The sub exclusive for the lesser Filmation Line is in my hands, thanks to him being at a reasonable price on the secondary market.
Now to describe Evil Seed (Filmation Version): He sucks ass... He's a lame plant dude who planted a tree that did everything... It took He-Man, Sorceress, AND Skeletor to stop the tree and KILL Evil Seed by forcing an artificial winter, but all that Evil Seed did was stand around... kinda like Geldor... If Geldor was a thin Artichoke headed Flasher with an oh-so original dark robe.
My disdain for this version of the character is impossible to hide... Let's see if the Toy changes my mind about him... even a little:
Chokey the Artichoke has a balljointed head. and his arms are similar to Orko's (pseudo ball joint shoulders, ball joint elbows, rotating wrist.)
Waist Swivel... I am surprised of that...
One piece legs on a pseudo ball joint that are hindered by the non-removable robe. (You'd have to cut the shoulder joint, next to the shoulder discs in order to be able to remove the robe without cutting it.)

Paint and sculpt:
Mine has a few hiccups on paint. 3 "beauty marks" on his snout and a green gash on his left hand.
The sculpt is rather nice, but imagine if we could have gotten the FULL 4 Horsemen treatment to CLASSICIZE him... All the leaves with texture, the wrinkles, etc... would have made him look cooler... Take it away Dashie!
Here he gets a 3.5
2 Vine Pieces. One that clips ONLY on his right hand and one that can be put on other figures...
Super7 should do a Vine themed Weapons pack and release like 5 or 50 of those vine ropes to capture other characters. They are kind of underdetailed, but they DO COME from the lesser line.
Chokey gets a 3.0 out of 5 and it's not a bad score on its own... OK, it is, but Blame my standardized score which puts ALL THE FIGURES under a standardized metric. Now, the only good I see out of him is custom potential for a Sebrian... Now Super7 can figure out a Sebrian who is basically a new robe and head. This figure shows WHY IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE TO DO HIM JUSTICE ON A BEEFY MOTUC BUCK
Super7 should do a Vine themed Weapons pack and release like 5 or 50 of those vine ropes to capture other characters. They are kind of underdetailed, but they DO COME from the lesser line.
Chokey gets a 3.0 out of 5 and it's not a bad score on its own... OK, it is, but Blame my standardized score which puts ALL THE FIGURES under a standardized metric. Now, the only good I see out of him is custom potential for a Sebrian... Now Super7 can figure out a Sebrian who is basically a new robe and head. This figure shows WHY IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE TO DO HIM JUSTICE ON A BEEFY MOTUC BUCK
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