Nov 6, 2012

It came from the toy chest: shaking his bum for evil

Cause he has a battle rattle on his tail end... I'm talking about Rattlor. The General... of the Snakemen Army... He's King Hssss' right hand man and all that... In the Neitlichverse, Rattlor abandons the Snakemen to join the Horde. Filmation had Rattlor (and Tunglashor) as hordesmen, but the Mini-Comics reconcile the info as Rattlor and Tung Lashor were Snakemen not trapped in the void and worked with the Horde until they could find Hssss or a way to release him.

Evil Lyn better not release this guy!
So, what does Mr. Rattlor bring to the game? His buck is a reuse of one of the Snakemen Guards (that I couldn't buy) Head, Neck, Torso, Abs and Tail are the new items, everything else is reused. (since the snakemen came before Rattlor, they're the Original parts bearer.)
He has an action feature and a tribute to his other feature. The tribute is the extended Snake neck.

while it KINDA works, in person it looks a bit worse... Add the SMAA buck and you can get an idea on how SMN would look like.
It works like Mekaneck's, but unlike Meck's the Snake neck won't look good stacked. The other action feature is based on his name... the Rattle... but unlike the toy it sounds VERY faint... due to the sound coming from the tail like it should instead of the torso like his vintage toy.

Ratlor lets it all out!
Let's head on to the ratings, Shall we?
As always 1 = crap and 5 = AWESOMETASTIC!!
Rattlor has the standard articulation that Whiplash would have if he had the Demo-Man shins... So in reality he only loses 2 POA but gains 1...
I'd say roughly a 3.5 for the General.

Paint and Sculpt:Blastic ALERT! BLASTIC ALERT! Rattlor DOES Have black plastic underneath his joints. While barely noticeable, his left elbow was slightly unpainted on my figure and the black shows.
Scultpwise... I mean look at him! The sculpt is freaking awesome, the painted scales in Rattlor's pattern make him pop. Mine has a little paint bleed in some areas, but it is not that noticeable... (except the one on the left hand.
This is all of his gear...

The General comes with the Neck extension and his staff. If you're a 200X Fan, then Rattlor's staff may end up with the King of the Snakemen... Then that leaves the not so Secret accessory that is the Horde Armband.

The most Electrifying move in Eternian Combat History!
Naturally, it ended up with Hurricane Hordak! (He's getting more Filmationized with each passing minute...
3.0 and now he has no accessories...

Rattlor feels like he is lacking something... 3.5 I mean the sculpt is awesome, the paintjob is mostly good, but he isn't that WOW inducing... Something feels OFF about him. I can't quite put my finger on it.

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