Jun 21, 2024

It came from the Toy Chest: This Reaper is THE WORST

 A Super7 Original, Robot Reaper is part of The Worst, a series of weird misfits that apparently are The Worst. I have nothing to say here. It's a robotic Grim Reaper that has a Gameboy Color ersatz and a robotic Endoskeleton.

There is not much that I can say because I do not know the lore of this character period.
Honestly, I bought him as custom fodder. If.
You are following the Rise of the MuTeens fanfic, then He'll be Jenny in Endo mode. If not, then a Robotic body for an AI program.

Robot Reaper has a standard Ultimates body. But sports Less Articulation
The thigh swivel is hindered like most Ultimates and there are no cuts until we reach the ankle.
The ball torso works pretty good though.

I can't be the only one who wants a Foot Soldier Endoskeleton after seeing the naked Robot Reaper!?

Obviously the robe would block some of the articulation, But since I'm gonna display him naked, it doesn't matter
RR: Nicholas Raymond Cade, I am coming for you.
Nick: I hope that coming is spelled with an o and single m...
RR: Does not compute... Perverted human, you understand what I meant! I am the embodiment of Death!
Nick: let me catch all 150 Pokémon on this copy of Pokémon blue and I'll die.
RR: Accepted.

Paint and Sculpt:
Since this is an original character, I can't compare it to the source material. The robotics look really decent in a stylish way. The paint job does a really good job in capturing the whole robotic skeleton thing. 
RR: Once I insert my diSk in your computer
You Will Die... With an I and not a Y, before you ask.
Nick: Sure, try to insert that 1982 Floppy on this 1990s PC.
*Notification sound*

Extra hands (c-grip, fist, pointing)
Extra heads (2)
Scythe hand
Not a Gameboy
Floppy floppy disc
Loading sand timer
Full on Scythe
Soft goods robe and rope belt. I'm counting them as accessories since they are removable.

The only complaint I have about the accessories is that the Scythe has the handles in the wrong direction. It seems that everyone who makes a sigh goois society puts the Handles in the wrong direction. Haven't they looked for ripping videos on youtube?

Finally A Zack Snyder film is good for something other than mockery and ridicule.

But other than that, The accessories rock!
RR: Perverted Human!
Nick: What!? Irma sent the pic, not me! That makes HER the pervert! Can I ask you a favor? Pass me the tissues and turn around. I need to rate the picture.

Robot Reaper gets a 4.83 as it's final score. For a character that it's supposed to be part of The Worst; His rating has been one of the best! That lame dad joke was not intended. Well , i'm pleasantly surprised with the robot reaper, I don't think I would be buying any more characters from this line.

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