I've mocked the laziness of Playmates toys and TMNT for a while. The latest was the TMNT vs SF2 line. So, now I'm going to do a list of 10 lines that Playmates could do a crossover with TMNT and release once again the same four tires turtle bucks.
May 28, 2022
Top 10 Lines Playmates can do TMNT crossovers with
May 26, 2022
Who let Haley Joel Osment play GTA: Vice City?
Because now, American Actor and Honey Enthusiast, Ray Liotta, has been seen by Haley Joel Osment's Necrosight. That's sadly right, bous and girls: Goodfellas star, Ray Liotta has passed away.
As always, my condolences to friends and families. Ray Liotta apparently passed away in his sleep, personally speaking, the best and worst way to pass away. He was in the Dominican Republic filming a movie at the time of his passing.
While Mr. Liotta has done a multiple array of roles, he's mostly remembered as a "Mobster" since most of his popular roles were of Mobsters. IIRC, HE WAS ACTUALLY THREATENED BY THE MOB. No wait, those were Sinatra's daughters.
TMNT the dumb variants: the rant or is it the other other rant
May 25, 2022
Plus-up for the vintage TMNT from 93-94 to Super7's TMNTU... Forgot if this is part 4 or 5.
In any case, this list might be rather short, sonce 93-94 was mostly variants, and Movie 3 Turtles and I don't want to watch the movie again to get inspired.
May 23, 2022
Playmates' Laziness has reached a new Low... TMNT vs Street Fighter II!
Better be ready for yet another reuse from the "Classics" Turtles body that they have used for their TMNTC, Movie Turtles, SOTO Movie Turtles, "Mirage" Turtles, Vs. Cobra Kai Turtles...
So, are the Street Fighter figures worth getting another set of oversized Turtles?
Holy Hell is that supposed to be Ryu, or an Elvis Impersonator? Also, why is Leonardo so grimy and creepy looking?Giving TMNT vintage a Plus-up for TMNTU part 3? Toon stuff...
May 22, 2022
George R R Martin is still not writing The Wonds of Winter and he is butthurt about fans.
Remember George R R Martin, author of A Song of Ice and Fire series that started in the mid 90s and got an HBO adaptation whose last 3 seasons were a shit show because the books weren't finished and the Showrunners had to make shit up to reach an ending? Well he's complained recently about "vicious fans" who write mean stuff like "where's the book" on GRRM's blog posts on how he's doing lots of shit not related to finishing The Winds of Winter, which was getting the final touches back when Mom was alive. So yeah, I've no sympathy for George Slowass RR Martin.
Yes, back in the pre-internet era, one had to sit down, write a letter, pay for postage and send it. Then the letter would reach the publisher and it would sit on a pile until they reach the author. This excessive hassle was removed with the internet. So, if I wanted to say: For God's sake GEORGIE SLOW AS MOLASSES RR SIT YOUR FAT ASS AT YOUR DESK AND FINISH THE GODDAMNED BOOKS BEFORE YOU DIE FROM A HEART ATTACK MARTIN, I could do so without the filter from having to write a physical letter and send it. The instant nature of the internet has removed some filters that the old school methods of communication had.
The letter version would not be as succint as the "vicious internet message" but it could be quite as vicious:
Dear George RR Martin:
Based on your recent publications, it appears that work on the Winds of Winter is not being done. The lack on progress on this tome is alarming, due to painfully obvious reasons, but I shall point them out to avoid any obtuse replies.
You are no longer a child of Spring George, Winter is coming and you're in Autumn. Not to mention your massive corpulence, which could potentially overwork your heart. Instead of spending time doing tours, fundraisers, or other excuses that keep your Twiceman behind away from your desk.
Mindy Kaling's bastardization of Velma: a rant
It would be easy to go for the low hanging fruit of criticizing this bastardization for race swapping. I detest race swapping because it show that the people in charge aren't good enough to come up with an original character that happens to be a minority. Instead they have to use "whitey's hand-me downs". That doesn't elevate minorities. It makes them look like parasites that latch-on to popular stuff and appropriate it... but I'm not going to stick to that.
My issue is that this series takes a massive dump on Scooby Doo. This is Scooby Doo Minus Scooby, Fred, Shaggy, and Daphne. While, yes there have been Scooby shows without Fred, Daphne, and/or Velma, the one constant has been Scooby Doo. The 2018 Daphne & Velma movie wasn't well received because it was bad, but most importantly, it was Scooby Doo minus Scooby, Shaggy, and Fred. Not only that, but Velma is solving Murders, like what the Hell!?
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Art by ckjedi |
May 20, 2022
Odds and ends May 20th 2022: ay-yi-yi! ROCKY is now the best Red MMPR
At least he is not accussed of fraud, unlike OTHER Red Rangers... yes, Austin st. John, aka Jason, the original Mighty Morphin Red Ranger, was charged of fraud. 18 people were involved in this fraud scheme and among them was the OG Red Ranger... Tommy might be a douchebag, but at least he's an honest douchebag. Ay-yi-yi! I guess when Zordon asked for teenagers with attitude, he didn't mean this.
Seems like Daredevil is getting a new Series on Disney+. Will Charlie Cox reprise his role as Matt Murdock? I hope so, but with him being in No Way Home and D'Onoffrio as Kingpin, there is a chance that The Devil from Hell's Kitchen will be back. The only thing that worries me is that Disney might tone down the violence for Daredevil, because Disney.
Seems like Kathleen Kennedy learned ALL the wrong lessons from the failures of the Sequel Trilogy and Solo. Recasting Iconic charactera on prequels is NOT a bad idea... if it was, we wouldn't have Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan. The problem was that the kid playing Solo didn't FEEL like a young Solo. Also, the movie being mostly fluff to start a TV series about a young Smuggler named Solo.
The Disney sequels... I've already stated that lack of clear direction, forcing "girl power" and overreliance on Jar Jar Abrams was what screwed the sequels. Because, as much as people disliked The Last Jedi, Rian Johnson was paving the way for Star Wars without Skywalkers. The Mandalorian and the Book of Boba Fett proved that you can do side stories with Star Wars. The issues lie on choosing WHAT TO TELL and WHERE IN THE TIMELINE DOES IT GO.
May 19, 2022
Disney is going to whore put Stan Lee's corpse...
By making a CGI clone and using old footage for audio/visuals. I feel uncomfortable with that. Ignoring the ethics dilemma, it's just weird having a fake Stan Puppet pretending to be Stan. We know it's not him, so it feels like Disney is desecrating a body for money. But Disney's got to Disney...
Holy crap! It's been 22 years since this game!
Marvel Legends Emissary from Hell Supaidaman
I know that this isn't everyone's cup of tea, but this is a Sentai Spidey that could cross over to another Hasbro line full of Sentai stuff...
May 18, 2022
So, I saw Doctor Strange in the MoM...
And I can't stop laughing at how dirty it sounds... Doctor Strange was never inside any MoMs. Also, this movie is kinda hard to talk about without Spoilers...
Originally, the movie was meant to be before Spider-Man Return of the Tobey and Andrew. Also, straight after WandaVision. With The good Doctor visiting Wanda as she was astral reading the Darkhold... but COVID-19 and SONY pushed Spidey before Strange in the MoM and the latter got some reshoots.
Xochtil Gomez plays América Chávez... nothing against the kid, but she looked more like Dora the Explorer than América Chávez. She did a decent job WITHOUT yelling Holy Menstruation! But sadly, she's more of a McGuffin than an actual character.
My biggest issue with the movie is the same as Captain Marvel's... everyone outshines the main character. The same thing happens to Dr. Strange. Wanda steals the spotlight whenever she's on. (Also, there's a very subtle pair of jabs at Full House fans with the plot... using an Olsen to replace anothet Olsen and a scene with two Identical Olsens... you could say they were Olsen Twins...) Mordo steals the spotlight from Dr. Strange, Wong steals it as well. The Illuminati steal the spotlight from Strange. América Chávez steals the spotlight from Strange... Hell, Rachel McAdams' mole steals the spotlight from Dr. Strange... I know it sounds a bit childish to complain about a mole, but that mole has grown a lot since Mean Girls. It could be a tumor. Even the Waste of Flesh... I mean NOT SHUMA-GORATH stole the spotlight. Speaking of which, Marvel may be losing the Conan license sooner than expected. But Strange playing side character to everyone else is the biggest complaint I have with the movie.
Now if we can get "616" Fantastic Four and X-Men (actually Earth-199999), that would be great... and now we have no excuse for the yellow chair, since we saw it in the MoM. While we are at it we demand a comic book accurate Doctor Doom!! I'm also hoping that there is a Rated-R cut of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, because it most definitely look like Raimi wanted an R-Rated version.
May 17, 2022
A well a everybody's heard about the bird... a Yu-Gi-Oh! Rant
The 3 legged Crow has been unbanned after 18 years! That is correct, Yatagarasu is back!! Limited, but unbanned.
For those of you who can't see the video, when Yatagarasu inflicts damage to the opponent's life points it forces the opponent to skip the next draw phase. If you empty the field and your opponent's hand and summon Yatagarasu, you essentially won the game.I don't know how effective will Yatagarasu be with the current meta... then again, my Yu-Gi-Oh! Knowledge reaches only 2012-ish. But holy shit! Yatagarasu has FINALLY BEEN UNBANNED!!
How to plus up some vintage TMNT figures for TMNTU Part 2 1991-1992
I will be skipping most variants that are NOT Super Shredder. There are far too many turtle variants at the moment. So let's begin!
Articulated Kid Kangie... not asking for super articulation, but 3- 5 points because there isn't much that you can do with him... maybe give him a Crocodile Dundee Knoife. Expect Steve Irwin References IF he comes out the toy chest.
May 16, 2022
Diversitiy in videogames, or how Activision-Blizzard practices virtual Eugenics *language*
In order to fight racism, sexism, homophobia, and all the other evil -isms, Activision made a tool for character design that quantifies certain attributes in order to weed out undesirable attributes, from the attributes they want to keep... that kinda sounds like EUGENICS, which, last time I checked is RACIST AS FUCK!! And after being mocked to Hell and back, the post they made praising the tool was deleted.
How tone-deaf do you have to be to go "virtual Eugenics" in order to promote diversity? Oh wait! This is LITERALLY what the "racist gamers" warned the SocJus Slacktivists would happen when they started demanding representation ON EVERYTHING!! Corporations would only bother filling out checkboxes in order to appease the Twitter crowd.
This is what happens when you DEMAND CHANGES TO BE EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY. The laziest solution is reduce everything to numbers and use a cookie cutter approach, where characters will be as deep as a kiddie pool.
Again, what is it with people and DEMANDING everyone to be like themselves? I don't need Lara Croft to be a fat 40-something Latin American to relate to her. I can do so quote easily by playing the game. I don't need to be an African American from Los Angeles to Understand CJ, nor Japanese to understand Ghost of Tsushima. I don't need to be an abandoned child who is forcibly mutated to understand Geralt. Nor do I need to suck people for power like Kirby...
What we need is more relatable characters that happen to be non-white and where it makes sense to have them. Like say having No Latinos in 950 Japan is not racist.
We need less 1 dimensional characters whose entire personality is labels like "non-binary, queer, trans, curvy, with self-diagnosed depression, pronouns are fooneeqlee/fooneeqlah"... you can have characters that have all those characteristics, but they have to be MORE than these labels.
We don't need to fill checkmarks. We need compelling and relatable characters, more than anything "politically correct". We need great storytelling, rather than preaching. We need FUN GAMEPLAY over social justice. Sadly, the SocJus minded folks, see games as tools to spread their propaganda (for lack of a better word) they'd argue in defense of Bowser, because Mario stomps on Goombas and kicks Koopa shells instead of the exciting new mechanics/gimmick that the game has. They'd rather whine about Quiet's outfit being too revealing, than discussing how Kojima's anti-nuke message is a bit ham-fisted and somewhat hypocritical.
I'm not saying that you can't have message. I'm saying that the Message should serve its masters: story and gameplay. People tolerate Kojima's preachiness, because he delivers fun games with compelling stories for the most part... (Norman Reedus and the funky fetus ain't one of those) if you're more interested in SocJus than actual gaming, the end product will suffer.
But, at least pretty much EVERYONE thinks that Activision fucked up woth their Virtual Eugenics tool.
May 15, 2022
Twisted Metal TV series looks lile it's going to suck
They seem to be following the rule for most videogame adaptations: Fuck the games, fuck the source material, and fuck you fanbois.
one of those already, I wouldn't complain much about the name.
Making a case for the TMNT Movie stars variants.
In the how to plus up the 91-92 I talked, or will talk about plussing up the figures from that year and I dabbled in variants with the movie Foot Soldier... the tense confusion comes with me writing multiple rants at the same time and not all of them having the same publishing date. Right now I don't know when I will publish the latest batch.
May 14, 2022
Why isn't GTA4 getting a Remaster?
With GTAV, the not so great 3D Era GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition available on Modern Consoles, it's odd That GTA IV is not getting a remaster, especially as a "WAITING for GTA6 Stalling tactics game".
While, yes, I enjoyed it a bit less than the Original GTA SA, it was a good game and it deserves at least a port to modern era consoles... with the end of PS3 era, a ton of gaming classics are going to be "lost" and that is disappointing. As much as companies love to hate on Piracy... it's reasonable because of self8 explanatory reasons, Piracy has preserved most of the 8-bit to 32-bit era games. N64 Emulation and beyond has been a tad problematic. That's why when news like this or this pop up, hopes get up. PS3 Emulation is difficult due to the Cell Processing. What SONY has now is streaming PS3 games through the cloud, which sounds like a logistical nightmare to folks with data caps and slower speeds
My PS2 died and I need to get it fixed to play the shit ton of PS2 games that I have... that's literally the last gaming generation that can be fully preserved, because it doesn't require being online at all... once the servers for certain games go down. You can't play the games anymore... or at least the elements that require online. Unless, of course, the game gets ported to a more modern console...
Relying on online is "good for now" but not "good forever"... as studios die, get sold and butchered, licenses lost... games get lost as well... for example, now the only JoJo games are the Bandai Namco JoJo games. The Dreamcast game by Capcom? Tough shit... Piracy is your only hope, because Capcom no longer has the license and can't rerelease modern ports. This is why the Cowabunga collection is such a huge thing. Sure, it's a lazy release for Konami, but at the same time it's an attempt at preservation of past games in an anthology... but now with games requiring to "phone home" to be playable, relying on Patches and DLC to have the full experience, and going to digital format, where the players can lose access if the company goes broke, kills the servers or many other factors. Then there's the ends of certain licenses that cause content to be removed (GTA Trilogy is an example). In say, 10 years from now if Rockstar doesn't pull a port/remaster of GTA4, it'll be unlikely that we'll be ablento play the game ever again.
Well, guess what? This was one of my favorite PS1 Games, Blast Chamber... no ports have been made. Since my PS2 died, well, I can no longer play the game... unless I use my PS1 disc on a pc with a PS1 Emulator. The game wasnta critical success, which explains why it wouldn't get any ports... but The Activision Spider-Man games were good (except Enter Electro) but again, lost to history due to licensing issues.
It's scary to think that I can still obtain many of the games from my childhood LEGALLY, but games from my college years, are impossible to get legally.
May 12, 2022
Kelly Kapowski is not who I remembered
Kelly Kapowski: what comes to your mind? The saintly brunette with a cheery behavior that you could swear Disney's Snow White was a big meanie next to her. As a tween, I had the biggest crush on Miss Kapowski and I was blinded by her holy aura... and did not aee the devil hiding within...
As much as it pains me to say this:
Kelly Kapowski is an evil bitch!
She has an affair with her anthropology professor
Super7 Thundercats wave 6 mistake
Super7 accidentally spoiled wave 6 via email... wave 6 sucks donkey dick. It's pure LJN repaints.