Aug 12, 2024

Super7 D&D musings

 I'm awaiting Hank and Sheila by Super7... I MAY have gotten a John Cena Sheila. But I've some worries with other characters... Mrs. N, Hopefully, tonight Mr. N will be XTREEM HARD after this rant. Since he loves it when I call out S7 potential and actual bullshittery. I'm talking about the Nieves family who sent me a long-winded e-mail about me being soft on S7 and not as ruthless as I was with Mattycollector. So, no, Neitlich, I ain't talking about you.


Single carded Uni. You read that right. I fear a single carded Uni. Making me pay $55 for Uni sounds Despicable! Unless:
  • Uni has a fully Articulated body
  • Swappable heads
  • Extra accessories for Bobby and maybe Sheila.
The same kind of worry I have for Dungeon Master, who again could have plenty of extra accessories for himself and his wayward son... (and daughter that shares a voice actress with Irma from TMNT.)

Venger and Presto also have a worrying factor...
I hate to say this, but they need soft goods tunics. Otherwise their articulation would be useless! I haven't seen what Hasbro did, since I've been unable to find anything past Hank, Bobby, and Diana. But back to Super7... I mean full soft goods tunics for them. None of that Plastic top with soft goods bottoms that look awful.

I dunno if Variants/redecos can be made, since Super7 loves those. I don't think the kids on our world variants would sell. Sure I'd probably buy Eric, Diana, Sheila, Hank, eh fuck it let's add Bobby to complete the set... but I'm just weird. But we'll have to wait and see what Super7 does... I won't buy Vengers Horse, but Venger better be able to ride it...

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