Nov 19, 2022

So King Conan is coming to Super7

 Crom! And all that. Honestly, all I want right now is the Wizard Akiro... for no reason whatsoever.

But it has gotten me thinking. NECA made Commando, Terminator, and Predator Schwarzenegger... but Super7 made Conan. I'm gonna suggest a Schwarzenegger Ultimates line... same vein as the Bruce Lee Ultimates. Predator, Terminator, and Commando are obviously out of the picture... Mistuh Fweeze too, sadly. I wouldn't pick too many movies with Arnie in normal clothes, because it's Arnie in Normal clothes... so, I'm  going to go for my top 10 Schwarzenegger Ultimates.

This is the Japanese Commercial Arnold. Mainly the Nissin Cup Noodle ads. Specifically the one he's wearing traditional Japanese clothes...
Not for getting a Super7  scaled Japanese traditional outfit to use on a custom Tatsu... Noooo... mostly for the fan and Ramen stuff. It's better than the one where Arnold is dressed like Mr. Clean.

Comrade Schwarzenegger:
This is a reference to Red Heat... I only remember 1 scene from that movie... yes it's Cocainum. Does anyone remember any other scenes?

Mother Arnie:
Yes, a pregnant Schwarzenegger from Junior with a similar gimmick to Pregnant Midge
Of course, the baby has to be the Schwarzenegger faced baby from his nightmare.

Movie Hero Arnie:
This, of course, is Jack Slater from Last Action Hero and so far the first "Normally dressed Arnold Schwarzenegger" figure in the lineup. Not gonna say it's a way to test the waters for a Last Action Hero line.

Herculean Schwarzenegger:
Hercules in Manhattan... Toga, MOTUC body... not saying he could work for a New Adventures Adam, but he could totally work for a new Adventures Adam.

The Bodybuilder:
We can't ignore Arnie's past as a body builder.
The figure would be Arnie in a Banana Hammock for bodybuilding with fabric clothes from Pumping Iron... specifically THAT Scene.

Turkish delight:
Around the World in 80 Days gave us one of the Most Bizarre Arnold Schwarzenegger looks ever...

Heroic Father:
It's Turbo-Time! Let's face it... you secretly want a Turbo Man figure. I know I do. He should come with a Turbo Man figure to give away.

Gameshow Schwarzenegger: 
This is of course, a reference to The Running Man,  a movie that I haven't seen since 1989... but I remember the X-Men reject spandex suit...

The Governator:
I know that political figures can be a bit risky, but it would be Arnold Schwarzenegger in a business suit AND his Conan sword, which he kept in his office when he was Governor. This is totally not an excuse to get Super7 scaled figures with a business suit... maid not included.

Now out of those, the ones I want the most are:
Ramen Commercial, Governator, Junior, Pumping Iron, and Turbo Man.

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