Jun 19, 2021

Most wanted GI Joe characters for the Classified line

 I've been slowly getting some GI Joe Classified figures... currently have Scarlett, Roadblock, Cobra Commander, Pimp Daddy Profit Director Destro, Zartan, Baron Bludd... waiting for BBTS to get Duke added to my Pile of Loot. And they're growing on me. Kinda want to get another Bootleg Figma Solid Snake to Frankenstein a Solid, uh Solid Snake to display with the Joes... but here's a list of GI Joe Classified figures that I'd like to see:
Remember to use yojoe.com as a visual reference guide. Because it's the same visual reference guide that I'm using.

The genetically engineered Supreme Cobra Leader is a must have. Especially with his v1 form... personally, I'd make a new version by combining elements of v1 with v4.

My favorite Joe. My dream version would be an upscale v13 with a removable life best based on V10.

Basically a single carded tribute to V2 of the Baroness. Since we already have a baroness figure we could really use that set of molds to make the v2 repaint. 

~Tomax and Xamot
I mention both characters as one since they are literally the same figure but with a few pieces reversed. I'll suggest V6 as the main base since it's an updated version of V1.

~Sgt. Slaughter 
I'm not sure off the current legal status of Sergeant Slaughter. Valaverse is making one for their Action Force line. Supposedly, those figures are "Marvel Legends compatible" in scale and style... Slaughter seems to be older here than how he was in his GI Joe era. So, a GI Joe Era Slaughter would be nice. Here I have no issues on which version they make. I can akways paint the USA tanktop black if needed.

The Chief Cobra Scientist is a necessity, especially if Serpentor is around. A modernized version of v1 would be optimal.

~Spirit Ironknife
I know he's controversial because "stereotypes", but he's a fan favorite character. An updated version of the first Spirit would be my preference, but since that look could be considered as "a borderline racist caricature", then a figure based on Spirit Ironknife v6 in Spirit v1 colors would be a reasonable compromise.

~Quick Kick
A combination of both V2 and V3 would make a fire much better Quick Kick, than sticking to just one figure.

~Wild Bill
A combo of v2 and v12 would be optimal. But I'm leaning more towards an updated v2.

Basically an updated version of v1, but adding a very special accessory

An updated version of v1 would be nice.

Why not?

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