Nov 22, 2011

Odds and Ends: Don't stuff the turkey yet!

OK, Thanksgiving's coming and I wanna take a look at some stuff before it happens...
Mattel is FINALLY shipping my BP She-Ra, Swift Wind and Snout Spout...

Stealth Camouflage!? Nope! Chuck Testa! Nope! Chinese guy who makes Camouflage Paintings to render himself almost invisible... Problem is that he has to stand there without moving... DAMN!

Yahoo! caught me off-guard today with a random article: Where's Miley Cyrus Been? The answer is I have no idea what she's been up to ever since she hit the Salvia Bong... (and my assistant follows her on Twitter...) I think I can Find Carmen Sandiego faster than I could Find Miley...

I knew that she did a tour a couple of months ago, but I've pretty much stopped caring since she's no longer on TV and stuff... I guess that Forever being so short helped her slip off the radar... I'm still waiting for the 2012 Hannah Montana Revival tour... or at least Beavis and Butt-head to poke fun at Hannah or Miley...

Now let's move on to more recent and slightly more relevant things: Justin Bieber is getting a Paternity test... just to prove that he did NOT have sex with a girl...

Hey! It's a mandatory Bieber clip for the non Bielebers...
This whole paternity issue would've been better if it had been on Maury:

What she hopes to hear...

What Bieber hopes to hear.

Either way, that girl is screwed... If she DID have sex with Bieber, then it's statutory rape cause she was over 18 and he was... is a minor. If she DID NOT have sex with Bieber, he could sue for defamation of character and stuff...

Stuttgart, Arkansas is a town like no other... There is an obsession...

Yup! Duck Hunting... Apparently that's the Holy Grail of Duck Hunting... To me on the other hand the Holy Grail of Duck Hunting is:

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