Sep 7, 2024

Super7 Deluxe figures: a rant

 Let me get this out of the way: It's not a bad idea to rerelease a cheaper alternative for characters at a lower price by cutting out extras.

Using Biggie Smalls as a comparison:
Ultimates has 6 extra hands, 2 hats, 2 heads, glass, and a cane that deluxe lacks.
That's 12 less accessories. That's not deluxe... That's bare minimum. Marvel Legends usually gives us: Signature Accessor(y)/(ies), a pair of alternate hands and in some cases a head.
This Bare Bones Biggie should be $27...

But Super7 has been skimping out on accessories for their Ultimates.

To the point that they hold accessories hostage and force you to buy entire waves directly from them... which I can't due to their Shipping to Puerto Rico shenanigans.

The sad part is that I'd probably buy these begrudgingly. Mostly because I missed out on these due to S7 Shenanigans. 

I wonder if Super7 will later on sell "$25 Upgrade packs" to make the deluxe figures more deluxe. (aka Ultimates minus packaging)

Oooh! I feel a new rant incoming!

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