Well I got HER!!! Now unto the review: Sorry for the crappy pics but the camera has it against Lyn...
Before I start: Evil Lyn has a pack in Character, the Evil Falcon Screeech... and Evil Lyn's real name is Evelyn Morgan Powers... Screeech, Ms. Powers...

SCREECH POWERS!! Yes Dustin Diamond LOVED MOTU... Dunno if he still loves it now. It is rumored that Mario Lopez (AC Slater from Saved by the Bell.)was at a MOTU related activity back in 2002...
Here you have Evil Lyn in her package, but we should call her EMO Lyn because fo her bio. She became Evil because she had "daddy issues". Also she released Hordak AND King Hiss from captivity... Damn! She really wants to screw over Skeletor... Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned?
This is what she comes with:
Evil Lyn (Head is removeable like all the other MOTUC)
Staff/Wand Headdress (The crystal ball thing.)
Backstabbing Ceremonial Knife
Evil Falcon Armor
Evil Falcon Perch.
Now unto the review... Sacle 1 to 5. One being sucky toy that it's not worthy of being in a happy meal and 5 being most awesomest toy in the history of toys?
Articulation: These guys have a lot of articulation compared to previous MOTU lines.
But the Girls get the short end of the stick. They lost the ab crunch and their abdomen and crotch are not as detailed as the males. other than that Evil Lyn can do anything Skeletor can.
Paint/Sculpt: The 4 Horsemen outdid themselves here. They've made a modern toy looking like the vintage 80s Evil Lyn. The paint is minimal (since Mattel is very stingy on paint apps.) but it works.
I do wish that her irises were outlined. and that her dress wasn't a simple repaint of Teela's dress... (That's how it was made in the 80s...)
Accessories: She's got A LOT OF THEM... Two different styles for her crystal ball. (I'm using the short wand because there are too many staffs in MOTUC.) Screeech beats Zoar because he has armor and a Perch... (Teela came with Zoar. and Evil Lyn with Screeech... coincidence?)
Overall 3.83
Evil Lyn is a great toy, but the issues with her being basically a Teela repaint do not help her much. on the plus side her dress is made of a softer material than Teela's... This is my First Evil Lyn EVER... and I love her even if she isn't THAT great.
In the words of the Late Billy mays: But wait!! There's More!!
HORDAK!! The Ruthless (sometimes Evil) Leader of the Evil Horde!!
As soon as Hordak finishes repaying Evil Lyn from releasing him from the evil dimension of Mint on Card we shall begin with the Review.
Hordak was mostly known as the Enemy of She-Ra the Princess of Power. He also was Skeletor's mentor in the dark arts and killed King Grayskull (He-Man and She-Ra's ancestor.) Hek-Tor Kur is one evil dude, don't make fun of his real name... Hek-Tor.... unless you want to face the wrath of the Evil Horde (a one man Horde so far...)
Here's everything that comse wth Hordak:
Hek-Tor Kur Aka Hordak
200X Evil Horde Staff which looks like an Abbot's staff.
His "Pet" kinda looks like a cross between him and a gargoyle...
His Armor
His Crossbow
His Bonnet/Cape which gives off some Vatican type of look but evil...
His Horde Armband... gives off some pseudo NAZI vibe.
He's got some issues, cause his boot have his logo, his armor, his staff, his armband, even his pet looks like the Horde Insignia... (Which is Hordak's face on bat wings...)
Now the Review: 1= crap, 5 = Hyper mega awesome!!
Articulation: These guys have a lot of articulation compared to previous MOTU lines. He's got the same Articulation as He-Man or any of the other MOTUC Males.
4.0 (I miss the ML level of Artic, but this works... my biggest gripe is that the right ankle is annoyingly loose.)
Paint/Sculpt: The 4 Horsemen outdid themselves here. They've made a modern toy looking like the vintage 80s Hordak. The paint is minimal (since Mattel is very stingy on paint apps.) but it works.
there is some silver wahses on the figure and crossbow and some dry brushing but not so much.
He's got a lot of stuff, but Two of them are armor pieces, so his weapon department is reduced to crossbow, Staff and "Pet". The Pet is static and has no POA.
Overall 4.0
Hordak fared better than Evil Lyn because of his better articulation and killer Evil Sculpt. As soon as I get the weapons Pak I'm swapping the Horde Crossbow for the Silver (that Mattel keeps calling white) crossbow.
stay tuned for Part II: Mysterious figure and Weapons Pak...
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