I committed a sin, that I must correct: reviewing the Original Adora... I wasn't originally intending for the house of rants to become a sort of MOTUC Review site. It sort of happened as I was dealing with writer's block at the time. So, most of the time I opened up the figures and posed them, then forgot about using them as topics for rants/reviews... Hence the stock photo of Adora in card... I bought a Second Hand loose Adora for her head... Despara II needs a longer haired head... and I may use the buck to make a Lt. Andra stand in with the Other Marlena head (non-queen head) as a placeholder.
So, Who is Adora?
I discussed that in the Despara Review! Let's see what she's got.
I must point out she's an EARLIER MOTUC Figure, which usually meant less accessories, or more depending oh the character and she uses the Fembuck 1.0, which is in some ways more limited than the 2.0 buck.
As I just stated, she's a Fembuck 1.0 (think Queen Marlena, Evil Lyn, or Original Teela) That means she'll look weird when she turns since her leotard is now a one piece tunic.
4.0Paint and Sculpt:

Her sculpt is basically Filmation but with more realistic hair. The "leather areas" have small scoremarks to give it a leathery texture and other areas have slight detail to make the pieces look like they were stitched together. There is some slight paint bleed on the left bracer, but this Adora is slightly better than the one I got from Matty in 2010, so I may make this one my default Adora and use the other for Either a Horde Adora by repaint or make Andra... still debating on that one.
Accessories:Removable Holster and gun (Gun is based on Teela's Gun from Masters of the Universe, the Dolph Lundgren one...) Also, the Sword of Protection.
this is what I meant about Despara's thick sword handles. |
Adora gets a
4.17 as her final Score. It's a decent score. There is not much I can say seeing that she's an early figure when Mattel was somewhat experimenting. The Tunic didn't work as good as they hoped and Adora was the figure that coined the "Granny Panties" issue. Would be nice if somehow we got a "twins of Power" Release of an Adora on the 2.0 buck (preferably with a sword aloft hand) and an Adam with a sheath on his back and the capability of holding the Power Sword Aloft as well.
Now for some bonus Despara Mash-ups.
Her head looks nice on the Despara buck, but it's unmoveable... like Michael Keaton's Bat Cowl unmoveable.
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