Mar 18, 2019

Cap'n Meh Vel ruins the MCU...

This rant has nothing to do with Brie Larson and her activism. This is all about the wrong decision of Roman Reigning Carol Danvers in the MCU  (and the mainstream comics to an extent.)
No, it's not "because she's a woman" . Like I stated before, literally 1 sentence before the previous one: it's all about of pushing a nobody as the face of the MCU, when we have other characters that are WORTHIER than Carol.

Let's talk about Carol herself... No charisma. In fact her body language (guess we could blame Brie Larson here as well) has her looking down in everyone. As if she was superior to everyone in the MCU. No, really, she talks down to everyone on the movie and looks at them with some sort of comtempt or disdain. How can you rally your heroes behind a person that looks you as if you were excrement? Or a "pink retarded monkey" which is a actual kree insult towards humans. Not to mention that she hasn't done ANYTHING heroic in the MCU... to plamet Earth, she's a thief (stole a bike and clothes), a thug, beating up that old lady... her heroic acts were for an alien race. Where was she when the Chitauri attacked, Or Ultron, or when Thanos's minions attacking New York?

She also suffers from the "Superman problem"... a virtually unbeatable character that it's hard to write. The only difference is that Superman is a likable fellow, whose heart is his biggest superpower. MCU Carol doesn't have that. Even her Endgame appearance in the trailer showcases her biggest problem. She just stands there defiantly and looks at Thor with disdain. That's it. Kevin Fiege already said she's the strongest character in the MCU... Why would we need Avengers if we have her?
Hell, even in her own movie the stakes were low... being a prequel, we KNEW She would win because the Tesseract would remain on Earth... and Ronan didn't blew us up. And the threat of his return is pointless, since he died in a dance off. Not mentioning the ease of beating Yon-Rogg.

Now Disney (and Marvel) are hellbent in Roman Reigning Danvers.  RDJ's Stark worked because despite Stark being a massive dick, RDJ made sure he was a likable dick. Especially when paired off with Boy Scout Rogers.

If Hemsworth were to stay as Thor, he could work as a face for the MCU, BECAUSE he is likable. Even ScarJo, who I can't stand, could work as leader, seeing SHE WAS THERE SINCE THE BEGINNING!! Not to mention, showed humanity. Then we have Wanda, who is also a Gem Powered Human (hopefully her Homo Superior origin can be reinstated, now that Disney has X-stuff)

And last but not least it kind of feels like she's a fanfiction character being shoved into a story that she doesn't belong in. I know she's an existing character in the comic spot in the whole MCU storyline she was nowhere to be found until she suddenly appeared. And now this character that appeared out of nowhere, is retconning everything she's the whole reason the team is called Avengers and is going to be the new leader of the Avengers after Cap and Tony kick the bucket... I loved that Captain America the Second Avenger movie...
Also, how can Carol be the "first Avenger"  when SHIELD had Ant-Man and the Wasp so, she's the "4th"... bad writing is bad...

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