Jun 9, 2024

The hassles of changing a phone.

It's a huge pain. Having to go through the hassle of reuploading everything and losing 97% of your stuff because the new phone decided to format the SD card BEFORE LETTING ME upload some key music, photos, etc. But what's worse is that this dumbest didn't back up the stuff in the card before attempting the switch. Now I've spent a shit ton of time trying to recover everything. I don't understand if it was like a dramatic change on a phone but it's literally two models after the old phone. But somehow my phone was "not capable of using the app" that allowed for phone. to phone tranfer. So I had to do it the old way. But technologyfuked me over andI lost my last pics of Mom with no chance of recovery.

I'm FUCKNG angry! I lost something. I didn't want to lose... Technology might be a light that cuts through the darkness, but technology itself has brought me to the darkness as its unfeeling arrangements of ones and zeroes destroyed the last memories I had of Mom. I can no longer trust my brain as I age and memories are forgotten. In my hurry to be able to play Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis, I got horribly fucked by my impatience and reckless use of technology.
This has been far more disappointing.That Carrie Ann Moss appearance in the Acolyte. Getting killed by a fucking kunai not 10 minutes into the show. Pathetic. But the most disappointing thing is that she didn't do the thing...

BTW: Alpha 2 happens in 1987 and Sakura is 16 there... that means Sakura was born in March 15, 1971, thus making Sakura 53 years old and 3 years younger than Trinity. Cammy is also in her 50s... Ryu and Ken are close to 60. Guile is almost a senior citizen. Point is: I'm getting older and I'm trying to keep my shit together, but everything I love is either leaving me behind, or I find a way to fuck it up and let it slip through my fat fingers. 

Shit! The Crossfire pics for the It Came from the Toy Chest... Noooo!

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