Jul 21, 2012

Action Figure Woes: Their Killen teh lien!

I was a bit worried when Mattel dropped a few bombshells at SDCC 2012!
Cost increase (Roughly $10 per figure for International Customers... without VAT or any other customs fees), no figures guarantee for customers who use international postage even if they subscribe... (lost item = no replacement or refund!)
Well... MOTUC is apparently in GRAVE DANGER!!
Here's The Mighty Spector himself with the message.

Here's the thing... I understand why people are wary of Neitlich's posts since he's got a past history of crying wolf in order to sell subs... I think I made a joke about it in a previous It came from the Toy chest.
Now, if the line TRULY IS IN DANGER, as Mr. Neitlich says AND you HAVE the Logistics to subscribe, then you should do so.

With that said, I seriously hope that the line goes through all the way to 2014 and that Mattel figures out a way to have a traceable option for International fans that is NOT DHL or UPS... even if it's as slow as standard international post (and closer in price range to international than DHL)!

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