Since so far we have Issue 1, this may be a bit premature. But I'm trying to strike while the iron is hot! Weekend suspect that we are going to see mutated versions of Street Fighter characters on later issues, just like we did with some of Gotham's criminals in the Batman and TMNT crossover movie adaptation... because you KNOW we NEED the SFII Roster turned into Animals and other things EVEN IF THE COMIC DOESN'T. But let me make a list of characters and then discuss it a bit more.
Beargief ( Bear Zangief)
Whale Honda (Whale E Honda)
Eaguile (eagle Guile)
Jimmy the Wildboy (a reverse mutation for Blanka)
Chun Nix (Chinese Phoenix Chun Li)
Ryu (Japanese Dragon Ryu)
Baldog (Bulldog and Balrog)
Tigat (Tiger Sagat)
Vemenco (a Spiky flamingo Vega)
Inuken (a Shiba Inu Ken)
Phantsim (skinny elephant Dhalsim)
M. Bison (the M. Stands for Mutated and Bison is a Bison alternate Bison Skull head for "full psycho power mode")
Now if we want to go Super Turbo, you're welcome!
Killer Bee (Bee and Cammy)
Fei Long (Chinese Dragon Fei Long)
Thunder Hawk (T. Hawk hawk)
Mant Jay (Dee Jay Praying Mantis)
Akumainu (Akuma Japanese Lion dog)
No for the explanations. Most of them are rather obvious, but the odd choices I shall explain a bit more. I mean I will explain them all, but the odd choices will need a little bit more explanation on why I went that way instead of going out different direction. I might even mention some of the direction site had planned but didn't go there.
Beargief: this one is rather obvious. He wrestles Bears ALL the time. So it would make sense to have a big bear-like Zangief.
Whale Honda: No, it's NOT because of his weight...but Japan has a huge tradition with Whales, who are considered a gift from Ebisu.
Eaguile: American Bald Eagle was the most obvious choice for Guile
Jimmy the Wildboy: Retromutagen Ooze tends to unlock the nature of the being mutated by it or something that may have a significance on the being mutated by it. In Blanka's case, it Reveals His true nature, which is Jimmy. He just looks normal... thing Bruce Banner with Blanka's hairstyle but more slicked back and less wild. He can still channel electricity but looks normal and kinda handsome.
Chun Nix: taking the Chinese Phoenix, fenghuang. It already has the Crane legs, so I don't have to go full crane on her and save the crane for Gen. Also, while I'm not a fan of this ship, Phoenix and Dragon... made sense visually.
Ryu being a dragon... it's literally he's freaking name. Of course he's an electric Dragon because of thr Denjin Hadoken.
Baldog: I was stumped here for a while. My mind went straight to gorilla because, hear me out before you take out the pitchforks and torches. My mind went straight to gorilla because he's a boxer and gorillas have a big strong arms that could look badass boxing. I understand how horribly racist would look if you make the black guy a gorilla. Instead I chose a bulldog because I could kind of play with the name. Also I thought it would be hilarious to have Balrog be an American Bulldog while Dudley is a British bulldog.
Tigat: yes Sagat is a tiger. He has made his life about two things tigers and defeating Ryu. Also a little dark motivation for having him be a tiger. Custom Vintage inspired Tiger Claw. Makes sense, doesn't it?
Vemenco: Flamingo vega was a pain in the ass. I wanted to make him a bull first, due to his Bullfighter nature, but Bulls are too big for his small frame. I could've gpne for a Snake, but Snakes work with constricting or venom, two things Vega doesn't do. Then I had an idea in the throne room of all places: Flamingo.
First, Flamingos think they're hot, but are kinda ugly. Perfect Spirit Animal for Vega. A group of flamingos is called flamboyance and Vega has a ton of flamboyance. The brighter the Flamingo, the more violent it becomes in captivity... Vega fights in a cage. His stage has Flamenco dancers... want to know the Spanish word for Flamingo? Flamenco...
Did I mention he'd be a deranged flamingo?
Inuken: I originally wanted Ken to be a Western Dragon with Mighty Wings made of fire, but it didn't click. I could've used a Firebird, but I felt like there were too many birds. Since Ryu is a dragon, I wanted something different for Ken. I had Akuma look like a Lion dog, due to his SFV look. Lion dogs look a bit dragonesque, so I made Ken a dog. Since Ken is half Japanese, Shiba Inu was the first thing that popped into my mind.
Phantsim: Ganesha was the first thing that popped to mind.
Dhalsim has elephants in his stage. The portrait of ganesha slapped me in the face... so basically, take Dhalsim and give him Elephant feet for both hands and feet. For some poses Dhalsom can yoga stretch fingers. Give him a more Elephantine face with a trunk that reaches about his nipples in length.
M. Bison: OF COURSE! Bison had to be a Bison.
I originally wanted to make him a Slash-like creature, but making a Turtle out of the guy named BISON made no sense, so...We got M(utated) Bison! The second head being a skull is a not so subtle nod to his Shadaloo insignia. Of course I would have added purple cycle power flames in a manner similar to Ghost Rider and the Flames finding out like Wings around his horns.
Now the Super Turbo folks:
Killer Bee: Cammy's codename as as Shadaloo Doll, makes sense. Her pigtails are her antennae. She should have a bit of a Q-Bee vibe, but Cammy Styled.
Fei Long: The Chinese Dragon, while similar to the Japanese Dragon has differences in horns, toes, facial hair same principle applies to Fei Long.
This is rather simple, it's just a big ass Hawk dressed like Thunderhawk. It's self-explanatory.
Mant Jay is a Praying Mantis Dee Jay. The reason is a nod to an earlier Dee Jay concept where his pants were meabt to say Mantis, but due to sprite flipping it wouldn't have worked, therefore Mantis Became Maximum.
Akumainu is a Komainu Akuma, I already referenced SFV's look being the inspiration, since he looks like a lion... Akuma Matata and all that.
Oh no... I'm still feeling inspired and I want to do full accessory list for them.
Heads: Neutral, roaring
Hands: c-grips, fists, pointing, green fists
Misc: Soft goods Red cyclone cape, small clear stand for Beargief to sit for dancing poses with Gorbachev... but without Gorbachev.
Whale Honda:
Heads: Neutral, Laughing
Hands: c-grips, slap hands, fists, dramatic hands
Misc: Hundred hand slap effect, chankonabe bowl
One head Articulated beak
Hands: C-grips, fists, slap hands, dramatic hands
Misc: sonic boom with clear stand, pre sonic boom clip on effects for fists. MRE pizza made from sad.
Heads: Neutral, Angry, Happy
Hands: c-grips, fists, dramatic, watermelon slice hilding
Misc: clip on electricity effects, whole watermelon, watermelon slice.
Chun nix:
Heads: Neutral, winking
Hands: c-grips, fists, slap, dramatic, V-pose
Misc: kikoken with clear stand, lightning leg effect (reuses the kikoken stand)
Heads: neutral, Angry head with red and purple eyes, closed eyes
Hands: c-grips, fists, hadoken, dramatic
Misc: clear stand, Hadoken, Shakunetsu Hadoken, Metsu Hadoken, satsui no hado clip on effect for arms.
Heads: neutral, barking, happy
Gloved Fists, open glove, c-grip glove,
Oversized Bone that fits inside the barking mouth, bag of money (reuse Scratch's), half bitten turkey leg, shades, bling
Heads: neutral, roaring
Hands: c-grips, fists, dramatic
Misc: soft goods poncho thing from SFV. Tall and short clear stands, tigershot effect
Heads: Masked, broken mask like redeco Casey, unmasked with open beak.
![]() |
Deranged Flamingo Vega... |
Misc: Removable right forearm claw "armor piece" in pristine condition, removable right forearm claw "armor piece" in mangled condition, rose, flamingo Vega Mask that can be held in a Dramatic hand.
Heads: SFII Ken, SFA Ken, SFV Ken
Hands: c-grips fists, Hadoken, V-pose
Misc: clear stand, Hadoken, flame Shoryuken effect.
Heads: neutral, Yoga Fire, Happy
Hands: C-grips, dramatic, fists
Misc: swappable stretched arms (like Silverhawks) clear stand, yoga fire and yoga flame effects.
Heads: Normal, Psycho powered Skull
Hands: c-grips, fists, dramatic, purple psycho powered fists and dramatic hands
Misc: removable hat, soft goods cape, pristine purple psycho power ooze canister, broken purple psycho power Ooze cannister.
Killer Bee:
Heads: Normal, Winking, Purple Eyed Doll Mode head
Hands: dramatic, C-grips, fists, gun grips
Misc: knives and guns from Cannon Spike (inspired by the SOTA figure based on the Dreamcast game)
Fei Long:
Heads: Neutral, roaring
Hands: c-grips, fists, dramatic, slap
Misc: nunchaku with real chain, nunchaku with sculpted chain, flaming kick effect
Mant Jay:
Heads: Neutral, happy
Hands: C-grips, Dramatic, fists
Misc: maracas, Max out effect with clear stand, sunglasses, machinegun fist effect.
Heads: Neutral, angry with Satsui No Hado flowing from his eyes
Hands: c-grips, hadoken, fists, dramatic
Misc: clear stand with gohadoken (reuse Ryu's metsu hadoken), Zanku Hadoken (normal hadoken, but the hole for the stand is in a 45° angle instead of the normal 90°. Satsui no Hadou energy effect for arms, 2 sets of prayer beads (SSFIIT necklace styled and SFV over the entire torso styled)
NOW I AM DONE! This has a 99.99999999999999999997% chance of NOT happening, but in a weird way it would be cool... now if we could get a TMNT fighting game...
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