with a dick joke? Doc, To the Time Machine!! I have a date with Danny's Mom!

There's not much I can say about him, other than I'm borderline regretting my purchase...

Danny Pennington is not a super articulated figure. Being built on the child body of John Connor, means that he's scrawny and barely articulated. Single joint knees and elbows, torso, waist and thigh articulation blocked by his oversized shirt. Sneakers limit ankle articulation. Even his head is limited in articulation. He can't sit. All he can do is stand in a vanilla pose. Or stand on a Tech Deck skateboard.
Here's an idea what 2036's Live action remake or Disney's Ratatouille might look like.

Paint and sculpt 
I need to point out that using the John Connor body was a mistake. This makes him look far smaller than he was on screen. He makes Marty McFly look tall by comparison. His eyes look weird and his face is abnormally waxy. And I mean Super7 levels of waxy. The tampograph on his shirt looks pretty good as well as the brain stimulating the bleached out look from the shirt.

Not a walkman
Extra head

I feel a bit ripped off with the lack of accessories on this figure. I don't know what they could have added but it feels like it lacked a lot of stuff. And no the additional stuff on the crate do not count for this figure.

Danny gets an underwhelming 2.5 as his final score. He's just a civilian , so I "shouldn't be too harsh on him"... well, I paid Super7 proces for a figure with 90s articulation that is mostly hindered and a lousy shirt... what's worse is that TMNT 2's Keno will most likely be another Lootcrate exclusive AND I will be the idiot that will fall for this rip-off once more.
I wish I had the Ultimate Casey Jones...

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