Feb 28, 2019

The Turd of KH3 was an incomplete game...

And Squenix wants to milk more money out of us through paid DLC... There will be some free DLC too, but Didn't they learn from their colossal mistake?
Yes, I'm talking about Noctis and friends going on a roadtrip... IF they add Final Fantasy people and stuff to it, I might be interested... at the right price, of course.
While I DID enjoy the Spidey DLC, I belive that a JRPG shouldn't have to rely on these for MAIN story stuff.
Additional adventures that do not add to the main story, sure, but hiding chunks of story behind an extra paywall is bullshit.

Now Nomura has a chance to fix his greatest mistake...

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Silver Haired Momma's Boy
Raidimg Hot Topic
Silver Haired Momma's Boy

It's not a Kingdom Hearts game until you jam a Keyblade up Sephiroth's ass!

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