According to Chris Fawcett, author of Rad Plastic: The Totally Awesome History of the Original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Toys, Playmates doesn't own the toy designs. Also, Fawcett asked the VP of Playmates Toys US Branch about this issie and the VP claims that they can't block Super7 from making TMNT stuff... This leaves to the interpretation that it was Nickelodeon who put the kibosh on updating the vintage toys to MOTUC levels of articulation. This makes me believe that the VP of Playmates Toys US Branch is lying... from a certain point of view. While they "can't directly block Super7 from making Vintage Toyline inspired toys" as holders of the Master License for TMNT toys, they can claim that Super7 making tributes to the originals interferes with Playmates' own projects of selling commemorative redos of the original toys. With Playmates being the biggest money maker on a TMNT Movie year, Nickelodeon might've pulled some strings to appease them. So, from a certain point of view I could say Playmates is behind this BS.
A Facebook User asked a few questions to Super7's Brian Flynn, and here's what Flynn said:
Super7 isn't allowed to do things to the character that are 100% toy based. So they had to mix and match. So the question is:
Why would Nickelodeon tell Super7 that they can't do any more close to 100% Vintage toy inspired figures?
Theoretically speaking Super7's market audience is not necessarily the same as Playmates'. Sure, every now and then Playnates lazily throws a ⅛ assed reprint of figures we owned back in the day.
But to answer my own question: Because Playmates threw a hissy fit. Being the holders of the Master License allows these hissy fits to have some weight. Otherwise, there is no rhyme or reason for Nickelodeon to say anything.
The only positive about this is:
Burne would look more like the Zobovor custom than the official Playmates figure. |
Some figures that were questionable looking in their Playmates Toys Form, will look more TV or other Media Accurate. You know what? Let's use Burne as an example of what could Theoretically be done with him now that going full Playmates is forbidden.
He should be about as tall as a Turtle... I have my reasons and will explain them later.
We could go full toon and have him with the blue shirt, or go Archie Comics inspired and give him a white shirt. I'll go with white for reasons that will be explained with the accessories. So picture the Zobovor custom with Ultimates articulation, the white Archie Comics shirt. Now for accessories, the standard c-grips, relaxed, and fists. I'd add a right hand permanently holding a pencil and a hand that can hold a notepad or an 80s brick cellphone. (Think Zack Morris' phone) if possible pointing finger hand(s)
You can guess that a normal 80s brick cellphone and a notepad are two of his accessories. I'd toss in a Channel 6 press card like April's too.
The other accessory and his only "weapon" is a leather slapper.
The final accessories are heads: aside his normal head, an angry screaming head and last but not least a head wearing a hat like this:
His final accessory would be a soft goods trenchcoat like Undercover Raph's.
It has nods to Archie, Toon, and even Playmates without being specific to any version... or it would be if it was up to me.
While I'm here I'll tackle the rest of the Channel 6 crew.
Vernon will obviously be toon based. The bigger differences between MY theoretical Vernon and Playmates' will be the accessories. First I'd reuse Ninja April's Camera for him. (No gun camera here) Microphone should be an obvious accessory. The press ID card is another one. A stack of Vernon photos for autographs
Second to last accessory would be a small sign for his talk show:
For heads, he'd need 3:
Normal head, one with headset like April, and the last head:
The Blond Prindle Head from Archie Comics... adding a removable vest (see ace duck's jacket as an example) would seal the deal.
Hands, the usual hands, maybe an extra hand with a marker sculpted on it to sign autographs.
I tried to allow nods to multiple versions and theoretically a 2-in-1 figure with Prindle and Fenwick modes.
Last but not least, Irma... Her toon look is mandatory. Why?
Because Archie Comics Irma is blegh and MTG Irma is not bad, but it's like the Anti-Irma... I wouldn't be opposed to a MTG Irma figure, but it just wouldn't be the same.
So, toon Irma with soft goods skirt, for accessories, her purse, Turtle Communicator (reuse April's), a laptop, and pepper spray can with optional plug in spray effect. Now I'll add some toon specific items.
A dorky expression like these could have multiple uses: Daydreaming Irma, eating Irma, nsfw Irma, etc. |
A half eaten sandwich. Which as you can see here it's Irma's. The blissful face is not necessary but won't complain if this head is added. The next accessory is a preexisting piece, but it's the head what I'm interested in:
Obviously, hands that can hold the Foot Soldier Rifle are needed. If it can also hold the sandwich, even better.
It's a toon based Irma with elements that are not a copy of NECA's. There are nods to the Playmates figure with the Pepper spray can subbing for her hairdryer gun, the laptop is a flat out reference to PMT. Personally, I'd like the 3 heads: normal, Blissfully dorky, and Badass Bandana Irma.
I made these in roughly 10 minutes per character... the toughest part was softong through image galleries and fond things I could use that were:
-Not blatant copies of NECA stuff.
-that felt somewhat related to the character or they have actually used said items in media. (ie Vernon's headset head, Irma's Rambo head)
-items echo PMT items without being the exact item (ie, Burne's leather slapper being a substitute for his club sadwich club, Irma's pepper spray can substituting her hairdryer gun)
It's folks like Pizzaface, Walkabout, Tattoo, or Dr. El who worry me. They didn't have representation in other media and might not be doable.
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