Feb 7, 2025

Another TMNT ULTIMATES Accessory pack/character "upgrade" rant

 With the high chance of Ultimates lines downsizing, Accessory packs might be the way to spice up TMNT Ultimates! 

Undercover Pack:
I've done variations of this before. But instead of individual packs this will be a 4 turtle pack, making it the most expensive pack:

-4 fedora heads: one for each turtle (from UC Raph)
-4 Trenchcoats (from UC Raph)
-4 Masks (inspired by the 1987 VAs)
  1. Cam Clarke for Leo
  2. Barry Gordon for Don
  3. Rob Paulsen for Raph
  4. Townsend Coleman for Mike
Of course 4 trenchoats and masks an accessory pack does not make. We need to add MORE!! Let's do some undercover espionage gadgets
-UC Raph Thermal Goggles
-New Gas Mask (can fit vanilla Turtles too)
-riot shield Briefcase. 

Now we add Ninja Weapons because TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES 
-Pair of Wakizashi (easier to conceal than 2 katana)
-Collapsible Bo staff with stun gun attachment
-pair of jitte(easier to conceal than full on sais)
-rope Nunchucks (more silent than chained)

Now the Undercover Turtles need something more and uncharacteristic of TMNT: GUNS.

-UC Raph revolver Repainted
-New Walther P38 No stock nor sight
-New FAMAS rifle
-Pair of knives inspired by UC Don

If TMNT get Deluxe releases, this set could help move the releases.

Breaking News pack:
This set is for April 1.0 

Soft goods coat

4 heads:
-April II Inspired head
-Judith Hoag inspired head
-Paige Turco inspired head
-More Toon Accurate head (as seen with Ninja April heads.)

Ninja April Camera in blacks and grays to match the 1.0 camera. 
Utility belt (APRIL II Homage item.)
Mic that can hang on Utility belt
Mini camera that can hang on utility belt
Laptop computer.

New extra hands:
(Pointing, counting, OK, etc.)

Of course part of this set would be obsolete if April 2.0 is made.

Oroku Saki Upgrade pack: 
As the name suggests, this is a Shredder upgrade pack:

-inspired by Wacky Action in Blue
-inspired by wacky action in silver
-inspired by Cyber Samurai in Blue
-inspired by Cyber Samurai in Silver
-Oroku Saki head

Extra hands:
-Vintage inspired 3 finger dramatic hands
-2 finger Ninja hands
-fists with Blades silver
-bladed fists blue

-Evil Communicator
-serrated sword

Soft goods tunic grey (for sulver)
Soft goods tunic burgundy (for blue)

Basically this set pimps up both Shredders.

Foot Arsenal:
This set is intended as Weapons for the Foot Soldiers in Foot Soldoer colors.
-2 Katana
-2 Naginata
-6× Kunai
-3× dynamite sticks
-manhole cover
-3× boomerang
-Bow and arrows

 Extra hands
-2× Archery hands
-2× battle damaged hands

2×Severely battle damaged head attached to a partial torso with mangled arm (this is more of a diorama piece like the ran over Mousers from the party wagon. Though I want to explore severe battle damaged foot soldiers as figures and diorama pieces. Love the idea of half foot bodies trying to cling to the turtles to slow then down.  Terminator 1 style stuff.)

Punk pack:
This is a reference to Bebop and Rocksteady being called "Punk" on the Board game where Mike and Don have different colors. This pack has no heads as not all figures have swappable heads.

Extra hands:
-Dramatic hands R
-Dramatic hands B
-pointing R
-pointing B
-trigger hands R
-Trigger hands B

Weapons and stuff
New properly scaled Machinegun R
New Bandolier with plug for wood sword R
New Wood sword R
New Speargun R
Triceraton Gun B
2× New Traag Gun  RB sized
2× New Traag Rifle RB sized
2× Large sized Evil Communicator.

Muck Pack:
As you may have guessed Muckman is the main star here.

New Joe Eyeball in a hanging from trashcan rim pose.

Alt. Head coverings.
Slip on slime effects for his holes. (Mouth, torso.)
Various Extra hands be creative, aside expressions, having  muck weapons (Think more putty patroller, less carnage)
Muck puddles

I want to add muck traps, think Marvel Legends Spider-Man web traps. 1 for Turtle/Human sized and the other larger for Rocsteady, Slash, etc.
These but looking like Muck instead of webbing.
Mutagen Man Dramatic hands
Random thingies to drop inside him.

Hamato Yoshi/Splinter Pack:
While we haven't gotten a Hamato Yoshi figure, this pack would free Space for the figure. 

-4× Turtles from Mutagen Man.
-Bird Cage
-Martial Arts Brown Rat to put in cage.
-Empty amd broken Ooze canister
-Ooze puddle (to put the 4 Turtles before they grow to the turtles from the Mouser pack.
-Art History book opened on The Renaissance chapter.
-sushi tray with removable rolls
-Japanese tea set
-soft goods belt (shredder)
-tanto with sheathe

Hamelin pack:
This is a reference to the pied piper, Rat King:

-canceled w10 pretty boy heads
-pretty boy head with fedora
-vintage with fedora

-soft goods tattered grey trenchcoat

8× Rats (the 3 from the canceled w10) Plus 5 new rats (reuse martial arts rat from Splinter pack)
Soda can bandolier with removable cans
Staff made out of Footski flagpole
Cheese wheel
Cheese slice
Plate or Ratatouille (reference to the cardback, not the Disney movie)

These are just a few samples. 
These would be easier to make if we had MORE characters. These packs would also be a nice way to introduce Roadkill Rodneys.

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