Mar 1, 2021

SFV: Champion Edition: The game is no longwr a Demo, yet it feels like one

 Crapcom is at it again: EVERYTHING IS ON THE DISC, BUT IT'S BLOCKED BEHIND A PAYWALL... unless your copy is new and you have the code... that forces a 30+ GB download to UNLOCK WHAT IS ALREADY ON THE DISC, then an Additional Download. The game forces upon you the Vanilla SFV and you have to connect to Capcom's servers if you want to use anuthing beyond the SFV vanilla roster, which is a glorified demo.

Now, putting aside Crapcom's predatory practices, I have everything except Season 5. Dan from S5, I unlocked using the Story mode FM gains. I MIGHT be able to unlock another character or two with my remaining FM. I'm not a fan of online only FM requirements... but let's talk about the game itself.

It has PLENTY of characters. Some have changes that I don't like, like having charge moves become quarter circle moves, or the move changing completelt from what it used to be. Aerial moves like the Zanku Hadoken have a jump forward only restriction. This sucks because one of my ansatsuken strategies was jump away while pulling a tatsumakisenpukyaku. Now I can only go on the offensive with the tatsumakisenpukyaku, which is not my kind of attack strat. 

It has various modes of play both Online and Offline. Since I'm an anti-social gamer, I'm focusing on Offline.

It has the MK styled Story Mode, the sloppy and lazy individual character story mode where there's like 1-3 battles and that's it... well, some sloppily drawn painted storyboards that "tell the story". There's an Arcade Mode that pays tribute to the Street Fighter timeline. You have 6 paths to choose:

SF, SFAlpha, SFII, SFIV, SFV, SFIII with various characters reoresentinf each game.

So far I've only played the Street Fighter 1 path: To make up for characters that aren't in the game, SFV uses others as substitutes. Balrog (the Boxer) subs Mike, Cody subs Joe, Zeku subs Geki, and so on. Only Ryu, Ken, Birdie, and Sagat are the returning characters. Each character has an ending.

To me that would be enough, but you have the online battles, challenges, extra battles and other modes of play to round up the experience. It's a shame that it only took 4 years and 3 versions of the game to get it right.

I miss the times where paying for a game meant getting the whole thing.

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